2008年7月31日 星期四

徐遠華:爭取深灣設立提款機 ATM in Wong Chuk Hang (2)






I wrote a letter HSBC and Jetco (the ATM system company) to suggest that there should be an ATM at Shum Wan area in June. (See: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=2202) I finally got one single reply from the Standard Chartered Bank. 

Though the Standard Chartered Bank don't have as many ATMs as the HSBC and Hang Sang Bank do, I still hope we can have one ATM at Sham Wan.(you can see the location of ATM at http://www.standardchartered.com.hk/branch-atm-locator/en/index.html).

Now I need to check out whether the property owner (the marine club) agrees to let the bank install the ATM. I've followed a similar case at Wah Fu Estate around two years ago, and we successfully got a ATM of East Asia Bank in the Estate. Hope we could get another one here at Sham Wan.


2008年7月30日 星期三

長實又試圖將酒店地改建住宅!Hotel Project Applied Change to Residential Building

長實無視黃竹坑居民和區議會的反對,現又向城規會申請於黃竹坑商貿及酒店區申建158個住宅單位的住宅! (詳見明報的報導:http://news.sina.com.hk/cgi-bin/nw/show.cgi/19/1/1/822798/1.html)









The land developer, Cheung Kong, again applied to the town planning board to change the use of land from hotel to a residential building.

This Monday, I have raised an discussion item at the district council and the Council again expressed it's objection to the above application. (For details reasons, pls refer to http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=1759 , For the report of this issue(Chinese only), pls refer to  http://news.sina.com.hk/cgi-bin/nw/show.cgi/19/1/1/822798/1.html)

For my previous follow up and the background of this issue, pls refer to http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=2056 .



2008年7月29日 星期二

清潔黃竹坑明渠 Cleaning up WCH Nallah






I was interviewed by the Apply Daily yesterday. They got a complaint about the WCH nullah, said they found dead fish and feared the environment will be worse if the Gov’t doesn’t do anything.

Most of the factories in WCH have moved away, so the pollution in the nullah is not very serious, and the Gov’t regularly cleans up the nullah. (see the photo)

But maybe because of the heavy rains some weeks ago, I found there are more garbage than before. And maybe because of the hot weather, I found there is smell.

In order to know whether the pollution is worse, I have formally written to the Drainage Services Dept and Environmental Dept to have a joint site visit to inspect the situation and find ways to improve it.

My previous works about the nullah, pls see: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/searchblog_art?p=%E6%98%8E%E6%B8%A0&my=1

小巴車身廣告 Ad on the Minibus



Kam Nai Wai and I went to the restaurants to ask for support last Sunday, Mr Kam went around the Southern District by our promotion car and I stayed at the Aberdeen Centre to ask for suppport.

BTW, here you can see our minibus ad on streets.


2008年7月26日 星期六

《做一年》:行為藝術 Performance Art: One Year Performance

什麼是行為藝術? 曾灶財在街頭寫書法? 還是謝偉俊身穿超人裝束抗議? 長毛抬棺材又算不算?









我的直覺是它抨擊了工業社會枯燥的為工作而生活的可悲生存狀態。(參考我前幾天的blog: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3153&prev=3311&next=3284)


謝德慶的第四個一年行為,與一位叫Linda Montano的女士合作。他們二人在一年的時間里,以一條約 2.43長的繩子連在一起,一年裡他們從不分開。


PS: 讓我想起北野武一部《偶斷絲連》(又譯《木偶》)的電影:男女主角倣效古代日本的木偶傳說,兩人綁在一起遍遊日本,生死不離。







It's about a book on performance art.

What do you think the following performance art works?


A man locks himself in cage for a whole year, he has no any kind of communication with anyone during that year, except get food from a friend who sent that to him everyday without talking or any other communication. 

People say the theme of this wrok is about loneliness and separation.


A man punches the pinehol plotter every hour in a whole year.

I feel this work is quite shocking and reminds me of D H Lawrence's remarks on industrial life, pls see:  http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3153&prev=3311&next=3284


A man and a mowan links each other by a rope in a whole year. They've not been seperated during the year.

It's said the theme is about relationship between people.

2008年7月25日 星期五

爭取無障礙通道 Barrier Free Access in Wong Chuk Hang



The Transport Dept and JCRC and I had a joint site visit at Welfare Road in May, I proposed to have a vamp to make the road easily accessible for the disabled and elderly. The TD agreed then.

