2011年4月28日 星期四

林行止:社會流動性 Social Mobility

It's about two essays written by Mr Lam Hang Chi on social mobility, sorry I can't translate them into English.

林行止先生的評論很有份量,我也一直喜歡看,之前提到有謂林先生的「改宗社會主義」(http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=10142),更令我留意他評論有關社會平等諸議題,下面是兩篇值得一讀的林氏舊文,可見其夫子之道,解釋為何由以往的鼓吹近乎「放任的市場主義」轉為主張「箝制貪婪 規範自由 公私合作」及提倡富豪得到社會利益太多而應儘更大義務。




2011年4月27日 星期三

保留107陳白沙落車站(3) Rt 107 Bus Stop(3)



Finally there's good news! The MTRC accepts our suggestion NOT to move the Rt 107 bus stop near the SAN WUI COMMERCIAL SOC CHAN PAK SHA SCHOOL(http://www.chsc.hk/secondary/en/schooldetail.asp?sch_id=1065&scl_District=local&District=), because the MTRC can widen the section of Nam Long Shan Road near the School after the remove of the WCH bus terminal, so MTRC don't worry that the Rt 107 bus stop will block the vehicles towards Shum Wan Road and won't cause congestion. 

But the Transport Dept replied me in a meeting that it still need to 'study' our suggestion. I hope after the Dept knowing the above plan of MTRC, it will accept our suggestion too. 

2011年4月26日 星期二

前樹仁校舍地盤噪音(2) Noise Nuisance by former Shue Yan Colleage Site(2)


It's about the issue of noise nuisance by former Shue Yan Colleage Site, pls refer to my last entry: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=10622

2011年4月21日 星期四

前樹仁校舍地盤噪音(1) Noise Nuisance by former Shue Yan Colleage Site(1)






This leaflet is about noise nuisance. The Singapore International School (SIS) has took over the land site of the former Shue Yan College, which is located next to SIS, the SIS will run its secondary school in the site in the coming Sept. You may know the background of this issue from my previous entries: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=5084

The construction work is going on and rushing for completion in August, and mainly becoz of this, its workers work in the early morning on Sunday and public holiday that cause noise nuisance to Grandview Garden and South Wave Court. 

I've contacted with the constructor and SIS to follow up this issue. The constructor is really not friendly that even refused to answer our call and didn't reply our message. So we have to contact the SIS directly to raise our concern, the SIS is cooperative and sent a warning letter to the constructor and promised me to shorten the work hours so there's no noise nuisance in the early morning on Sunday and public holiday. 

Hope there is no noise nuisance in the coming holidays.

2011年4月19日 星期二

愛看青青雨後枝 New Branch



I bought this plant in Lunar New Year. Recently there are new branches growing from the old ones. It really pleases me when I check how tall the new branch grows everyday: happiness is just  simple

2011年4月18日 星期一

轉載:黃竹坑 潮玩大廠房 Weekend Weekly's Report


It't Weekend Weekly's Report on the transformation of WCH industrial area, sorry I can't translate them into English. 

Weekend Weekly 
E104-112  |   Let's go!  |   By wonder
Highlight Keywords
Highlight keyword(s) and click to start search

黃竹坑 潮玩大廠房


碎花布藝相架 $95(mirth)



On Aille:橫間背心裙 $630桃紅茄士咩圍巾 $1,100從澳洲入口的簡約女裝,最啱OL。

Artisan Shoes皮製涼鞋 $440西班牙老牌Artisan Shoes的手造涼鞋出名舒適耐穿,可惜店內暫時只有童裝尺碼(最大34號)。


多色膠杯及水壺 $50-$240白色木製廚櫃 $4,900店中部份傢俬都是由店主兩人設計或改裝而成。


走在黃竹坑道,發現馬路邊出現大大幅橫額印著「mirth」一字,究竟葫蘆裡賣的是什麼「歡樂」?一於從後樓梯上去探個究竟。推開大門,我以為自己去了歐洲!5,000呎大的「mirth」原來是一間極有型的北歐風雜貨店,由兩位來自澳洲及紐西蘭的媽咪級老闆娘Kylie及Alex開設。她們因工作關係經常周遊列國,搜尋特色家品及服裝,並將意大利、紐約等地有趣的戰利品放進自己店裡,如法國老牌Bensimon、英國LisaStickley都是她們至愛。 件件令人愛不釋手,最難得係工廠區無咁貴租,同級貨品比市區平得多!

