2011年6月9日 星期四

黃竹坑勢取代香港仔,成為南區新中心 Transformation of WCH




The WCH industrial area has been rezoned into a business and hotel area, there're 14 new projects are going to be turned into business offices or hotel. Details pls refer to http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/201106/01/P201106010208.htm;  http://gia.info.gov.hk/general/201106/01/P201106010208_0208_79738.pdf

I believe that WCH will replace Aberdeen as new center of the Southern District, not only because of the above development, but also the development of MTR SIL project and the Ocean Park. For more, pls refer to my previous entries: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/searchblog_art?p=%E6%96%B0%E4%B8%AD%E5%BF%83&my=1 and http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=10840&prev=10844&next=10749

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  以下為今日(六月一日) 立法會會議上潘佩璆議員的提問和發展局局長林鄭月娥的書面答覆:


  近日有傳媒報道,港鐵南港島線工程已經展開, 加上政府推出活化工廈計劃,多家私人發展商均放棄原來於黃竹坑商 貿區發展酒店的計劃。就此,政府可否告知本會:

(一)當局曾否就黃竹坑商貿區的發展計劃進行任何諮詢; 若曾進行諮詢,詳情為何(包括曾舉行多少次諮詢活動、 以及每次活動的參與人數);

(二)截至目前為止,當局共批出多少個位於黃竹坑商貿區的地段的 酒店發展規劃許可申請;有關地段合共的面積,以及該面積佔整個黃 竹坑商貿區的土地面積的百分比為何;是否知悉, 當中已興建及即將於本年內動工興建酒店的地段的面積為何, 而另外有哪些發展商會將酒店用途更改為商廈用途; 該等土地用途的更改是否須獲得當局的批准;若是, 當局以甚麼準則考慮是否予以批准;若否,原因為何;及

(三)當局最初在黃竹坑商貿區進行活化工廈計劃時, 是否屬意將該區的土地改作酒店用途;若是, 有關計劃至今未如理想,當局會否重新檢討該區的發展方向, 以及就此重新諮詢公眾;若會,詳情為何;若否,原因為何?



(一)於二○○一年把黃竹坑的工業用地改劃為「其他指定用途」 註明「商貿」地帶(下稱「商貿」地帶)的過程中, 城市規劃委員會(下稱「城規會」)按法定及行政程序進行諮詢, 包括根據《城市規劃條例》展示《香港仔及鴨脷洲分區計劃大綱圖》 (下稱「大綱圖」)的有關修訂, 以供公眾查閱及受影響人士提出反對, 以及諮詢當時南區區議會轄下的社區建設、文康及旅遊事務委員會。

  其後,在制訂黃竹坑商貿區的建築物高度限制時, 城規會同意規劃署進行公眾諮詢,而就此規劃署於二○○ 五年九月至十一月展開為期兩個月的公眾諮詢,包括舉行公眾論壇。 諮詢期間亦曾徵詢南區區議會、黃竹坑及赤柱分區委員會, 以及土地及建設諮詢委員會轄下的規劃小組委員會的意見。 出席各諮詢活動的人士除了上述各委員會的委員外, 亦包括參與其中的公開會議及論壇之公眾人士。 規劃署並無記錄參與人數的統計數字。 城規會在考慮了收集到的意見後, 已把有關高度限制修訂納入大綱圖,並於二○○六年根據《 城市規劃條例》展示,以供公眾查閱及作出申述, 以及諮詢南區區議會轄下的規劃、工程及房屋事務委員會。

(二)城規會在二○○一年將黃竹坑的工業用地(約8.3公頃) 由「工業」地帶改劃為「商貿」地帶, 以鼓勵現有工業樓宇及用地轉作或重建作商業及非污染性的工業用途 。自此,城規會批准發展酒店的土地共14幅(約1.6公頃), 佔整個黃竹坑商貿區的土地面積約19.3%。14幅土地中, 其中7幅的規劃許可已失效;另有一幢酒店於去年落成。 餘下的6幅土地中,2幅已獲政府同意修改土地契約條款, 可作酒店用途, 4幅則已修改地契作不包括酒店的非工業或非住宅用途。因此, 現時已興建及即將興建酒店的土地預計有3幅,佔地約0. 37公頃,佔黃竹坑商貿地帶約4.5%。一如上述, 確有申請人在取得規劃許可後沒有進行酒店發展,不過, 值得留意的是在「商貿」地帶內,酒店發展屬第二欄用途, 須獲城規會批准, 但興建商業樓宇作辦公室用途則無須向城規會申請規劃許可。位於「 商貿」 地帶的地段最終發展為寫字樓或酒店用途乃發展商的商業決定。 事實上,在7幅早前獲批作酒店發展用途但規劃許可已失效的土地, 4幅已完成修改土地契約條款作不包括酒店的非工業或非住宅用途, 並已作辦公室發展或已提交辦公室建築圖則。 有關14幅用地的資料,請參閱附件一。

