2009年2月19日 星期四

鴨脷洲邨聯合辦事處開幕典禮 Opening Ceremony of Joint Office at Ap Lei Chow


這個辦事處前身是李柱銘 楊森聯合辦事處,和華富邨的辦事處一樣,是我先前任職議員助理的地方,即是俗話說的'出身地'。現在兩位元老級的前議員退休了,雖然同事依舊,但現在有時到那邊開會,看到新招牌掛上了自己的名字,不禁覺得自己身上的擔子更重了。


1. 將軍一去,大樹飄零?Old Soldier Never Die, They Just Fade Away

2. 天公作美 開幕禮順利完成

3. 甘乃威 柴文瀚 辦事處 開幕典禮 Opening Ceremony of Joint Office at Wah Fu Estate

There will be an opening ceremony of Joint Office of Kam Nai Wai, Fung Wai Kwong and Tsui Yuen Wa at Ap Lei Chow Estate.

I had been working at this office(formally the Joint Office of Martin Lee and Dr. Yeung Sum) as an assistant to Dr. Yeung. I'm entitled to have greater responsibility because I'm one of the councillors at this new joint office now.

The detail of the ceremony is as follow:

Date: 22 Feb. 09

Time: 2:30pm

Venue: playground at Ap Lei Chow Estate.

The Under-Secretary for Home Affair, Ms. Florence Hui Hiu Fai and others will be our guests.

You may be interested to refer to my previous blog:

1. 將軍一去,大樹飄零?Old Soldier Never Die, They Just Fade Away

2. 天公作美 開幕禮順利完成

3. 甘乃威 柴文瀚 辦事處 開幕典禮 Opening Ceremony of Joint Office at Wah Fu Estate
