2011年5月30日 星期一



2011年5月29日 星期日

六四遊行 June 4: The Pain Still Remains



As I did in the past 14 years, yesterday I took part in the demostration of demanding for Redressing the June 4 Movement, as the pain still remains in our hearts. You may refer to my previous blog entries:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/searchblog_art?p=%E5%85%AD%E5%9B%9B&my=1

2011年5月26日 星期四

練乙錚:貧富懸殊及社會流動性 Social Mobility



It's about a book written by Mr Lian Yick Tsang. I learnt a lesson about social mobility from this book. sorry I can't translate the essays into English.

香港國際藝術節  Art HK 2011

不知不覺,一年一度的ART HK今天正式重臨香港。我前兩年均有去參觀,去年作品稍遜,希望今年的會更出色(http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/searchblog_art?p=ART+HK&my=1)。

The ART HK 2011 is opened today! For more, you could visit: http://www.hongkongartfair.com/chi/visiting/opening-hours/1/

and it's my experience with this exhibition: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/searchblog_art?p=ART+HK&my=1


公眾開放時間:5月26日至28日 中午12時至晚上7時 5月29日 中午12時至下午5時




注:這是一幅畫,並不是照片 !

PS: it's a painting, not photo!

補注:在網友網誌看到的作品令我想起去北京時看到的下面這幅作品,這也是我的facebook profile picture。若網友同意並不介意我這個網誌的政治背景,我再將展品及其link放上來。

再補:多謝網友同意我使用她的照片。兩年前我也是因偶然看她的網誌而去參觀ART HK的,而因為這樣的機緣,我更因而結識了現在的未婚妻,所以我曾特意多謝她。她網誌內有很多介紹藝術展覽和作品介紹,詳可見:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/coco-thesailor?suc=1

又,早幾天出了醜,以為上述第二張照片是ART 11的展品,經網友指出才知道是中環廣場展出的劉野星星相惜展覽作品,第一張有小熊的才是ART 11內的展品。這次真是令自己貽笑大方了,以後要小心才是。

The above photo reminds me the following works: 




2011年5月20日 星期五

南濤閣業主大會 EGM of South Wave Court



The EGM has successfully held. Over 200 owners attened the meeting and 9 new members of Incorporated Owners were elected. 

最後呼籲出席南濤閣業主大會 EGM of South Wave Court


It's our final call to urge residents of South Wave Court to attend the EMG. Background of this issue, pls refer to http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=10669&prev=10679&next=10665

2011年5月18日 星期三

港鐵開始「唔好意思」黃竹坑 Excuse me, Wong Chuk Hang


The re-development of ex-WCH Estate is finally started, today the MTR started its construct work inside the land. The explosion work will take place next month, for more, pls refer to http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=10665

南區新聞:呼籲出席南濤閣業主大會 EGM of South Wave Court


It's a press release published in a local paper, for the background of this issue, pls visit http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/searchblog_art?p=%E5%8D%97%E6%BF%A4%E9%96%A3&my=1

2011年5月15日 星期日

南濤閣管理問卷調查 Questionnaire abt SWC


It's a questionnaire about the management of South Wave Court, pls call us if you need the English version.   

2011年5月14日 星期六

南濤閣屋苑管理座談會 Meeting with SWC Resident


We're going to have a meeting about the management of SWC and a voluntary lawyer will go with me to answer residents' question. 

Date: 17 May
Time: 8pm
Venue: meeting room of IO

Pls call us if you want to know details of this meeting.

background of this issue, pls refer to http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=10669

2011年5月12日 星期四

呼籲出席南濤閣業主大會(2) General Meeting of South Wave Court(2)


It's about the general meeting of South Wave Court owners, pls refer to http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=10669

2011年5月11日 星期三

呼籲出席南濤閣業主大會 General Meeting of South Wave Court





所以我呼籲業主關注自己的權益,積極出席業主大會,補選新的委員,使法團及屋苑管理重入正軌。三年前我曾協助重組雅濤閣法團及珍寶閣法團,至今均運作順暢。 這次我也希望能協助南濤閣度過難關。

It's a leaflet about asking owners of South Wave Court(SWC) to attend the general meeting on 10 am, 21 May. A few days ago the management company formally informed the SWC to end the contract with SWC on 31 July, claiming that the company can't accept the ' minimum wage measure' taking by the Incorporate Owners(IO). 

Strangely enough that 9 members of the IO committee quited, I really don't think it's reasonable to quit the IO committee in this crucial situation. But the urgent job the SWC should focus on is holding the general meeting for electing new members to form the committee, or the Committee simply can't function because of lacking of quorum. And it'll become a disaster for resident of SWC if no enough new members be elected to from a new committee. 

And it's why I distribute this leaflet to ask and urge more owners to attend the general meeting. 

黃竹坑6月展開爆破工程 Explosion Work at ex-WCH Estate




The MTR SIL project is going to proceed in July and the explosive way of construction will be used at ex-WCH Estate, in order to level the land to build the depot. I'm confident that the safety measurement could be taken properly, but because the distance between the explosion site and the community is so close, the standard of the measurement of noise, dust and shock and traffic should be stricter, in order to prevent nuisance to the community around the ex-WCH Estate. 

Here's the info of the explosion work:

Number of explosion each day: once per day, will last a few seconds; 
Period of explosion: one year; 
Time of explosion: afternoon, probably before 4pm, the notice will be released to the public 2 or 3 weeks before the explosion; 
Traffic control: Nam Long Shan Road and the Police School Road will be closed for about 10 minutes before the explosion, but the emergency vehicles have priority.

2011年5月8日 星期日

母親節一日遊 Local Trip on Mother's Day



Yesterday is mother's day, we've successfully held our local trip(http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=10439). If you want to know more about the exhibition of Centenary of China’s 1911 Revolution at the HK Museum of History, pls visit: http://hk.history.museum/en/ex_special_gabming_dec10.php

2011年5月7日 星期六

母親節快樂 Happy Mother's Day










2011年5月5日 星期四

深灣道路安全島削一段斑馬線 One Section of Belisha Beacon to Cut


The WCH bus terminal will be moved to the site in front of Singapore International School, some traffic re-allocations will be proceed, such as the belisha beacon in the below picture is going to be cut due to the South Island Line project.  


The other two sections of the belisha beacon will not be affected, because it's a necessary way for people to cross Nam Long Shan Road and Shum Wan Road. 


2011年5月4日 星期三

船河一日遊 Local Trip


It's a local trip on 19 June. We'll take bus to Sai Kung and take travel boat to Crooked Island(Kat O). Pls call us for details if you are interested. 

Eva Hoffman:Blood Politics


"one could witness fistfights in parliaments ranging from Iraq to Taiwan, Turkey, and, most spectacularly, Ukraine. To us, such behavior looks untoward, or even uncivilized; to the participants, it is probably experienced as a natural overflow of righteous feeling.... how far can the separation between person and politician be taken – and to what extent do we really give it credence?"


Blood Politics

Eva Hoffman

LONDON – The race for the leadership of the British Labour Party isn’t normally a world-shaking event. But the recent contest between two brothers – David and Ed Miliband – not only provided the material for a riveting family drama; it also illustrated some peculiarities of democratic cultures that often go un-noted – and the strange relationship between the personal and the political that is built into the   hierarchy of democratic protocol.  

Politics, or at least the exercise of power, was traditionally a family affair. Kings typically hankered after male heirs, because power was vested through filial lineage, and distributed through tribal affiliations.

Hereditary power did not necessarily make for warm and open family relations. Henry VIII was willing to execute two wives and overturn Christendom in pursuit of a son. There are examples, in polygamous societies, of royal concubines murdering each other’s children in order to assure the predominance of their genetic line. The Ottomans introduced the practice of “judicial royal fratricide,” supposedly to prevent civil war.

Whether it involved absolute loyalty or murderous rivalry, traditional politics was rarely divorced from personal passion. Not so in modern Western democracies, where personal passions are, at least in theory, supposed to be completely separate from the impersonal representation of group interests.

Democracy, in its Greek origins, began with the creation of a public sphere distinct from the family and its intense emotions. But modern democracies – especially those conducted on the Anglo-Saxon model – take this further, by attempting to separate not only the private from the public, but the person from the politician.

The division is in a sense inscribed in the democratic spectacle. After presidential debates in the United States or Britain, the contenders, who may have been accusing each other of the most unforgivable of sins, shake hands vigorously and give each other genial and encouraging smiles.

No matter how much Barack Obama may have loathed the views of George W. Bush, he had to be initiated into state secrets by the former president, in a confidential – and undoubtedly genial – meeting. In parliamentary debates, fierce ideological battles may be the order of the day, but ad hominemattacks are off limits.

This is undoubtedly to the good, and necessary to the conduct of orderly democratic life; but to those not used to it, the ability to combine enmity with bonhomie can seem counterintuitive. Indeed, it may be that the transition from passionate to impersonal politics is one of the most difficult challenges facing democratizers everywhere.

In pre-1989 Eastern Europe, for example, politicians’ ideological positions were seen as inseparable from their moral, or human, self. Those who were on the wrong side of the political divide were not only guilty of erroneous views; they were seen as wrong in their essence, and therefore to be condemned and hated.

The idea that you could treat political enemies jovially, and perhaps have a drink with them after hours – or enter into a coalition government with them – can seem not only unnatural, but even a bit indecent, in such circumstances. Indeed, in some young democracies, or more volatile cultures, the suspension of personal feeling is not always successfully maintained.

Just last year, one could witness fistfights in parliaments ranging from Iraq to Taiwan, Turkey, and, most spectacularly, Ukraine. To us, such behavior looks untoward, or even uncivilized; to the participants, it is probably experienced as a natural overflow of righteous feeling.

Clearly, parliamentary brawls are not a desirable modus operandi. But how far can the separation between person and politician be taken – and to what extent do we really give it credence?

The Miliband race was an extreme example of what might be called counter-nepotism – the attempt to abstract the politician from all private attachments. As the two brothers sat on platforms together, challenging each other’s views, they tried to maintain the double fiction that, on the one hand, there was no special bond between them, and, on the other, that their sometimes fierce disagreements did not taint their fraternal affections.

For a while, everybody played politely along; but the tricky double-think involved in this was exposed when the younger brother, Ed, won the leadership, by a razor-thin margin, in a last-minute upset. Suddenly, this didn’t seem quite right. In the media, comparisons to Esau’s theft of Jacob’s birthright and to various Shakespearean tragedies began to abound. David Miliband’s decision to retreat from front-line politics made it evident that a symbolic beheading had taken place – and one wonders if Ed Miliband won’t be haunted, and therefore hampered, à la Macbeth, by the psychological violence he committed.

In judging candidates for high office, we are encouraged to eschew “personality politics,” and to disregard such aspects of politicians’ identities as their spiritual lives, their private behavior (unless obvious transgressions are committed), and their appearance and aesthetic tastes. In practice, few of us can manage to compartmentalize our perceptions – and, perhaps, doing so would not be desirable.

We may not want politicians to be driven by self-interest, but we need to acknowledge that they have selves, which are formed by a multitude of factors – and passions. In other words, if we do not want to reduce our vision of politics to policy processing, we need to remember – if only for the sake of fuller and more realistic judgment – that politicians are human, too.

Eva Hoffman, the author of Lost in Translation and After Such Knowledge, is a former editor of The New York Times.

Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2010.

2011年5月2日 星期一

5月法律諮詢 Free Legal Consultation Service(May)

Here's the date of our legal consultation service in May: 
6 May; 13 May; 20 May and 26 May.
Pls call us for details if you need to consult professional legal advice. 

2011年5月1日 星期日

D. H. Lawrence on Industrialization: Work for Life BUT NOT Live for Work

Today is Labor's Day, I think it's a perfect time for me to share with you this old entry, especially for the time that the minimum wage law becomes effective today. And it's time for me(can I say for us?) to reflect what is decent life for HK people, and what's our responsibility for the decent life of those who are less benefitted from our society.(http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3153):

A friend sent me back the following paragraph which I shared with her when I was reading D H Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover. I told her that this paragraph reminds me of the process of industrialization in China and the post-industrial life in HK.

My friend told me to keep the above thought in mind. She reminds me that I once said that if I am placed in a position with great responsibility, I will try ways to improve the unbearable human situation, because we deserve a more decent life in a rich city like HK; and because we should work for life but NOT live for work.

Thanks my friend. I still think the same way, I still hold this faith in my heart, and I will keep working hard to achieve a decent life for all of us.

I know it’s another mission impossible, but I believe it’s a noble mission that worth fighting for.

“Tevershall! That was Tevershall! Merrie England! Shakespeare's England! No, but the England of today, as Connie had realized since she had come to live in it. It was producing a new race of mankind, over-conscious in the money and social and political side, on the spontaneous, intuitive side dead, but dead. Half-corpses, all of them: but with a terrible insistent consciousness in the other half. There was something uncanny and underground about it all. It was an under-world. And quite incalculable. How shall we understand the reactions in half-corpses? When connie saw the great lorries full of steel-workers from Sheffield, weird, distorted smallish beings like men, off for an excursion to Matlock, her bowels fainted and she thought: Ah God, what has man done to man? What have the leaders of men been doing to their fellow men? They have reduced them to less than humanness; and now there can be no fellowship any more! It is just a nightmare.

She felt again in a wave of terror the grey, gritty hopelessness of it all. With such creatures for the industrial masses, and the upper classes as she knew them, there was no hope, no hope any more. Yet she was wanting a baby, and an heir to Wragby! An heir to Wragby! She shuddered with dread.

Yet Mellors had come out of all this!---Yes, but he was as apart from it all as she was. Even in him there was no fellowship left. It was dead. The fellowship was dead. There was only apartness and hopelessness, as far as all this was concerned. And this was England, the vast bulk of England: as Connie knew, since she had motored from the centre of it. “

……from D H Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover (P. 159-160)