今晚的諮詢會(ref: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=4086),除了我以外,有六七名居民提出同樣的問題:為何深灣沒有出入口?
The consultation meeting was held tonight(ref: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=4086), there were 6 or 7 residents asked the same question with me: Why there's no exit near by Shum Wan?
The representative of the MTR still holds the assumption that most residents will not walk to the station, but take bus or mini bus to the MTR station if the distance between the satation and the residential building is over 500 meters. So it's the reason why there's no exit at Shum Wan!
Such answer totally unacceptable coz it ignores our demand and right and interest to have a convenient MTR exit!
I'll keep following this issue to fight for our right and interest of Shum Wan residents.