2010年1月31日 星期日

In Character: What Makes a Politician Become a Statesman

我這幾天收拾狼藉滿桌的書本,不然會被老媽子責罵,哈哈。收拾其間看到一本自己斷斷續續看的訪談錄,這是John Mortimer寫的In Character,05年時我在圖書館舊書義賣中以超低價五元買了回來,因為第一個受訪者就是Lord Denning。


‘…but I'm not sure his(Winston Churchill's) heart was in being a Conservative.’
Lord Butler's eyes were shining. Somewhere deep inside he seemed to be suppressing another giggle. ‘Winston used to ring me up before a Budget and say, “Remember compassion!”’

我06年看時,在這句旁邊寫下了這樣的眉批:It makes a politician to a statesman. 


Archbishop Runcie: We've produced a competitive society which condemns anyone who doesn't succeed on it's own terms. It's very cruel, and it's a new form of deprivation.


Tony Benn: it's the evil in man that makes democracy necessary and man's belief in justice that makes democracy possible.


Roy Jenkins: In a sentence, I believe in introducing humanitarian conscience and reform; concerns for those who don't easily survive in a rough world.

“Remember compassion!”’開卷有益,此之謂也!

2010年1月28日 星期四

財政司司長密訪南區?FS visits Southern District....secretly?






The Financial Secretary, Mr John C Tsang,visited the Southern District yesterday,(See:
http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/201001/28/P201001280241.htm)Including my constituency Wong Chuk Hang,'to see the successful example of revitalisation of industrial buildings to provide new momentum for economic growth.'

But I was informed by nobody but know such news from the press release of the government. 

So I'm sure you must have learned know what's the role of district councilor in our political system. 

聖誕禮物到手啦:已加4個電單車車位 Gift of Merry Christmas


As I said in Christmas, some of the gifts I give you (the motorbike parking space) has been put to service. And I hope of the rest of the parking space can be completed soon after the Chinese New Year.

2010年1月26日 星期二

War and Faith/ Grave for Whom? 戰爭與信仰/墓穴為誰而挖掘?

I share with you two more photos from the Spiegel: 

April 17. 2009 Pakistani men pray next to a bullet-ridden vehicle parked outside the compound of the Red Mosque in Islamabad. Just one day after his release from prison, the mosque's radical leader, Maulana Abdul Asis, returned to the prayer hall, calling for followers to fight to the death for the enforcement of Islamic law across the militancy-plagued country. "The more victims there are, the faster we will spread Islam," Asis said in front of hundreds of followers. The preacher, who was released on bail, is accused of leading the insurgency of radical Koran students in the mosque in Islamabad in July 2007. At least 100 died when Pakistani troops stormed into the complex that month. Asis tried to escape by dressing as a woman in a burqa, but he was captured.

Aug. 7, 2009 Aerial view of a cemetery near Bristol, England.





我向來不激進,頗欣賞後現代理論或文化研究的尖銳眼光,但常以懷疑眼光視之;我也不會保守得如孔孟信徒,但信守其「執其兩端,用其中於民」的中庸之道,也即亞里士多德指從政者的「應有品格」:prudence(見我以前網誌:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/searchblog_art?p=prudence&my=1)。當然,我很明白和警愓,中庸做得不好就容易流於平庸;而且,還有尼采對prudence的聲討: ...... to say nothing of “wisdom,” but, to say it again and to say it three times: prudence, prudence, prudence, mixed in with stupidity, stupidity, stupidity—whether it is now that indifference and coldness of a metaphorical statute against the hot-headed foolishness of the emotions, which the Stoics recommended and applied as a cure......(尼采《善惡的彼岸》:http://records.viu.ca/~johnstoi/Nietzsche/beyondgoodandevil5.htm)



2010年1月24日 星期日

我是猶太人?Am I Jew?


I feel dull these days, and I think I just like one of the Jews in the following photo.

March 12, 2009 The Ultra-Orthodox Jewish men gathered here at a yeshiva rabbinical seminary looked bored and exhausted during annual Purim celebrations in Jerusalem. Purim commemorates the rescue of Jews from genocide in the ancient Persian Empire.

2010年1月22日 星期五

Will China Rule the World?

See the different views of what the future China/word-politics will be like in the following abstract of an essay written by Dani Rodrik, Professor of Political Economy at Harvard University. 

The key issue here is that will China keep growing up as the superpower if the economic growth can't be maintained or even crash? Will it lead to a disaster(disorder or civil war?) because of, as Rodrik points out in the essay, the fragility of the authoritarian political system? 