After over 2 months, the TD finally launches the consultation procedure through the Home Affairs Dept. You know the efficiency of the bureaucrats. I've urged the dept to implement this suggestion asap in written, in order to help the disabled and elderly.


The exiting slope is not smooth enough for the disabled to access.


The above photo is another site that the TD agreed to have a vamp for the disabled, but it's not mentioned in the consultation paper. I've questioned the dept about it in the letter.

2008年7月23日 星期三

"十五間"派發參選單張 Asking for Support at "15 Rooms"(2)





As planned, I went to "15 Room" to distribute leaflets to ask for support this morning.(Ref: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3311)

There were 7 seven policemen came to me to mark their record, saying that it's their duty to protect LegCo election candidates.


I really don't expect to have such "privilege", and I think the Police is a little bit overreacted. Maybe they have some kind of guildlines that should follow.

For the past 3 years, I've been distributing leaflets at the same place for so many times, the policeman just ignoring me when they passed by.


What a nice day!

2008年7月22日 星期二

"十五間"派發立會參選單張 Asking for Support at "15 Rooms"

這幾天連續到區內幾個地點宣傳,見:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3284 。昨天早上到南濤閣,今早則到俗稱十五間的一帶宣傳,今晚會再到逸港居宣傳,明早則再到十五間另一邊的地點。


My colleage and I go to the so called "15 Room" in Aberdeen to distribute leaflets and ask for support this morning. (Ref.: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3284 ) We did the same at South Wave Court yesterday morning, and I'll go to the Ocean Court tonight, and then go to another side of  "15 Room".

I'll try my best to have a good fight to help my party to win at least one seat!

D. H. Lawrence on Industrialization: Work for Life BUT NOT Live for Work

A friend sent me back the following paragraph which I shared with her when I was reading D H Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover. I told her that this paragraph reminds me of the process of industrialization in China and the post-industrial life in HK.

My friend told me to keep the above thought in mind. She reminds me that I once said that if I am placed in a position with great responsibility, I will try ways to improve the unbearable human situation, because we deserve a more decent life in a rich city like HK; and because we should work for life but ONT live for work.

Thanks my friend. I still think the same way, I still hold this faith in my heart, and I will keep working hard to achieve a decent life for all of us.

I know it’s another mission impossible, but I believe it’s a noble mission that worth fighting for.

“Tevershall! That was Tevershall! Merrie England! Shakespeare's England! No, but the England of today, as Connie had realized since she had come to live in it. It was producing a new race of mankind, over-conscious in the money and social and political side, on the spontaneous, intuitive side dead, but dead. Half-corpses, all of them: but with a terrible insistent consciousness in the other half. There was something uncanny and underground about it all. It was an under-world. And quite incalculable. How shall we understand the reactions in half-corpses? When connie saw the great lorries full of steel-workers from Sheffield, weird, distorted smallish beings like men, off for an excursion to Matlock, her bowels fainted and she thought: Ah God, what has man done to man? What have the leaders of men been doing to their fellow men? They have reduced them to less than humanness; and now there can be no fellowship any more! It is just a nightmare.

She felt again in a wave of terror the grey, gritty hopelessness of it all. With such creatures for the industrial masses, and the upper classes as she knew them, there was no hope, no hope any more. Yet she was wanting a baby, and an heir to Wragby! An heir to Wragby! She shuddered with dread.

Yet Mellors had come out of all this!---Yes, but he was as apart from it all as she was. Even in him there was no fellowship left. It was dead. The fellowship was dead. There was only apartness and hopelessness, as far as all this was concerned. And this was England, the vast bulk of England: as Connie knew, since she had motored from the centre of it. “

……from D H Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover (P. 159-160)



2008年7月21日 星期一

雅濤閣派發立法會參選單張 Asking for Support at Broadview Court

今早和同事在雅濤閣展開參選宣傳,派發下面這份單張。單張內容其實是前幾日的簡化版(宣傳單張限於字數,不可能太詳細),全文可見:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3262 以及http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3056


My colleagues and I went to Broadview Court to distribute leaflets and ask for support this morning. The content of the leaflet is an abstract of these articles: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3262 and http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3056


I'll go to South Wave Court to ask for support tomorrow morning.

