2010年3月19日 星期五

黃竹坑道商廈室內污染最嚴重? Indoor Pollution in WCH

看到明報一則室內空氣污染的調查,結果發現「(總揮發性有機化合物)TVOCs 方面,則有10 商廈和4 商場超標,最嚴重是位於黃竹坑道的商廈,超標18 倍」,真不知可信性有多高。詳見下面報導。

According to a survey, the indoor pullution is most serious in WCH. Details pls refer to the report below.


A05  |   港聞



【明報專訊】本港商廈、商場空氣質素響警號,調查發現港九19 間商廈和商場空氣中,18 間(95%)的可吸入懸浮粒子和14 間(75%)的總揮發性有機化合物水平超標, 空氣質素比室外還差,不但上班族易患有「病態樓宇綜合症」, 出現頭痛、鼻塞、出皮疹等徵狀,檢測公司更指出, 有辦公室或商場甚至為省電費而關掉空調換鮮風系統, 逼員工和顧客不斷吸廢氣。


空氣質素檢測公司AirTek 今年1 至2月,於港九14 座商業樓宇和5 個大型購物商場, 量度空氣中的可吸入懸浮粒子PM10 (RSP) 、總揮發性有機化合物(TVOCs)和二氧化碳(CO2)含量, 並以香港室內空氣質素指標(卓越級)作標準,發現多達13 座商業樓宇和全部5 個商場RSP 均超標,最嚴重是尖沙嘴加連威老道的商廈,超標15 倍,尖沙嘴彌敦道一個商場亦超標14 倍,較街外水平更嚴重。反映空調過濾不佳、通風槽欠清潔。

TVOCs 方面,則有10 商廈和4 商場超標,最嚴重是位於黃竹坑道的商廈,超標18 倍,AirTek 總經理黃勁松說,揮發性有機化合物(VOCs) 主要來自裝修物料,部分公司一邊裝修、一邊營業, 員工及顧客便會吸入大量VOCs。

至於反映空調抽換鮮風程度的室內二氧化碳水平, 14 商廈中13 個也超標。黃說, 商場水平在周一至周五人流少時通常只有約600ppm, 未超出800ppm 的標準,但到了周六、周日人流旺時, 有商場被測出高達2000ppm, 「過往經驗,有些商場和公司可能想在夏天省冷氣費, 將抽換鮮風機關掉,很離譜!」 他曾檢測過有證券行的二氧化碳含量達逾5000ppm, 足足超標5 倍多。

是次調查未有公開商戶名稱,只提供地址讓市民參考。 港鐵公司則強調,旗下商場的空調系統24 小時運作,不停抽入鮮風,確保場內空氣質素符合要求。


耳鼻喉科專科醫生周佐治警告,長時間處於空氣質素差的室內環境, 可能出現頭痛、鼻塞等「病態樓宇綜合症」徵狀(見下圖), 他說本港約有300 多萬打工仔,大部分在室內工作,粗略估計有100 萬至200 萬人有不同程度的病態樓宇綜合症,「普遍程度與鼻敏感、 哮喘不遑多讓」。打工仔若出現有關徵狀, 最好立刻打開窗或在工作間加小風扇,增強空氣流通,吹散污染物, 甚至可往洗手間走動一下透透氣,另增強身體抵抗力亦很重要。

P12  |   Local  |   By Beatrice Siu


City falls sick from indoor pollution menace

Four in five people suffer from illnesses linked to indoor air pollution, a survey has found.

The poll of 1,010 people was carried out in February by research firm Ipsos Hong Kong.

It found that 27 percent of respondents rated the indoor air quality in Hong Kong as ``bad'' and ``very poor;'' 60 percent thought it ``average.''

One-third thought that this poor air quality adversely affected their health.

It also found that 78 percent have suffered at least two symptoms, which may have been caused by indoor air pollution in the past six months.

The top three symptoms cited were tiredness, nasal congestion and headaches. Women are more likely to suffer from the symptoms.

Because of illness, 46 percent of those surveyed said they lost concentration at work. About 21 percent had to take sick leave in the past six months.

Ear, nose and throat specialist George Chow said poor ventilation could lead to sick building syndrome. Chow was not involved in the study.

A second survey, by air quality consultants Air Tek, found that of 14 commercial buildings and five shopping malls in Kowloon and Hong Kong Island it inspected in the past two months, 13 had poor air quality. Both survey findings were announced yesterday.

Thirteen of the inspected office buildings and all shopping malls were found to have high levels of respirable suspended particulates .

The maximum RSP level was 314.67 microgram/m3 at an office on Granville Road and 283.33 microgram/m3 for a Nathan Road shopping mall.

Ten office buildings exceeded the standard for total volatile organic compounds.

An office in Wong Chuk Hang Road recorded 18 times the standard at 1,640 ppb. Four shopping malls exceeded the standard.

For carbon dioxide, 13 office buildings had exceeded the standard.

High levels of carbon dioxide can harm lung and respiratory functions, while RSP and volatile particles may cause cancer, Chow said.

The general manager of Air Tek, Wong King-chung, said many shopping malls and offices do not install sufficient air ventilation systems, or even switch them off to save on their electric bills.

2 則留言:

青蛙仔 提到...

其實好多商廈同商場都有呢個問題, 不過無咩人發覺吧!

hmfunjmiuxw 提到...

路過!ㄝ幫你加加油 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .