The MTR SIL project is going to proceed in July and the explosive way of construction will be used at ex-WCH Estate, in order to level the land to build the depot. I'm confident that the safety measurement could be taken properly, but because the distance between the explosion site and the community is so close, the standard of the measurement of noise, dust and shock and traffic should be stricter, in order to prevent nuisance to the community around the ex-WCH Estate.
Here's the info of the explosion work:
Number of explosion each day: once per day, will last a few seconds;
Period of explosion: one year;
Time of explosion: afternoon, probably before 4pm, the notice will be released to the public 2 or 3 weeks before the explosion;
Traffic control: Nam Long Shan Road and the Police School Road will be closed for about 10 minutes before the explosion, but the emergency vehicles have priority.
1 則留言:
好多工程的環境影響評估都無將環境基線寫入報告, 唔知南港島線(東段)的展開日期會唔會受港珠澳大橋環評司法覆核的影響?
[版主回覆05/15/2011 19:56:00]應該不會吧。