You could read the whole essay at:http://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/rodrik39

Will China Rule the World?

Dani Rodrik


All of which raises the question of whether China will eventually replace the US as the world’s hegemon, the global economy’s rule setter and enforcer. In a fascinating new book, revealingly titled When China Rules the World , the British scholar and journalist Martin Jacques is unequivocal: if you think China will be integrated smoothly into a liberal, capitalist, and democratic world system, Jacques argues, you are in for a big surprise. Not only is China the next economic superpower, but the world order that it will construct will look very different from what we have had under American leadership.

.......Jacques says. The Chinese and their government are wedded to a different conception of society and polity: community-based rather than individualist, state-centric rather than liberal, authoritarian rather than democratic. China has 2,000 years of history as a distinct civilization from which to draw strength. It will not simply fold under Western values and institutions.

A world order centered on China will reflect Chinese values rather than Western ones, Jacques argues. Beijing will overshadow New York, the renminbi will replace the dollar, Mandarin will take over from English, and schoolchildren around the world will learn about Zheng He’s voyages of discovery along the Eastern coast of Africa rather than about Vasco de Gama or Christopher Columbus.

Gone will be the evangelism of markets and democracy. China is much less likely to interfere in the internal affairs of sovereign states. But, in return, it will demand that smaller, less powerful states explicitly recognize China’s primacy (just as in the tributary systems of old).

......Beneath China’s powerful economic dynamo lie deep tensions, inequalities, and cleavages that could well derail a smooth progression to global hegemony. Throughout its long history, centrifugal forces have often pushed the country into disarray and disintegration.

China’s stability hinges critically on its government’s ability to deliver steady economic gains to the vast majority of the population........

The authoritarian nature of the political regime is at the core of this fragility. It allows only repression when the government faces protests and opposition outside the established channels.

The trouble is that it will become increasingly difficult for China to maintain the kind of growth that it has experienced in recent years. China’s growth currently relies on an undervalued currency and a huge trade surplus. This is unsustainable, and sooner or later it will precipitate a major confrontation with the US (and Europe). There are no easy ways out of this dilemma. China will likely have to settle for lower growth.

If China surmounts these hurdles and does eventually become the world’s predominant economic power, globalization will, indeed, take on Chinese characteristics. Democracy and human rights will then likely lose their luster as global norms. That is the bad news.

The good news is that a Chinese global order will display greater respect for national sovereignty and more tolerance for national diversity. There will be greater room for experimentation with different economic models.

Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2009.

2010年1月21日 星期四

香港仔十五間寫揮春 Calligraphy for Lunar New Year



As usual, Dr. Yeung Sum helps my office to write calligraphy for the coming Lunar New Year at '15 Room' again.(Ref.http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=1785

2010年1月20日 星期三




(明報)2010年1月19日 星期二 21:50

消費者委員會    最新一輪街市行情指數顯示,南區的香港仔街市是全港最貴街市。


緊隨於第二位的是沙田    街市,價格指數為108.9,由上次的首位降下來。第三位仍是九龍城區的九龍城街市,價格指數107.5。共有17個街市的價格指數高於100。

但有更多街市的價格指數低於平均數,共21個。黃大仙    區的大成街街市仍是44個街市中最便宜,格價指數為94.2,低於平均的5.8%。東區柴灣街市是第二最便宜街市,價格指數94.3。荃灣    楊屋道街市的價格指數由11月的98.7,下降至12月的94.4,成為第三最便宜街市。


消委會    最新價格指數亦顯示,09年12月的街市食品價,較09年11月微升0.7%,其中肉類、魚類和水果價格均見上漲。以全年分析,肉價今年持續下降,魚價波幅則較大,12月較11月貴1.4%,但較09年1月平0.4%。


2010年1月19日 星期二

全民防疫:派發洗手液 'Instant Hand Sanitizer' for Local Community


Last Friday, I distribute the 'instant hand sanitizer' at '15 room' again. Since the gov't allocate more resource to the district council, we are able to buy the 'instant hand sanitizer' for the public. You may know more about it from my previous entries: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/searchblog_art?p=洗手液&my=1

2010年1月18日 星期一

安老院申請建住宅、電單車車位及改善休憩處設施 Some Follow-up of Community Work



This leaflet is about some follow-up of my community work, you may more the background of these issues at:

the latest development of the residential application of the Home for the Aged:

facility at the sitting area at the Nam Long Shan Service Reservoir:   http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/searchblog_art?p=配水庫&my=1



2010年1月15日 星期五

辦事處閒人免進? Staff Only?


