2009年7月31日 星期五

香港大肉場 HK as a Meat Market



'HK as a Meat Market' is the name of the following work , which I saw in an art exhibition of secondary last month.The MTR Southern Island Line project reminds me of it.

2009年7月30日 星期四

與東華三院復康中心跟進港鐵刊憲 Meeting with JCRC





2009年7月29日 星期三




2009年7月28日 星期二

抗議港鐵出爾反爾 撤消南朗山道行人天橋 Tricks of the MTRC



1. 深灣無出入口。關於這點的理據,可參考我兩年前的網誌:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/searchblog_art?p=出口&my=1 。在政府和港鐵不考慮地下隧道方案後,此項爭取的成功機會已極微,故我有下列退而求其次的爭取;

2. 相信港鐵為安撫黃竹坑,尤其是深灣居民的不滿,故曾於區議會承諾,將沿著南朗山道興建行人天橋,接駁至黃竹坑巴士總站,這樣市民不用行走斜路,且有上蓋,相交而言會比較方便由深灣步行至位於大明渠上的黃竹坑站,此項安排頗受南濤閣和金寶花園居民歡迎,但距離較遠的雅濤居民則不接受,我因此而建議將此行人天橋系統延伸至深灣道近百佳位置。









This leaflet listed three opinions, but due to word limitation, a detailed description was not available.  Therefore, I will detail each of the three on this blog.


The1. There is no exit in Shum Wan.  My blog entry from two years ago refers to this point.  Since the government and the MTR Corporation have both rejected the underground pathway option, there is little hope of obtaining an exit at the Shum Wan location.  Therefore I have listed other options we need to strive for.


 In Attempting to quiet the disgruntled Shum Wan residents, the MTR Corporation promised to construct a pedestrian bridge with overhead cover along Nam Long Shan road connecting to the Wong Chuk Hang main bus terminal.  This should make it more convenient to walk from Shum Wan to the Wong Chuk Hang main bus terminal since the residents will no longer need to walk up and down steep roads.  This arrangement has been welcomed by the residents of South Wave Courtand Golden Garden, but the residents of Broadview Court have rejected this offer since it is relatively far for them.  Therefore, I have suggested to extend the pedestrian bridge to Shum Wan road near the Park N’ Shop location.

However, it seems that the MTR Corporation has now negated its previous offer, as this pedestrian bridge is nowhere to be seen in the design template.  However, construction will commence as scheduled for another bridge extending into the industrial area (I believe this is because MTR assumes that the area will become a business area with a larger flow of people).  This has greatly upset the residents of Wong Chuk Hang (to keep up with progress please visit my blog).

After analyzing these models (http://www.hyd.gov.hk/chi/ major/road/rail/sil_e/ gazettal/scheme/doc/gn4569/gl/ SILE-G09.pdfhttp://www.hyd. gov.hk/chi/major/road/rail/ sil_e/gazettal/scheme/doc/ gn4569/gl/SILE-G10.pdf), I suspect that, in order to expand the construction zone and maximize profits, the MTR Corporation has exploited all possible land in the area.  The figures show that the Wong Chuk Hang main bus terminal, which was supposed to become a temporary work area, has now become property of the MTR Corporation.

I remember very clearly, in the legislative assembly, I suspected that MTR Corporation would have intent like this.  However, it rejected this suspicion and boldly assured that it had no intention of taking over the main bus terminal.  However, now we know the truth.  As the biggest shareholder, did the Hong Kong government even try to achieve a balance between the profits and the rights of the citizens?!

According to my estimation, the area of this main bus terminal is almost enough to construct a building with 40 floors, with at least 10 residents on each floor (according to South Wave Court’s design).  Assuming a square foot price of almost eight or nine thousand dollars, it is not hard to estimate a market price for this well-located building.  This could be the reason why the pedestrian bridge will not run along Nam Long Shan road.

In addition, my leaflet mentioned that, in April of 2010, the Wong Chuk Hang main bus terminal will be moved to the parkade across from the current location.  However, the entire main bus terminal area has now become property of the MTR Corporation. Therefore, the transfer must be organized and planned well by the company, or else the traffic in the area will become a total mess, and the daily lives of local residents will be degraded.

In the future, I will continue to follow this development.  To see my previous entries regarding this matter, please see:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/ our_wch/index?l=f&id=12


(Thanks Stanley, a volunteer in my office who helped to translate this entry)

2009年7月27日 星期一

舊書回收大行動 Book Donation


It's a programme run by my Wah Fu colleague, actually it matches with the community library in my office. More details, pls refer to:

2009年7月24日 星期五

香港學瑞士? Switzerland as Model?






信報財經新聞  (發行量 / 接觸人次: 61,000)2009-07-22
P02 | 要聞社評 | 社評標示關鍵字
字數: 1309 words











2009年7月23日 星期四

黃竹坑消防局改建為政府綜合大樓(2)  Planning of Aberdeen Fire Station(2)




The intern college students and my office keep on doing our survey to follow up the planning of Aberdeen Fire Station(it's located in WCH actually) after its removal in 2012. 

