2009年7月17日 星期五

問卷調查:黃竹坑消防局改建為政府綜合大樓  Planning of Aberdeen Fire Station


目前全港十八區只有南區沒有綜合政府大樓,我們主要的理據是興建「 綜合政府大樓」有助減少公帑,因為南區各個部門的辦事處現時租用不同商廈,租金數目龐大;同時,將各個部門集中在政府大樓,不僅便利各部門溝通,且方便市民查詢或到政府部門登記及辦理其他相關事務。我早前的跟進,可見:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=6251 

The intern college students and my office has launched a survey to follow up the captioned issue I raised in the Southern District Council about 2 months ago. The theme of the survey is the planning of Aberdeen Fire Station(it's located in WCH actually) after its removal in 2012. 

You could know more about this issue in my previous blog article: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=6251