宣傳完後回辦事處,路經百佳對面的斜坡竹枝掉下的對方,此事斷斷續續,各部門互相推諉,至今未能完結,上次我和路政署實地視察時幾乎發火。詳見我先前的跟進: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/searchblog_art?p=%E6%9E%AF%E7%AB%B9&my=1我會繼續跟進此事。

The bamboo lying on the slope have potential danger to residents. Pls refer to this link to know my previous follow ups:  http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/searchblog_art?p=%E6%9E%AF%E7%AB%B9&my=1

I'll keep following up this case.



2008年7月20日 星期日

徐遠華參選立法會:經驗之旅  LegCo Election: Journey of Mission Impossible?

我參選立法會了!(競選網站:http://www.ahkam.hk )

考慮參選與否的那幾天,我把自己寫的一年多的網誌全部看了一遍,這篇"區議員的視野與質素 Vision and quality Needed"以及韋伯的"以政治為志業"的演講,使我鼓起勇氣,下了參選決心。我曾在裡面這樣寫:


下這個決定後,我仍感到很不自信,常常反問自己:這是個適合的決定嗎?我可以為民主黨的團隊貢獻什麼? 當時不便於公開參選,於是我很隱晦地寫了"不要怕 Don't be afraid",以鼓勵自己。乃至這一篇寫希臘悲劇的blog(http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3160),也是寫來鼓勵自己的:裡面的主題是責任感。劉小楓對梁錦松的批評:當經濟人成了立法者 A Critique: Economic Man as Legislator ,這篇也隱約和參選立法會有關,各位有沒有留意呢?





I've joined the LegCo election! (See the platform at http://www.ahkam.hk )

It's a journey of getting experience. I read all my writing in this blog, this article reminds me of not let this chance go away: "區議員的視野與質素 Vision and quality Needed", and Max Weber's lecture, named "Politics as Vocatoin" pushes me to ahead. I wrote this on my previous blog:

The present system of the district council is not helping to boost political talents, it's especially so after the urban council and sub-urban council were cancelled. And I keep it in mind that I need to enhance my ability and widen my vision to be a qualified district councillor who is competent for position that bears heavier responsibility and needs greater ability.(http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=1747)

It's a journey of mission impossible too: I was placed on the third place, after Kam Nai Wai and Dr Yueng Sum, in my party's ticket, I have no chance to win. To be frank, even after the decision was made, I still keep asking myself this question (which a question I learned from Margaret Ng's book): Am I good for the cause?

Because of this, I wrote a story to encourage myself that I must not be afraid:"不要怕 Don't be afraid"and this one is on classical tragedy (http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3160) aims to remind me that sense of duty to my party.

I belive if I want to achieve a greater goal, now it's a good chance for me to get experience to equip myself to be capable for a position with great responsibility.



2008年7月16日 星期三

劉小楓對梁錦松的批評:當經濟人成了立法者 A Critique: Economic Man as Legislator







文末(P. 269-270) 可見劉小楓對中國五四以來現代化發展的感概:

中國智識人因直面西方政制而經受三千年未有之劇變已經百多年了,漢語學界的公法領域迄今依然幾乎近於荒蕪。百年一個接一個來──“北大建校百年廢科舉百年,人們又忙於迎新的百年──“共和革命百年”……事到如今,中國的立法者們在智識力、道德力上有多大長進?無論多少百年過去了,立法者的教養依然是好政治的首要前提。要是立法者們仍然像 周 先生或 張 先生那樣,將中國沒有好政治怪罪到人民頭上──所謂國民性國民道德云云,智識人在自身的改造過程中立志或被迫向遊民或經濟人學習,百年恐怕真的白過了……」

This is a critique I quote from Prof. Liu Xiaofeng, who I’ve spent a lot of time on the books he writes and edited. Here we have two paragraphs I quote from his book on Carl Schmitt (Modern Man and His Enemy), because he has a critique related to the former Financial Secretary Anthony Leung’s role as the chairman of the University Grants Committee. Leung advocates granting university according to the rate of employment of the graduates of the department, but not according to the value of the research and knowledge.

Prof. Liu uses it as an example to elaborate Weber’s and Schmitt’s critique on modern politics; they both claimed that when economic man act as legislator, there’s no virtue of politics at all. The economic man wants to change all political issues into economic ones. In one word, the economic man wants to eliminate politics.

I’m sorry I can’t translate these paragraphs into English.


