「Harold Bloom對我影響太大,害我成天焦慮,讀書彷彿找人打架。 看到弱的,哼哼笑笑。看到強的,蠢蠢欲動。 對薇依那種刀槍不入的,有暴打一頓的臆想。而面對徐渭、李贅, 彷彿虐待狂撞上虐待狂,先是被狂抽幾百鞭,爽極, 然後奮起倒抽幾百鞭,更爽。」
A writer shares her reading experience as having fight with the author, she laughs at the weak author and want to have a fight with the strong one. To those who is as 'weak but holy' as Simone Weil, she writes taht she 'wants to crucify her'; and to those who gets the violent 'crazy talent', she demands an harsh fight she can even enjoy beating by them.
I got the similar experience before, but now i'm getting older and have learned to appreciate others' effort.