2009年3月6日 星期五

滬江維多利亞學校噪音擾民 Noise Nuisance by victoria Shanghai Academy



就此事我不禁質疑校方: 這是為人師表應有的態度嗎?為何不肯說清楚有否將問題帶入校董會討論?如果沒有,是否違背了去年開會的承諾?有的話,究竟校董會的決定是什麼,理據又是什麼?即使最後決定"無能為力,不再跟進",作為事後跟進,那是否應向居民、環保署和我辦事處講清楚?現在一直採取"拖字訣",教人感到遺憾和氣憤外,難道要我和居民到其校門口,向其家長和學生示威請願,告訴他們校方的處理手法?

Here is a case about the noise nuisance from Victoria international school, it was caused by the school’s central air-condition system. To deal with the case, in 08 May I have held a meeting with some Broadview Court (BC) residents, EPD’s staffs and the principal of the international school.
Tprincipal promised she would follow the noise issue. However, she don't think she has raised this issue to the director board as she promised. And she just keep ignoring my emails and phone calls.  

How could a school take such way to deal with the noise issue? I'll take further action if they keep ignoring our voice.
