This leaflet is about the latest progress of the removal of WCH bus terminal. The parking spaces are designed for different buses, you may refer to the picture below. I've been working hard to this issue, especially when the international schools are beginning their new school year, we are going to have a big challenge. If you have see any traffic problems cause by the MTR SIL project, pls let us know so we could follow up with the concerned parties.
6 則留言:
[版主回覆08/31/2011 15:50:00]48號巴士站會設在現時107回程站稍後位置,即我單張圖中指「往深灣所有路線落車站」。
現有巴士站點解要搬? 唔通MTR想用到盡要埋巴士站個位?
[版主回覆08/31/2011 15:58:00]因為要將現時黃竹坑巴士總站搬過去,而地方不夠及要平整地基、舖設車長室、燈光等等,兼且為避免南朗山道下來的國際學校下來的私家車、校巴等在那裡造成阻塞,所以工程這麼大。 巴士總站搬是因為港鐵會佔用幾乎整個巴士總站的地底作南港島線的車廠,背景可見: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=9721 及 http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=9782 2015年後巴士總站會搬回那裡,但尚無詳情,估計面積會縮小。
我住金寶架! 請反影一吓! 而家行去巴士站要行到燈位先去到!
要攪到好多人都要铅馬路邊行! 好危險
[版主回覆08/31/2011 15:49:00]請見上。
[版主回覆08/31/2011 15:48:00]抱歉遲了回應。 因道路設計問題, 大多數居民一直以來不會經深灣道口斑馬線前往巴士站, 而是如你所言在 巴士站對面 的位置橫過馬路。 不過坦白說後者是居民貪方便的過路地點, 而運輸署因擔心交通擠塞及前面有斑馬線之故,一直 堅拒在那裡加設過路設施。 因居民的過路習慣不會因港鐵工程而改變, 港鐵之前不知道居民有此過路習慣, 故近日答應我要求重置那裡的水馬, 並安排人手在那裡指揮車輛及行人過馬路,以避免意外。詳可見我最新的單張: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=11199
Hello Kevin,
Just to let you know that, the new temporay bus stop just had the first (I hope is the last) traffic accident. On Sat morning, one 48 bus is turning out from the bus stop hit a passing by 107 bus in the middle. I didn't see it myself, but heard someone talking about this in the lift today.
Would rely on you to monitor the situation, thx!
[版主回覆11/01/2011 12:10:36]Thanks Ellen, Another resident told me the accident too. I'm asking the Transport Dept about it and demand to improve the situation.
Thx for following up!