2009年9月3日 星期四

港鐵保留興建行人通道 Cover Walkway Built Inside the Recidence of ex-WCH Land





1. 相關設計改動必須明文列入憲報,以確保港鐵將來按憲報興建有蓋行人通道﹔
2. 南港島線於2015年通車,但如果黃竹坑邨屆時仍未重建,將出現「通車後仍無行人通道」的問題。黃竹坑邨今年年底將完成清拆,之後港鐵將取得該地皮興建車廠及物業。但港鐵尚未公布重建時間,故可能出現『港鐵已通車,重建尚未開始』的情況,令現在改為興建於物業內的行人通道不知何時才能服務市民,這是為什麼我在宣傳單張說黃竹坑邨重建時間成關鍵的原因;

This leaflet is about my follow up work about the MTR SIL issue. The latest development is that the MTRC has changed the design of cover walkway which was planed to be built along the Nam Long Shan Road, now the MTR is going to put the cover walkway inside the building of ex-WCH Estate re-developed complex, which the time of re-development is not yet confirmed.

The WCH estate has been demolishing and the construction project will be completed at the end of this year, then the MTRC will take over this land to build the depot and the complex. The said cover walkway probably will be built inside the shopping mall above the depot.

One of the concerns I raised in the special Southern District Council meeting yesterday is that there's probably a time gap between the MTR SIL starting its service in 2015 and the time of re-development of the ex-WCH Estate land, which it may be 5 or 10 years later, and we will NOT have the said cover walkway if it is so. And I demanded to put the changed design to the gazette or the cover walkway is not certain to be built in the future.

I'm so disappointed that the MTRC and the Transport Bureau didn't replied in detail about the concerns of JCRC and the land of the WCH bus terminal.

The HK gov't is the largest shareholder of the MTRC, I urge the gov't the balance the maximization of the forfit of the MTRC and the general benefit of HK people. I'll keep following up this issue.

My previous follow-ups and the background info, pls refer to http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/index?l=f&id=12
