有熟街坊指我最近「大曬政績」,說其實大家都清楚我過去這些年做過什麼;我沒他那麼自信,地區工作和Justice must be done, and must be seen to be done 這句名言的道理一樣,很多工作不僅要做,而且還要讓居民知道是誰做的才行。正因為常有居民不情楚地區工作是誰跟進的,功勞應是誰的,抽水之徒平時(選舉期更甚)才常常趁機大肆臨建議實落前爭取或聲稱成功爭取。
這些年來我自問踏實跟進很多地區工作,也有不少成果(尚未成功仍需努力的也不少,稍後我會補充)。我希望居民看清楚哪個候選人有往績讓大家比較,我在選舉期當然要當任不讓地claim 自己的credit. 故我最近在單張用時間表的方式,簡述自己的跟進過程,希望大家記得我長期的工作,也希望大家看到我的成果,對比一下對手有何政績。這些都是細水長流的工作,如果大家認同我過去這些年的工作,請你用選票支持我連任。
2 則留言:
華哥~ 你做左咁多功夫, 係人都睇到啦. 希望果班 "抽水怪" 自我檢討一下啦. 71號巴士都唔理人死活. 揸呢條線的師傅態度最差!!!
[版主回覆10/12/2011 19:42:34]thx. I'll keep following up the Rt.71 issue.
Hello Kevin,
Another issue that I had in mind for quite sometime. The last bus for 72A is 12:00am, but N72, ie the bus that will go up to Wong Chuk Hang, only starts from 12:30am. So when Wong Chuk Hang residents want to go home between 12:00 to 12:30am, there's literally no transport that we can take from Causeway Bay besides taxi, which I think is very unreasonable.
Is there any chance we could have 72A extend the last bus till 12:30am? How about the plan for overnight 4C coming up to Wong Chuk Hang?
Future could be bright for Wong Chuk Hang, but I find the traffic in this area is really quite unbearable meanwhile. Again, would rely on you to improve the situation. Thx and "add oil" for your election. I've already made up my mind in who I should cast my vote to, so don't worry about the promotion done by the other candidate!
[版主回覆11/01/2011 22:11:06]Thanks Ellen, That's a reasonable demand to extend the last bus from 1200 to 1230. And, about the N4C minibus, pls refer to http://blog.yahoo.com/our-wch/articles/95594/category/%E9%81%B8%E8%88%89%E6%97%A5%E8%AA%8C+Election+Diary point 3 is about this issue. Pls help to ask your family and friends to vote for me too. Thank you!