英文虎報 (發行量 / 接觸人次: 43,000) | 2011-08-29 | P10 | Local | By KELLY IP | 標示關鍵字 | 字數: 180 字 |
| Democrat wheels roll towards green future |
Despite the hot weather, about 40 Democratic Party members and supporters got on their bikes yesterday. They covered 10 kilometers as part of an ongoing campaign to have bicycles included in transportation planning and to promote a low-carbon environment. They started off at 9am at Wah Fu Estate in Southern District, pedaling along Victoria Road in Pok Fu Lam, and completing the journey at Star Ferry Pier in Central by around noon. Democratic Party spokesman, legislator Kam Nai-wai, said Hong Kong Island coastlines are the natural property of residents, who have high expectations they be well-planned and developed. The public is unable to walk along the coast, as there are too many buildings blocking the roads and views along the waterfront. The party urged the government to focus on the development of the promenade around Hong Kong Island, and consider working with private corporations to connect the coastal areas of Eastern, Central and Western, and Southern districts. It also hopes the government will build rest areas and bicycle lanes, and include the healthy form of transport in planning. KELLY IP |

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