歡樂天地我們都是童裝設計師,因工作常要世界各地周圍走。眼見香港較難買到有特色的歐洲設計家品, 因利成便將它們帶來香港。店內所有裝潢設計都是以歡樂為主題,故店子取名「mirth」,就是想每一位進來的客人都有開心的感覺。

Lisa Stickley防水印花手挽袋$790著名英國布藝品牌,曾經crossover Burberry、Paul Smith等出手袋及家品。

澳洲手工陶瓷茶壺 $1,680茶杯$280

Lisa Stickley水墨花防水銀包 $295

澳洲Ferm 印花圖案背心裙 $190

法國Bensimon經典布鞋 $480

mirth地址:黃竹坑道23號BT Centre M樓營業時間:10am-6pm(周二至日)查詢:2553 9811

平貴任揀 復古家具



L&E Arts& Crafts Limited地址:黃竹坑道42號利美中心21樓營業時間:10am-5:30pm查詢:2546 9886

木雕古董鏡箱優惠價 $500原價 $1,200



木製光碟櫃 $800打開四個櫃門,可以放百多隻光碟。

平民藝廊 入型入格


肥女人擺設 $1,839/個

透明樹脂瓶 (一套三件)$3,356

天使雕塑 $630使用仿大理石的聚脂物料製造,減低成本卻不失貴氣。(約50cm高)

竹枝座地燈 $3,987同場有多款泰國製的木材及竹枝燈座,設計簡約。

simply décor地址:黃竹坑業發街1號The Factory 601室營業時間:11am-7pm(周一至五)、

11am-6pm(周六及日)查詢:2357 9738


躺在Burnt Oringe的床鋪上,自覺如樹熊, 因為床單是用尤加利樹變出來的!全港唯一獲Green Business認證的環保床品公司,陳列室中只展示了有機棉及尼龍製的兩種床單,其中尼龍系列 採用混入尤加利樹木的「TENCEL」布料, 令床單摸上手好似絲絹一樣幼滑,且吸濕力強。兩款床單都是使用100%有機原料, 大大減低皮膚敏感的問題。


Burnt Oringe地址:黃竹坑道23號BT Centre 8樓營業時間:9am-6pm(周一至五,需預約時間)查詢:2529 6555

高科技 空中高爾夫

室內高爾夫球場不罕見,但同時擁有高科技器材及千呎露天空中球場的,真是全港獨有!開業數月的Leader Golf 佔地7,000呎,有齊適合初學者及專業人士的高爾夫球設施,包括專業球手用的模擬坡度球場、唔識打都啱玩的模擬18洞高爾夫球場遊戲等,更提供連活士都用的世界級儀器幫你度身訂造球焊,極罕!



Leader Golf地址:黃竹坑道23號BT Centre 5樓營業時間:12nn-11pm(周一至五)、10am-11pm(周六及日)查詢:2518 0878收費:場地設施按小時收費,$60-$180不等。

最齊器材 減肚腩

Pilates減肚腩最使得,但坊間健身中心的有關器材較少, Flex剛搬到5,000呎黃竹坑新址,引入全港最齊器材包括Wunda Chair、Reformer等。除成人Pilates,又有瑜伽、跆拳道班,小朋友都可以玩。駐場導師更有曾經代表香港泳隊參加奧運的Annemarrie Munk!最方便還是課堂以單堂計算,唔使簽約,血拼前後都可以預約做埋運動!

