我曾經想在網友Joe的DY Club舉辦聚餐,可惜DY Club在約兩個月前結業了。如果以後想舉辦的話,就要另覓地點了:我辦事處沒什麼娛樂,搞大食會怕悶著大家,似乎並不是好選擇;辦事處所在大廈的燒烤場或可考慮;也可考慮到二樓Coffee室或卡拉OK聚餐(先旨聲明:我歌藝驚人....差得驚人。哈哈)。
I had an idea to have a gathering for netfriends, mainly for visitors of this blog. I hope we could have a chance to chat and talk about all our work and life. It's mere an idea so far but yesterday when I was writing the blog article, it reminded me the idea and I hope we could make it real.
We may have a gathering at my office or have a BBQ at Jumbo Court or other ways of gathering. Pls let me know if you have any suggestion.
3 則留言:
有時間一定支持你, 搞咩都無所謂啦!
[版主回覆05/27/2009 13:55:00]多謝多謝. 如果搞的話, 可能要搵你做義工, 話晒你做開聚會安排.....哈哈.
[版主回覆06/01/2009 17:00:00]多謝。
[版主回覆06/01/2009 17:00:00]多謝美寶!