民主黨南區工作報告 Southern District Work Report



If you are living in the Southern District, you should have received a work report from us, pls refer to the bilingual report at:


2008年7月14日 星期一

文星結業! The Close of Man Shing Bookstore




近年來較少在文星買書,最後一次大約是兩個月前,買了中英對照的王爾德的《自深深處》(Oscar Wilde, De Profundis)。




Man Shing Bookstore closed its business last week! I knew this bad news until today. This is a bookstore I usually go when I go to Mongkok. I've bought many books from Man Shing and I am still benefited from them.

I'm regret now because two weeks ago I spent too much time in other bookstores that I don't have time to go to Man Shing.

The last book I bought from Man Shing is Oscar Wilde's De Profundis.

This piece of new reminds me of another bad news about half a year ago, which a well known second floored bookstore boss was buried by heavy books fell down accidentally, and he was found dead two weeks later after the accident.

I can't accept this is the fate of the second floored bookstroes in HK and the fate of book lovers.

2008年7月11日 星期五

《〈杜伊諾哀歌〉中的天使》:代悼四川大地震災民 Rilke's Sonnets To Orpheus

Today I share with you one piece of poem in Rilke's Sonnets to Orpheus, you can read the poem at the bottom of this post. It reminds me of the Si Chuan earthquake two months ago, sorry I can't translate my interpretation of this work into English.




















不是「忽如一夜春風來, 千樹萬樹梨花開」,更不是「化作春泥更護花」,剛剛起舞的生命,僅僅是止不住的呼喚的遊伴」(高高的眾神」也止不住!)。


詩意? 深刻? 為什麼不是落花猶似墜樓人」?不是「感時花濺淚,恨別鳥驚心」?
















http://www.godoor.net/text/xingling/poem4-2.htm 及: http://free.prohosting.com/~ruoyun/lierke017.htm


Sonnets To Orpheus I, 25

by R. M. Rilke

translated by H. Landman


But you, now I'll remember you, whom I

knew like a flower, whose name I couldn't guess;

once more show you to them, stolen from us,

bright playmate of the insurmountable cry.


Dancer first, who, suddenly paused in mid-step,

like someone cast your youth in bronze, was caught;

grieving and listening. Then, from the high adepts

music fell into your altered heart.


Sickness was near. The blood, already seized

by shadows, darkened, pulsed. Like a suspect flees,

it burst out in its natural spring;


disrupted by dark and collapse, would scintillate

earthly, earthly. Till after awful pounding

it stepped into the hopeless open gate.


徐遠華睇相睇心情 Face and Mood


I feel bad because some people and some things they did. So, I post the following old pictures:  


Unhappiness just like virus, so it's better to cheer myslef up.(For more, pls see:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=228 )



2008年7月9日 星期三

徐遠華:關注深灣道行人安全 Safety Problem at Sham Wan Road, WCH

As I mentioned yesterday(http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3196), I'll mail a leaflet to residents. This is the back page of the leaflet, which concerns the safety problem at Shum Wan Road, WCH.

I've been studying to have some kind of crossing facility to improve the safety at Shum Wan Road, because there are many residents cross the road to the opposite side of South Wave Court to take the minibus, and go to the supermarket nearby.

I'll launch a questionnaire campaign to ask residents about this issue, Safety comes first of course, but the crossing facility may worsen the traffic at Shum Wan Road. It's why I need to consult residents about it, though the Transport Dep't agrees the crossing facility helps to improve the safety.








與運輸局及港鐵開會跟進地下隧道方案 Meeting with Transport Bureau and MTR(2)

It's about yesterday's meeting, pls refier to  http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3149 . We'll mail this leaflet to residents.








2008年7月7日 星期一

Extract Dialogues from Antigone by Sophocles 希臘悲劇《安蒂崗妮》摘錄

I re-readed an ancient Greek tragedy Antigone, which wrote by the same author of the well known tragedy"King Oedipus"。(就是那個弒父取母的伊狄帕斯王啊,《安蒂崗妮》可以說是伊狄帕斯王這個故事的續集。內容最好看原文,很精彩;如不能,可以看Yahoo知識簡介:http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=7008051202700及wiki:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antigone). There are some dialouges catched my eyes and I noted them down here to share with you.


Antigone by Frederic Leighton, 1882 (Photo from Wiki)

P. 129

Antigone: I know my duty, were true duty lies.

Ismene(Antigone's sister): If you can do it; but you're bound to fail.