My office almost become a 'staff only' place since there's a construction work out there. But we are not close because of it, so pls feel free to come to my office. Be careful of course!

2010年1月14日 星期四

細眉細眼的地區工作:馬虎的小型工程(2) Unacceptable Minor Improvement Work(2)


The improvement work has been completed after we complained the road surface of the work. (Ref. http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=8093&prev=8099&next=8089  )

2010年1月13日 星期三

轉載:「價值政治」和「生活方式」政治 Politics of Value and Way of Life



我曾在網誌寫:我們為生活而工作,這很正常,但絕不應為了工作而生存(http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?new=1&mid=3153)。薇依(Simone Weil)說勞役是我們無法避免的重負,無論社會主義還是資本主義都如是,而革命(而非宗教)投射給人一個可以免除勞役的烏托邦,這才是名副其實的精神鴉片。」(見:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=5821

「80 後」與民主運動

近期媒體評論紛紛把泛民激進化、元旦日中聯辦門前爭普選抗議集會出現肢體衝突、及持續的反高鐵行動,歸結為所謂「80 後」冒起現象,並以此作為「新民主運動」、「新社會運動」的起點。有關「80 後」青年一代的問題,留待社會學家們去研究,不在本文範疇。不過,應指出的是,每一個世代都產生其理想追求者、及其行動派,這是常態,不用感到什麼震驚。


其實2003 年「七一」大遊行後,媒體也曾一度聚焦一些青年/學生新興組合(包括「七一人民批」、Roundtable、「三十會」等),只不過,似乎媒體的社會研究興趣往往是短暫的,目前的潮流是「80後」社會活躍分子,正如早前是「?模」(追求快速上位?)、再早前是「隱蔽青年」(不思振作?)一樣。要全面認真地了解「80 後」、「90 後」等新一代的行為與思想,須作整體的社會分析,不應只看一時的頭條。目前的「80 後」討論,既反映一個社會現象,也同時是一個媒體政治的論述。

話說回來,當下的社會政治生態的確在呈現實質變化,縱使不應簡約為「80 後」因素,但世代更替及時代變遷,實乃其中重要變數,構成現時人們看到關於政改爭論和管治困局的種種表象。無論是民主運動或政府施政,都須面臨轉型和範式轉移(paradigm shift)的挑戰。

我不贊成部分泛民團體「5 區請辭、變相公投」的行動,但他們問對了一個問題: 「過去民主運動什麼手法都用過了——示威、遊行、請願甚至絕食,但是現時看來都不能帶來爭普選方面的突破,因此要嘗試用新策略、新方式去動員、感召民眾,請辭公投就是一個變招嘛!反對請辭的人,你們有什麼更好的做法呢?」



今天,唯有泛民(或部分泛民)願意「背書」政府方案或某種互諒互讓下的妥協方案,否則就寸步難進,只有原地踏步。中央的2017/20 年雙普選時間表亮了綠燈,但是仍得由香港內部不同派別(泛民、建制派、工商界)達至大多數共識,共同走過政改的馬路,不然,綠燈是白亮了!因此,如何走好體制內改革的議會道路、如何掌握新形勢下談判妥協的藝術與政治能量,乃傳統民主運動領導者須作充分準備者,否則只會出現焦躁、猶豫、無奈,甚至失望,把一個有可塑性的時刻悲情地視為最後一戰的關頭。

的確,30 年的傳統抗爭模式,已產生一定的政治疲倦,所以激進派說要變招,年輕一代(少壯派)說「上一代已技窮,就讓我們這一代幹些更轟烈的事吧!」可是,請辭派仍回答不了的問題是:補選縱是成功,重返議會面對不變的政改格局,又可怎樣?還是再一次地去否決?香港邁向普選之路上,可以承受多少次的否決呢?持續的否決、悲情、對決,會否只會導致更大的政治疲倦,使民眾難以對泛民產生希望?希望與絕望,往往是一念之差。

無論是否普選、何時實行,政治生態卻在靜默起革命。不單是香港,在世界不少地方,傳統的「選舉政治」與「福利政治」(亦即香港在八九十年代盛行的民主民生政治)正在讓位予新形態的「價值政治」和「生活方式」政治。在國際層面上,講的是管治的價值(問責、透明、公開、公平)、市場的道德(特別金融海嘯之後)、氣候變化與地球可持續發展(哥本哈根會議的吸引力)、全球化與反全球化的意識形態之爭;在本港,綠色議題、文化行動、公共空間、反對官商勾結、文明公義等此起彼落,亦漸次左右公共論述,成為小眾社會行動的基礎(不一定再是八九十年代的有組織性聯盟的社會運動)。因此,所謂「80 後」激進分子才會說「政黨抽水」、「我們要做到的,跟泛民政黨無關」。