Wunda Chair這個名為「side-over」的動作,可以鍛鍊腰部肌肉,將call機肉踢走。

Flex Yoga & Pilates Studio地址:黃竹坑道43號偉晉中心2期1樓營業時間:8am-10pm(隨課堂而定)費用:每堂$250起查詢:2813 2212

一站式 健康私房菜


鮑羅萬有 (只限晚市提供)將鮑魚慢火煎熟,用海鹽帶出鮮味,再配米粉上枱, 少油之餘口感新鮮。

年年有餘採用香港仔獨有的「懵仔魚(魚仲) 」,慢慢煙燻至金黃色,表面香脆不失魚鮮。


Vie Club地址:黃竹坑業發街12號松柏工業大廈4樓A1室營業時間:只做午及晚市,需預約人均消費:午市$80起/晚市$250起,其他活動收費可瀏覽www.vieclub.com查詢:9107 6933

平食四星級 自助Tea

工廠食四星級食府,七十蚊有找!酒店餐廳LIZ的陳師傅師承法籍大廚,每日三點鐘供應超過30款的骰杯裝甜品;晚市近來就推出避風塘海鮮自助餐, 新增避風塘炒花蟹、辣煮琵琶蝦等菜式, 仲有買二送一優惠,為血拼一日劃上完美句號。


任選半自助甜品紅桑子千層餅、豆腐慕絲、綠茶法式燉蛋等都有, 任選五款。

Liz L' Hotel Island South 地址:黃竹坑道55號營業時間:6:30am- 9:30pm自助下午茶:$68(周一至日3pm-6pm)自助晚餐:成人$418,小童$238(周一至四)、成人$448,小童$258(周五至日)查詢:3968 8833備註:自助晚餐買二送一優惠由16/3-31/5。

text : wonder photo : May、康、有關機構 Model : Allie@Starz people Wardrobe :The Emporium design : Kawa


DOCUMENT ID: 201103149709703

2011年4月15日 星期五

香港仔中心籌款 Fund Raising in Aberdeen


My colleague Andrew Fung Wai Kwong and Rocky Liu and I raised fund for Democratic Party at Aberdeen this afternoon. We raised around$2000 in two hours. 

2011年4月14日 星期四

新眼鏡 New Glasses


It's the new glasses I received as a gift from a friend of mine in Chinese University. He's a committee member of the 'China Study Society', I was the president then. 

2011年4月13日 星期三

保留107陳白沙落車站(2) Rt 107 Bus Stop(2)


It's about the signature campaign for the Rt 107 issue I raised yesterday. Ref: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?new=1&mid=10583 

2011年4月12日 星期二

第1000個網誌:保留107陳白沙落車站(1) 1000 Entries:Rt 107 Bus Stop(1)








It's my number 1000 blog entry in 4 years! I'm confident to claim this is the most up to date website about community work among all district Councillors in HK. And it's more important for you if you can only read English, I'm sorry that some of the content in this blog are Chinese only, and some are only abstract, but please believe me that I've been doing very hard to maintain this blog as bilingual as possible. 

This leaflet is about the bus stop for Rt 107 near the SAN WUI
http://www.chsc.hk/secondary/en/schooldetail.asp?sch_id=1065&scl_District=local&District=), it may be moved forward to the food market or move backward to the ex-Shue Yan College bus stop. I demand for maintain this Rt 107 bus stop coz it's the most convenient point for all resident in our district. We have been using this bus stop for over 2 years, it proves that it has no negative traffic impact at all. 

You may know more about the background of this issue at http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/searchblog_art?p=107&my=1

2011年4月10日 星期日

南朗山道枯樹 Dead Tree


A dead tree was cut last month. The tree was in the ex-WCH Estate, but the branch reached out to Nam Long Shan Road that may cause danger, so I asked the concerned dep't to cut the tree to avoid potential accident. 

