This is it! I probably took it in Lantau Island while I was in Form 7.
This is it! I probably took it in Lantau Island while I was in Form 7.
其實,我還太年輕、經驗還太淺(young and green),所有這一切都言之尚早。朋友的心意和鼓勵我心領了,很多東西我尚需慢慢學習、累積。
We are going to have a local trip on father's day on 21 June. Residents' respon is so active that seats of one travel bus are almost sold out in 3 days! I've decided to add one more travel bus to serve our residents.
So act quickly if you want to join us, all you need to do is just give us a call, so we could reserve the seat for you!
Since most residents don’t accept the draft design of the WCH MTR Station, after the first public consultation(see: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=2373), I’be been urging the MTR to have second meeting in WCH.
Now we are going to have another public consultation meeting, details of this coming meeting is as follows:
Date: 5 June 2008
Time: 8-930pm
Venue: I’ve applied to hold this meeting inside the Broadview Court, or we have to hold it beside the Shum Wan Bus Terminus, where is in front of the public toilet.
It’s an extract from a dialogue between two famous scholars, Prof. Wang Yuen Hua and Prof. Lin Yu Sheng. Prof. Wang passed away on 11 May. I’m sorry that I don’t have time to translate it into English.
天助我也! 今天天氣轉晴,使我得以在黃竹坑為四川同胞籌款。
PS: 民主黨過去一星期已籌得超過二百五十萬捐款,並已轉捐到紅十字會。
Thanks to the whether, today I can raise fund in WCH. Many citizens have donated money to victims, some of them twice or more; and becasue there are not many people pass by the place I have the fund raise campaign(mainly South Wave Court residents), so I don't expect to get a lot of donation today.
But to my surprise, I've collected around 3,500 in 1.5 hour, more than I expected! Thanks to the whether, and you, residents of WCH, I'm so proud of you!
PS: my party has collected over $2,500,000 donation since last week, and we've transfered all the money to the Red Cross.
It's been raining since last Sunday. I have to cancel the promotion of my community library, and I have to re-schedule the arrangement of measuring the noise pollution at Boardview Court; it's even worse that the planned fund raising campaign in Wong Chuk Hang probably will be cancelled tomorrow.
I heard that it's raining in Si Chuan too. It must be more difficult to save people in raining days.....
Thanks to the cooperation of the Leisure and Cultural Service Department, we've set up the first community library in Southern District! You can borrow books from our office during the opening hours. (10am -1pm and 2pm-6pm, Monday-Friday)
There was a mobile library car at the ex-Wong Chuk Hang Estate, it has been moved to Tin Wan Estate because WCH Estate moved to Shek Pai Wan Estate, though I'd demanded the dep't to keep the library are in WCH area.
We welcome your donation of books. Books are heavy, so we'll arrange to collect book at South Wave Court and Boardview Court later. It's environmental friendly and helps to increase the number of our library. And, residents could exchange their book in our library.
Many things could be done if the library runs well. Let's see how we could make it better.
There's no enough lighting at Welfare Road, especially after the swimming pool is closed, the street is darker without the light of the swimming pool.(This swimming closes from November to March every year). And the light is kept out by the trees that makes the street darker.
Residents and worker in the JCRC both fear that a street may have potential dangers.
I've asked the Highway dept to follow up this issue and waiting for its reply.
今天中午我參加了由甘乃威等人在中環的賑災籌款,血濃於水,市民非常踴躍捐款,短短四小時就籌了四萬多元,真讓我們感動。 這批款項將轉捐給紅十字會以救助災民。
Today I take part in a fund raising campaign in Central to ask for donation to help victims in Sichuan. Citizens care about people suffer from the earthquake as we do, we've collected around 40 thousands dollars in 4 hours. The donation will be transferred to the Red Cross to help victims.
I'll have a community fund raising campaign in Wong Chuk Hang next Wednesday. Though I will collect much less money than we've got in Central today, I hope I can do a little more to help victims in Sichuan.
Of course, you can donate money through different organizations to help victims.
Mr Kam Nai Wai urges citizens donate money for victims.
A serious earthquake hit Sichuan on Buddha's birthday. death of thousands people was reported and the number will probably increase. We care about people in Sichuan so much simply because we are Chinese too.
We share their pain and we want to help them by different ways. So my party has applied to have fund raising all over HK. I've applied to raise fund in Wong Chuk Hang too. I hope we can do a little more to help victims in Sichuan and help to re-build their home.
