2007年12月7日 星期五

灣仔睇Notebook / 買書 Looking for a Notebook/ Books in Wan Chai


我並不熟悉電腦行情,故事前先問了朋友意見,得知有幾隻牌子"必不可買",粗看後,暫時對下面HP 520 和 Fujitsu LifeBook A3130 兩款機頗有興趣(尤其是後者):

I went to Wan Chai to look for a notebook a few days ago. I don't require a latest model, as I told my colleague: it's like buying a car, we really don't need a Farrari in HK.

I'm interested in the following two models, esp. the last one:

1. HP 520  (http://h10010.www1.hp.com/wwpc/tw/zh/sm/WF06b/1090709-1124051-1124051-1124051-12434656-80330282-80330286.html)

  其中一間店開價 $5,800,另一間則指可低至$5,200!

   The price is between $5,200 to $5,800.

2.Fujitsu LifeBook A3130   (http://store.shopfujitsu.com/fpc/Ecommerce/buildseriesbean.do?series=A3130)

   只有一間店有這個牌子,不二價$6,998. 可免費將RAM upgrate 到 1G.

   The price for this one is $6,998, and the RAM can be upgrated to 1G for free.

3. 可惜當晚找不到Sony的機。


   I'm still looking for a Sony Model....



I bought four books after I'd checked the notebook, there is a book sale:

1. 中央與地方關係,這是我一直關心的課題:中央和香港的關係。當年我讀政政系(GPA)時,修讀王紹光教授的一門中央與地方關係的課,獲益良多!我記得當年寫的論文個案是印度,可惜論文沒存底。


I'm interested in the interl-governmental relations. $5 only!

2. 這本黑格爾哲學的英文入門書,厚達300多頁,只卻只賣30元;我一直想多了解一點黑格爾的政治哲學,希望這本書能領引我入門。

And, I'm inerested in political philosphy too. Hope this intorductory book worth reading. $30only.

3. 因受董橋影響,近年我好讀筆記。以下是雅堂先生連橫的筆記,定有助我了解台灣歷史人文。書只5元!

This is an collection of essaies by Lian Heng, a historian in Taiwan, and the grand-father of Lian Zhan, the former chairman of KMT. Again, $5 only.


The topic of this book is rather rare, it's about the relation of bandit and civilian in 12th-18th Centry South-east China. I bought it for a good friend. I hope this book could be useful for him to edit his M.Phil. thesis. $10 only.