You could know more about this issue in my

2009年7月22日 星期三

全民防疫:派發防疫包(3) 'Anti-Swine Flu Package'(3)



I distuibute the "anti-swine flu package" to residents this afternoon, in order to remind people to keep personal, home and environmental hygiene. My previous work, pls refer to http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=6713

2009年7月21日 星期二

鴨脷洲橋道行人過路安全 Safety at Ap Lei Chau Bridge Road




It maybe a dangerous for people crossing Ap Lei Chau Bridge Road (opposite to Ocean Court), because car and bus are driving very fast on Aberdeen Praya Road and turn left to go to Ap Lei Chau Bridge Road, especially the cover walkway in front of Ocean Court blocked the vision of pedestrian.


The representatives of the Transport Dept, the LCSD, the HAD and I had a joint site visit to follow up my suggestion to block the crossing facility in order to avoid the potential accidents. The TD kept claiming the crossing is safe and there are enough road sights. One of his point is reasonable I think: it's remote and dark under the bridge, it may cause danger while pedestrian walks by(esp. for women).  


I'll follow up this issue with the school near by and the Road Safety Committee to do more education work to improve the situation. 

2009年7月20日 星期一

甘乃威記者會 Press Conference


Last Friday, Mr. Kam Nai Wai had a press conference to have an annual summary of his first year in the Legco. He also introduced some other young district councillors and community officers to the media, in order to have more experience to deal with this closely 'working partner'.

2009年7月17日 星期五

網友聚會! Gathering for Net-friend!



地點:旺角彌敦道578號恆隆大廈3樓 Cafe del Ciudad

Thanks to the helpful volunteer and my colleague, the idea of gathering for net friend is going to be truth(http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=5991)

Here's the details:

Date: 15 Aug. 09 (Sat.)
Time: 1930-2200
Venue: Cafe del Ciudad, 3/F, Hang Lung Building, 578 Nathan Road, Mongkok
Activities: Karaoka and others(planning...)
Charge: $140 each person(NON-PROFIT, I'll provide the food menu soon)

問卷調查:黃竹坑消防局改建為政府綜合大樓  Planning of Aberdeen Fire Station


目前全港十八區只有南區沒有綜合政府大樓,我們主要的理據是興建「 綜合政府大樓」有助減少公帑,因為南區各個部門的辦事處現時租用不同商廈,租金數目龐大;同時,將各個部門集中在政府大樓,不僅便利各部門溝通,且方便市民查詢或到政府部門登記及辦理其他相關事務。我早前的跟進,可見:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=6251 

The intern college students and my office has launched a survey to follow up the captioned issue I raised in the Southern District Council about 2 months ago. The theme of the survey is the planning of Aberdeen Fire Station(it's located in WCH actually) after its removal in 2012. 

You could know more about this issue in my previous blog article: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=6251

2009年7月16日 星期四

如此TVB, 那麼亞視 Too Simple, Sometimes Naïve?



我當時寫的印象是:TVB和亞視的新聞編輯要麼是為人涼薄,要麼是反諷高手,要麼就真如當年國家主席江澤民怒責香港記者那樣:too simple, sometimes naïve


ATV and TVB are two free TV channels people watch and rely on to know the society and the world, that means they have huge social influence(responsibility too!), but I really doubt the quality of the News editors, here are the news I watched from both channels about 3 years ago:

They reported there was famine in North Korea and said about one million children died, the TV scene showed the thin and poor little children; and then they reported another piece of news, with their professional charming smile that the scene changed to a very fat cat and they reported that the cat was so fat that the own was fined by the local court by charge of animal abuse.

How could a professional news editor do such crude and lousy job?! Are they showing off their talents of ironic? Or what they were doing was exactly as former president Jiang Zemin accused: too simple, sometimes naïve?

2009年7月15日 星期三

全民防疫:派發防疫包(2) 'Anti-Swine Flu Package'(2)


I went out for distributing the "anti-swine flu package" to residents this afternoon, in order to remind people to keep personal, home and environmental hygiene. Though the impact of the H1H1 swine influenza is not as huge as we expected, it's still a work we should take seriously. I think the gov't has been doing a good job so far.

2009年7月14日 星期二

惠福道無障礙通道(3) Barrier Free Access in Wong Chuk Hang(3)





People who visit this blog often may remember that I've been following the captioned since last July. I got the latest news from the Transport Dept that the remained construction work has been approved and probably will be completed in Sept. 

My previous follow ups, pls refer to http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/searchblog_art?p=%E7%84%A1%E9%9A%9C%E7%A4%99%E9%80%9A%E9%81%93&my=1

This is the proposed slope has yet to be implemented.


2009年7月13日 星期一

元朗下白泥的日落 Sunset at Ha Pak Nai


I went to Ha Pak nai, Yuen Long to enjoy the beautiful sunset yesterday. here are some pictures I took to share with you.