2008年7月31日 星期四

徐遠華:爭取深灣設立提款機 ATM in Wong Chuk Hang (2)






I wrote a letter HSBC and Jetco (the ATM system company) to suggest that there should be an ATM at Shum Wan area in June. (See: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=2202) I finally got one single reply from the Standard Chartered Bank. 

Though the Standard Chartered Bank don't have as many ATMs as the HSBC and Hang Sang Bank do, I still hope we can have one ATM at Sham Wan.(you can see the location of ATM at http://www.standardchartered.com.hk/branch-atm-locator/en/index.html).

Now I need to check out whether the property owner (the marine club) agrees to let the bank install the ATM. I've followed a similar case at Wah Fu Estate around two years ago, and we successfully got a ATM of East Asia Bank in the Estate. Hope we could get another one here at Sham Wan.

