2009年1月12日 星期一

遊客指示牌(3) Road Sign for Tourist(3)


It's my follow up email to Transport Dept:

Dear ***,
I refer to your letter dated 24 Dec. 2008 concerning the captioned matter.
I now provide my counter-argument for your consideration:
a). The Floating Restaurant is not an ordinary private enterprise, but is one of the landmarks of HK, which is used by many gov't dept and public institutes to promote tourism;

b). I believe the road sign helps to indicate the tourist to get to the Restaurant or it gives them an impression of poor indicating facility for tourist;

c). There are actually two road signs located at Shum Wan Road, WCH, both of them indicating the Restaurant, it's not consistent to reject my suggestion to add another one at Welfare Road, which will also be useful to tourist.
In sum, it's a matter of public interest and I urge your dept to re-consider my suggestion seriously. Thank you.
PS: FYI, I've put this suggestion on my blog at http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=4745 and  http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=4270
