2010年10月4日 星期一

黃竹坑巴士總站搬遷問卷調查(2) Survey on the Removal of WCH Bus Terminal(2)



This leaflet is about the result of the survey we conducted last month, the background of this issue, pls refer to http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=9721 and 

We got 105 questionnaires, the result shows that 76% of the respondent worries 
the bus routes and service may be cut after the removal; 75% of the respondent worries the traffic around Nam Long Shan Road will be worse; 72% and 67%
of the respondent worries the noise and air pollution will be more serious.

The TD and the MTRC haven't release the details of the removal plan yet, it worries us that in case any mis-arrangement, the traffic will be chaotic and bring very negative impact to our neighborhood. 
