2009年4月27日 星期一

跟進港鐵噪音:聯同甘乃威與復康中心開會 Kam Nai Wai Meeting with JCRC

今天甘乃威和我與東華三院騫馬會復康中心(JCRC)及其家長代表會,這是兩星期前一起實地視察高架後我的跟進工作,以繼續跟進南區地鐵高架路軌的噪音及景觀影響,原因及理據可見我先前網誌 (視察港鐵高架路軌 Site visit with MTRC and JCRC)。


After having the joint site visit about 2 weeks ago, Legislative Councillor Mr Kam Nai Wai and I had a meeting with the JCRC and the representative parents of the patients, in order to follow up the noise impact of the elevated railway of MTR SIL project. You could know more about my reasons and this issue at :視察港鐵高架路軌 Site visit with MTRC and JCRC.

There are many mental patients are living in the JCRC, most of them are sensitive to the noise that may to have negative impact on their health. As a district councillor, I feel entitled to fight for their protection because they are the weakest group of our society.

4 則留言:

青蛙仔 提到...


Peko momo 提到...

加油哦 !!

羽毛球勁人 提到...


ka chun 提到...

[版主回覆05/05/2009 12:20:00]多謝。