我邀請中大好友瀏覽網誌,剛歐遊回港的Y君送給我一道湯水秘方,真的多謝朋友的關心 。這是Y君很久前提及的處方,還記得當時Y君還笑說我飲了後,就不用去找Jackelyn云云。
Dear Friends,
My blog has been updating for a while, I'm sure you will know more about my community work if you pay a visit.( http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/ ).
Your comments are always welcome. Thanks.
Dear Kevin,
Thx for your invitation. You seem very busy as there're so many activities on your blog....
You look so smart on the poster po..haha...
Many news clips. Should take a look later.
BTW, here's the soup receipt which I mentioned to you before.
My brother drank it once a day 2 years ago and his skin (esp. the face) improved a lot. Less spots have been found.
Have a look:
1) 蛇舌草兩半半
2) 蠔屎7隻
3) 將4 碗水煲成1 碗 (但不加任何調味料, 即不加鹽及糖)
**整個療程為30天, 中途不可斷。
Hope it help~ Write soon.
Thx for caring my face........
BTW, could I post your reply to my blog.....haha...of coz your name and email address will not be shown.
I'm serious abt it.
Haha..you mean the mzg about saying "you are smart" or "soup receipt"??
Anyway, posting either one or both are ok for me.