“Expert”——那些knows more and more about less and less的人。還有,當官員說「我們要先聽聽專家的意見」,又或者「more research needs to be done」,就是當政府感到一籌莫展,唔知點應付的時候,搬出來令人覺得政府做緊的擋箭牌。
“This is a hypothetical question”——即係話我唔想答,因為這是答會對我不利的問題。
“I am glad you asked me that”——傻仔,呢條問題其實我一早預,答案亦早已準備好,而家正好畀個機會我借題發揮。(順帶一提,如果你問唔問題,他就會說:「Yes, but the important thing to understand is....然後照把上述準備好的,照講一次。」)
“I hear what you are saying, but....”——除了「but」以後的說話之外,前面幾隻字全屬廢話。
Mr Choy Chi Keong of GPA Dept' of CUHK (http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/article?mid=1481)wrote a article on political cliche. You also see a related article on BBC at http://news.bbc.co.uk/chinese/trad/hi/newsid_4480000/newsid_4482600/4482615.stm
Though being a district councillor-elect and a so-called politician now, I still feel uncomfortable to be named as a politician. It's quite a harsh word to me. But I do agree that anyone who take part in politics and those whose work concerns public interest, they should face harsh criticism. The public opinion should be an important role to monitor these people, including me now, and take a harsh approach to us, in order to make the society free, open and clean.
I still remember a saying from Anson Chan; she borrowed it from Kennedy ( Lincoln ?): It's a privilege of a person in high office to read reports and criticism in the morning post.
I'm not in the high office, but I totally agree that such privilege should be maintained, becuase it's one of the special characteristic of a free and open society.
So, if you find anything wrong in my work and conduct, please point them out directly. I welcome criticism, no matter in a gentle or harsh way.