(三)把黃竹坑商貿區劃作「商貿」 地帶的規劃意向是作一般商貿用途,如非污染工業用途、 辦公室及其他商業用途等, 以便為區內現有工業樓宇和工業及辦公室兩用樓宇的使用, 以及作商業及非污染工業用途的新建築物的發展,提供靈活性。 自改劃用途地帶後,該工業區已逐漸轉型, 陸續出現新商貿樓宇和酒店,與該區的規劃意向相符,預計於二○ 一五年完工的南港島線(東段)亦將促進黃竹坑一帶的工廠大廈重建 作商貿用途。



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LCQ13: Wong Chuk Hang Business Area

LCQ13: Wong Chuk Hang Business Area

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Following is a question by the Hon Dr Pan Pey-chyou and a written reply by the Secretary for Development, Mrs Carrie Lam, in the Legislative Council today (June 1):


According to recent media reports, the MTR South Island Line project has commenced, coupled with the launch of the revitalisation of industrial buildings scheme by the Government, a number of private developers have abandoned their original hotel development plans in theWong Chuk Hang Business Area (WCHBA). In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:

(a) whether the authorities have conducted any consultation on the development plan for WCHBA; if they have, of the details, including the respective numbers of consultation activities conducted and participants in each activity;

(b) of the number of applications for planning permission in respect of hotel developments on the sites in WCHBA approved by the authorities so far; the total area of the sites concerned, and the percentage of the total area of such sites in the total land area of WCHBA; whether it knows, among these sites, the respective areas of the sites on which hotels have been built and the sites on which hotels will be built within this year, as well as the developers who will convert the land use from hotel purpose to commercial building purpose instead; whether such conversion of land use requires approval from the authorities; if so, of the criteria adopted by the authorities in considering whether to grant approval for such conversion; if not, the reasons for that; and

(c) whether the authorities were inclined to convert the land use of WCHBA to hotel purpose when it initially implemented the revitalisation of industrial buildings scheme in WCHBA; if they were, whether they will review afresh the development direction for WCHBA and consult the public again in this regard as the progress of such revitalisation scheme has been unsatisfactory so far; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that?



(a) In the process of rezoning the industrial land in Wong Chuk Hang to "Other Specified Uses" annotated "Business" (OU(B)) in 2001, the Town Planning Board (TPB) did conduct consultation in accordance with the statutory and administrative procedures, including displaying relevant amendments to the Aberdeen and Ap Lei Chau Outline Zoning Plan (the OZP) for inspection by the public and objection by affected persons, as required by the Town Planning Ordinance (TPO). The Community Building, Culture, Leisure and Tourism Committee of the Southern District Council was also consulted.

Subsequently, in determining building height restrictions for the Wong Chuk Hang Business Area (WCHBA), the TPB agreed that the Planning Department (PlanD) should conduct public consultation. PlanD then launched a two-month public consultation, including public forum, lasting from September to November 2005. During the consultation period, views were also sought from the Southern District Council, the Wong Chuk Hang and Stanley Area Committee, and the Planning Sub-Committee of the Land and Building Advisory Committee. Apart from members of the aforesaid committees, participants of the consultation activities included members of the public who attended the open meetings and public forum. PlanD has not kept statistics on the number of participants. Having considered the views collected, the TPB incorporated the amendments to the building height restrictions into the OZP which was exhibited for public inspection and for representations in accordance with the TPO in 2006. The Planning, Works and Housing Committee of the Southern District Council was also consulted on the amendments.

(b) In 2001, the TPB rezoned the industrial land in Wong Chuk Hang (about 8.3 hectares) from "Industrial" to "OU(B)", with a view to encouraging the conversion or redevelopment of existing industrial buildings and sites into commercial and non-polluting industrial use. Since then, a total of 14 sites (about 1.6 hectares) have been approved by the TPB for hotel development, representing about 19.3% of the land in the WCHBA. Among these 14 sites, seven have had their planning permission lapsed while one had a hotel completed last year. Of the remaining six sites, two have been given consent by the Government for lease modification for hotel development while four have had their lease modified for non-industrial or non-residential uses (excluding hotel). As such, hotels have been built or would be built on three sites with an aggregate area of some 0.37 hectares, representing about 4.5% of the land in the WCHBA. As mentioned above, there were indeed applicants forsaking their hotel development plans after planning permission was granted. It should however be noted that for "OU(B)" zone, TPB approval is required for hotel development, which is a "Column II" use, but not for the construction of commercial buildings for office use. Whether the sites in an "OU(B)" zone will eventually be developed for office building or hotel purpose is a commercial decision up to the developers. As a matter of fact, out of the seven sites which were first approved for hotel development but then had their planning permission lapsed, four have completed procedures for lease modification for non-industrial or non-residential uses (excluding hotel), and have either proceeded with office development or have submitted general building plans for office. For information about the 14 sites, please refer to Annex 1.

(c) The planning intention of zoning the WCHBA as "OU(B)" is for general business use, such as non-polluting industrial, office or other commercial uses, so as to provide greater flexibility in the utilisation of existing industrial and industrial-office buildings in the area, and in the development of new buildings for commercial and non-polluting industrial uses. After rezoning, the industrial area is gradually transforming with the completion of new business buildings and hotels, which is in line with the planning intention. The MTR South Island Line (East) to be completed in 2015 will also promote the redevelopment of industrial buildings in the Wong Chuk Hang area for business use.

Ends/Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Issued at HKT 16:03