Antigone: When I have tried and failed, I shall have failed.

Ismene: No sense in starting on a hopeless task.

Antigone: Oh, I shall hate you if you talk like that!

And he will hate you, rightly. Leave me alone

With my own madness. There is no punishment

Can rob me of my honourable death.

P. 138-139

Creon(the King): ...... Did you know the order forbidding such an act?

Antigone: I knew it, naturally. It was plain enough.

Creon: And yet you dared to contravene it?

Antigone: Yes.

    That order did not come from God. Justice,

    The dwells with the gods,below, knows no such law.

    I did not think your edicts strong enough

    To overrule the unwritten unalterable laws

    Of God and heaven you being only a man.

    They are not of yesterday or to-day, but everlasting,

    Though where they came from, none of us can tell.

    Guilty of their transgression before God

    I cannot be, for any man on earth.

    I knew that I should have to die, of course,

    With or without your order. If it be soon,

    So much the better. Living in daily torment

    As I do, who would not be glad to die?

    This punishment will not be any pain.

    Only if I had let my mother's son

    Lie there unburied, then I could not have borne it.

    This I can bear. Does that seem foolish to you?

    Or is it you that are foolish to judge me so?

P. 140

Antigone: There is no shame in honouring my brother.

Creon: Was not his enemy, who died with him, your brother?

Antigone: Yes, both were brothers, both of the same parents.

Creon: You honour one, and so insult the other.

Antigone: He that is dead with not accuse me of that.

Creon: He will, if you honour him no more than the traitor.

Antigone: It as not a slave, but his brother, that died with him.

Creon: Attacking his country, while the other defended it.

Antigone: Even so, we have a duty to the dead.

Creon: Not to give equal honour to good and bad.

Antigone: Who knows? In the country of the dead that may be the law.

Creon: An enemy can't be a friend, even when dead.

Antigone: My way is to share my love, not share my hate.

P. 157

Messenger: ......

What is the life of man? A thing not fixed

for good or evil, fashioned for praise or blame.

Chance raises a man to the heights, chance casts him down,

And none can foretell what will be from what is.






與運輸局及港鐵開會跟進地下隧道方案 Meeting with Transport Bureau and MTR(1)



今早我就和甘乃威、楊森、馮煒光、柴文瀚以及一眾深灣軒、南濤閣、逸港居及壽臣山村等居民代表一起去了中環與運輸局及港鐵總工程師開會,跟進早前我們努力宣傳的南區地鐵採用地下隧道,以取代高架橋的方案。(我過往的跟進,見:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3073 and  http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/index?l=f&id=12)




Dr Yeung Sum, Mr Kam Nai Wai,  Mr Andrew Fung, Mr Henry Chai and I, together with some representatives of local residents went to Central to have meeting with the Transport Bureau and the MTR Corp. This is to follow up the issue of fighting for a underground railway in Southern District.(See my previous follow up: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3073 and  http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/index?l=f&id=12)

The Officials of the Bureau kept its style: all comments are welcome. It's the only result we got. And the MTR Corp. played the familiar skill: It's just a preliminary stage of public consultation and all views and comments are welcome...

We urged them again that both plans should be lay out to let the public know the difference between the two plans.

The only good news is that the MTR didn't say that our plan is not feasible, though claimed there will be some engineering difficulties.

Let's keep on fighting for a underground railway for Southern District!

2008年7月4日 星期五

爭取南區地鐵隧道方案簽名 Signature Campaign for an Underground SIL(4)

As we planned(http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3122) , we go to Broaddview Court to get the signature this morning. We got 343 signatures in about 1.5 hour. The resulst is not bad.

We will have a meeting with the concerned Gov't dep't and the MTR next monday.

We'll go to Ocean Court and so-called "15 Rooms" to get signature next week.





2008年7月3日 星期四

爭取南區地鐵隧道方案簽名 Signature Campaign for an Underground SIL(3)

Mr Kam Nai Wai and I asking for WCH residents to sign for their support of the underground SIL this afternoon.

You could browse for the detailed reasons at http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3030&prev=2972&next=3008

My target is to get 200 signatures today. Again, the result is quite encouraing, we got 244 signatures in around 2 hours. WCH residents, I am so proud of you!

You can sign it online: http://www.petitiononline.com/SouthMTR/

We will do it again at Broaddview Court tomorrow morning from 730am.