現在,不單是政府決策者與官員們追不上形勢,各大政黨何嘗不是,還停留在八九十年代的操作方式和期望管理,與新興的「價值政治」脫節。各地政府要做的,已不是傳統的「派錢」「搞活動」「開計劃」,而是把政府的機器與思維模式「21世紀化」、「創新化」。單說促進經濟、搞好民生已不能滿足新時代的政治、人們更追求一個理念型之政府(因而缺乏行政經驗的奧巴馬能憑「Change we can」而當選總統);當然,光講價值、做不到實事也是徒然,這是台灣馬英九總統的慘痛經驗。

香港現處的管治困局,是《基本法》下我們繼承了一個20 世紀民主轉型的前期體制,故每天仍在爭論普選,以為選舉民主就是「歷史的終結」,但是政治生態已在不知不覺之間向21 世紀後現代、後議會民主過渡,管治的期望與定義也在不斷改寫當中,卻不為正規政治體制所反映——不論是「行政吸納」、「諮詢政治」、「政黨政治」,其實都處於「老革命遇上新問題」之困境。要去改革的何止選舉制度!

2010年1月12日 星期二






2010年1月11日 星期一

細眉細眼的地區工作:馬虎的小型工程 Unacceptable Minor Improvement Work




It's a follow-up work of a minor improvement work suggestion of the working group of the Southern District last year.(Ref.http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=5716

Thanks to a resident who complained that the improvement work hasn't really improved the surface of the road but the contractor assumed that they did. You may see the pictures here and will find the the so-called improvement work near the Jumbo Floating restaurant is unacceptable! 

I've raised the complaint to the Southern District and the concerned contractor promised to improve the work in two weeks. 

I'll keep monitoring the process and the result of the work, or it'll just waste the public money and damage the image of HK by this ugly and unsatisfactory work. 

2010年1月8日 星期五





2010年1月7日 星期四

1月義務法律諮詢 Free Legal Consultation Service(Jan)


Here's the arrangment of legal consultation service this month:





8 Jan. (Fri)

徐遠華 議員辦事處

G/F, Jumbo Court3 Welfare Road, Wong Chuk Hang, H.K



15 Jan. (Fri)

甘乃威 馮煒光    徐遠華  議員聯合辦事處

Shop 5, Lei Fook House(Lower Block), Ap Lei Chau Estate



22 Jan. (Fri)

甘乃威 柴文瀚 議員聯合辦事處

Rm. 119, Wah Tai House, Wah Fu Estate, H.K.



29 Jan. (Fri)

馮煒光 議員辦事處

Shop 101, East Shopping Mall, South Horizon


2010年1月6日 星期三

惠福道安老院要求延期審理住宅申請 Re-development of the Home for the Aged(6)



The applicant applied to defer handling of its application of the re-development plan of the Home for the Aged just before I raised the issue to the SDC, in the name of providing more detail information . (The background of this issue, pls refer to http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/index?l=f&id=16

The application of deferring 2 months was accepted by the Town Planning Board. I've demanded the Planning Dept that if the application is substantially amended, the public should be consulted again, in order to make it clear and open to the public.  

2010年1月5日 星期二

和解課程 Mediation Course

終身學習和自我增值很重要,所以我最近報讀了一個和解課程(mediation, 又譯「調解」)。這一來是因為區議員平時工作不時會接到鄰舍和樓上樓下住戶的爭執、糾紛等個案,我想和解課程能提供一些專業技巧,令我處理類似個案時能更加勝任;其次是我也了解到政府鼓勵市民以省時方便的和解而非仲裁及訴訟方便解決爭議和糾紛,將來可能成為趨勢;再者,多謝我黨友趙家賢(他是全港最年輕的區議員,且是注冊調解員)的鼓勵及提供資料,使我能報讀這個課程,自我增值。


更多關於和解的資料,可見:http://www.mediationcentre.org.hk/ 及http://mediatefirst.hk/site/

I enrolled a mediation course recently and attended my first class tonight. I think I could learn professional skills to deal with the dispute case in my community work, and it's a good chance to add-value to myself. 

You may know more about mediation at http://www.mediationcentre.org.hk/  and http://mediatefirst.hk/site/

2010年1月3日 星期日

從化梅花節:流溪香雪 Plum Blossom Festival

I share with you the beautiful pictures I took in the Plum Blossom Festival in Guang Dong in the Christmas holiday.