2009年7月21日 星期二

鴨脷洲橋道行人過路安全 Safety at Ap Lei Chau Bridge Road




It maybe a dangerous for people crossing Ap Lei Chau Bridge Road (opposite to Ocean Court), because car and bus are driving very fast on Aberdeen Praya Road and turn left to go to Ap Lei Chau Bridge Road, especially the cover walkway in front of Ocean Court blocked the vision of pedestrian.


The representatives of the Transport Dept, the LCSD, the HAD and I had a joint site visit to follow up my suggestion to block the crossing facility in order to avoid the potential accidents. The TD kept claiming the crossing is safe and there are enough road sights. One of his point is reasonable I think: it's remote and dark under the bridge, it may cause danger while pedestrian walks by(esp. for women).  


I'll follow up this issue with the school near by and the Road Safety Committee to do more education work to improve the situation. 