I hope the earthquake won't instability in Sichuan, especially in Tibetan communities near round, or it'll result in a more disastrous situation.
Today is Buddha's birthday. I find the below statue can show the profound mercy of Buddha, better than the one in Lantau Island. (see: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=2561&prev=2580&next=2509) I took this picture in Taiwan in 2005.
Happy Mother's Day!!
I just back from a local trip. I'm uploading some of the pictures we took to this blog to share with you. I'll go home to enjoy the mother's day with my mam. It has been a long time that I havn't have dinner with my parents, I really need to do so, especially on Mother's Day.
Tomorrow is mother's day. Mr Kam Nai Wai and my teammates go to Aberdeen to distribute flowers to citizen, especially to mothers. We wish all mother good health and happiness.
We will have a local tour tomorrow(see: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=2294). Hope we could have a good time on the mother's day.
I will take part in the first Summit on District Administration tomorrow. The Chief Executive will chair the the Summit and seeks to strengthen the communication between high-ranking government officials and the DCs, and to serve as a platform for exchanging views on topical issues of interest to districts.
All DC members, representatives of partner organizations, Principal Officials, Heads of Departments with direct interface with the public and representatives from relevant government bureaux and departments will be invited to attend.
Details pls see: http://www.had.gov.hk/en/strenghen_society.htm#04
好久沒有寫同事了, 一寫當然要寫最靚仔最靚女的啦......哈哈。秀色可餐,各位細細"品嚐"吧
I haven't mentioned my colleauges for a long time, so I share their beautiful pictures with you. Enjoy them, haha
From Left to right: Lo Kin Hey, Kam Nai Wai, Yeung Siu Pik, Fung Wai Kwong(Andrew), Li Shee Lin(Becky), Chai Man Hon(Henry) and me
This photo includes three legislative councillors: Dr Yeung Sum, Mr Sin Chung Kai and Mr Martin Lee
最近我在看梵高書信集,書裡面的序言也這樣評價梵高。(注:梵高學畫前曾修讀神學,並在煤礦區以非一般的熱情廣傳福音。稍後我會寫一篇關於這本書的blog,先引一段他寫給弟弟的一封信如下:But I always think that the best way to know God is to love many things. Love a friend, a wife, something, whatever you like, and you will be one the right way to knowing more about it, that is what I say to myself. But one must love with a lofty and serious intimate sympathy, with strength, with intelligence, and one must always try to know deeper, better and more. That leads to God, that leads to unwavering faith.
from The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh, p.124
Last Saturday, I worked as a volunteer to joined a local trip. As you can see, we went to the Ngong Ping 360 to take the famous cable car and to have vegetarian food that day.
I wondered the smile of Buddha (he's not smiling? maybe.) has not shown his mercy enough. The impression of merciful smile of Buddha come from the statue of Buddha made in traditional dynasties which were over 1000 ago.
I am neither Christian nor Buddhist. Because of the great scholar Wang Guo Wei, I believe there’s one thing in common in Jesus and Buddha; they both bear and suffer from all the pain of human being and try to relieve the pain for us. There are people have the similar heart. The last emperor Nan Tang Dynasty and Jia Bo Yu in The Dream of Red Mansion, I believe they both have such heart.
I've been reading The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh, there are critics say Van Gogh had the same heart too, I quote from a letter he wrote to his brother, so you can make your own judgment:
But I always think that the best way to know God is to love many things. Love a friend, a wife, something, whatever you like, and you will be one the right way to knowing more about it, that is what I say to myself. But one must love with a lofty and serious intimate sympathy, with strength, with intelligence, and one must always try to know deeper, better and more. That leads to God, that leads to unwavering faith. (p.124)
As you can see in you face, I dont' have enough sleep lately.
曾在一個外國旅遊節目中看到,說幾乎所有的佛像都面向東方,但這座大佛就面向北方.....北京。不知是否真的如此? 是的話我也不會覺得奇怪。
According to a western travel programme, all statue of Buddha face the East, but this one is facing the North, to Beijing. I don't know whether it is true. I won't be surprised if the answer is positive.
I get more and more WCH residents' complaint about noise nuisance recently. Most of the problem caused by the construction work in WCH area, which has been working on for 2 years, and it'll keep working on for 3 or 4 years.
The demolition of Wong Chuk Hang Estate will be started in late July, I've urged the Housing Authority to monitor the contractor to decrease the impact of the demolition work, especially thenoise and dust pollution may caused.
I'll keep following up this issue, in order to improve our environment. (my previous follow, pls see: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=1930),