2011年4月7日 星期四

山寨版的「進步發展觀」 GDP and GNH


上文提到的不能片面追求GDP增長,其實是源於GNH(gross national happiness)這個源於歐美近年新的社會發展觀念,如果將這種新發展觀視為可借鏡的先進經驗的話,香港又落後於內地了。關於GNH,可見我早前的網誌:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/searchblog_art?p=GDP&my=1

The CE Donald Tsang advocated his idea of 'progressive development', which copied from mainland's idea of 'scientific development' in his Policy Address two years ago, now the mainland gov't campaigning about the concept of GNH(gross national happiness) , I wonder when the CE will copy this idea. 

About GNH, pls refer to my previous entries: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/searchblog_art?p=GDP&my=1

2011年4月6日 星期三

4月份法律諮詢 Free Legal Consultation Service(April)

The following is the arrangment of legal consultation service this month, pls call us if you need the service. 

政治和正治 Hong Kong will benefit from being politicised




The SCMP's editorial two days ago is worth sharing, because it's rare for the press, or official or politician to mention the benefit of HK being politicised, especially in a city which the name of politics is poisoned by mean criticism(http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=4191). 

Yet it's a good sign for HK as a free society, as I said before, it's a closed society if few people dare to talk about politics. (http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3464

南華早報  (發行量 / 接觸人次: 100,004) 2011-04-04
EDT14 | EDT | editorial標示關鍵字
字數: 593 字
Hong Kong will benefit from being politicised   

Last week, the city's most influential tycoon, election committee member, Grand Bauhinia Medal recipient and Basic Law drafter, Li Ka-shing, expressed concern that "Hong Kong has been politicised". It is unclear why Li felt that Hong Kong's politicisation was a cause for concern since he himself seemed happy to meet President Hu Jintao last year in what must presumably have been a show of his respect towards Hu's political status. Li's only elaboration of that remark was that he hoped "those who care about the territory will act for the benefit of Hong Kong". Ordinarily, politicisation is something to be welcomed and many people around the world would snap up any chance to be involved in a genuine political process. Civil strife has been breaking out across North Africa and the Middle East precisely because the people are now desperate for a real political process that can ensure their leaders "act for the benefit" of their nations and not just themselves.

However, there are indeed valid concerns about the nature of Hong Kong's politicisation. More and more political parties and organisations are being born causing potential confusion among the constituents. Lawmakers and activists are resorting to more radical methods to generate publicity for themselves. This in itself is not a problem - all directly elected lawmakers around the world are aware of the need to show they are representing the interests of their voters. But in Hong Kong, expressions of discontent only get as far as the legislature, where there are fiery debates that do not necessarily influence policymaking. Many lawmakers are now directly accountable to the public, but the chief executive and his administration are not. Hence Hong Kong's politicisation has so far given the people means to voice their discontent, but denied them effective means to turn those views into long-term policies. This, as Li has remarked, is a concern.

It now appears that Hong Kong is in fact in urgent need of a leader who is directly accountable to the general population. Fortunately, since that landmark 2007 chief executive election when the Civic Party's Alan Leong Kah-kit competed with Donald Tsang Yam-kuen for the post, it is now inconceivable that Hong Kong's chief executive should be rubber-stamped without reaching out to the people, making pledges and at least making a show of going through an election process. Current Chief Secretary, Henry Tang Ying-yen, and convenor of the Executive Council, Leung Chun-ying, have long been rumoured as possible candidates. Now, there are indications that Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee may also enter the race.

Given Ip's unpopularity as the secretary for security, her emergence as a candidate for chief executive marks a dramatic political renaissance. But since her resignation in 2003, the increased appetite for competitive elections in Hong Kong has transformed Ip into a politician who now responds to the mood of the people. She took a firm stance against amending the law which now allows developers to seek compulsory sale of a building after acquiring 80 per cent of the property interests in it, down from 90 per cent. Ip has been "politicised" and is now one of the most recognisable and popularly elected lawmakers. This is the power of election politics. Hopefully, the upcoming chief executive election will be a hotly contested affair, with a number of candidates and open debates to ensure that our future leader is to some extent similarly "politicised". Li hoped that those who care for the city will act for the benefit of Hong Kong. This can be achieved by more politicisation, not less.