2008年2月29日 星期五

報章報導:南區地鐵出入口初步方案 Newspaper Cutting of SIL Latest Progress

It's two piece of newspaper cutting about the SIL of MTR. I'm Sorry I can't translate them into English.


A06  |  






【記者王智報道】港鐵公司就南港島線各站的設計,以及出入口位置得 出初步方案。南港島線的四個站之中,海洋公園站及黃竹坑站將會架空 建設,黃竹坑站並設有交通交匯處。各個站分別設有一至三個出入口 ,其中以利東站的出入口最多。有區議員不滿車站出入口數目不足 ,令區內居民要步行前往。南區區議將在35日與港鐵召開特別會議,進一步討論有關的方案。


港鐵公司已經就南港島線各站的設計得出初步的方案 ,並於昨日向南區區議會展開首次諮詢。其中海洋公園及黃竹坑的軌道 ,部分將以架空方式興建,而鐵路在進入鴨洲後,會穿入地底,利東站及海怡半島的車站月台均設於地底。


對於今次港鐵公司提出的初步方案,區議員的反應不一;南區區議員徐遠華表示,對於方案感到失望,並認為黃竹坑站的出入口 ,未照顧到區內居民的需要︰「現時黃竹坑站的位置 ,與居民距離頗遠,但港鐵在計劃出口時,卻沒有考慮到附近居民的需 要,港鐵最少也應在深灣一帶加多一個出口。」另一南區區議員馮煒光 認為,港鐵應該要在工程進行期間,盡量減少對環境造成破壞。

南區區議會在35日與港鐵召開特別會議,進一步討論有關的方案。港鐵亦會於310日至420日期間進行首輪地區諮詢,在海怡半島、利東以及黃竹坑等地區舉辦展 覽,以及公眾諮詢大會,收集居民意見。


A22  |  




利東站建大型升降機 南港島一出站到旅遊點


造價七十億元的港鐵南港島(東段)工程,正展開初步規劃及設計,港鐵昨向南區區議會公布五個車站的出 口設置建議。其中「利東站」為地底車站,需建升降機連接地面 ,再通往包括鴨洲大街的三個出口;「海洋公園站」則採「送到你去公園門口」設計 ,以便疏導遊人;「黃竹坑站」會以架空形式設於香葉道明渠之上 。港鐵擬於兩星期後就新鐵路工程展開土地勘測工作 ,並於三月至四月期間,進行巡迴展覽及公眾諮詢大會。

港鐵項目統籌經理鄧伯洪會上表示,全長七公里的南港島(東段)新鐵路,包括「金鐘站」、「海洋公園站」、「黃竹坑站」、 「利東站」及「海怡半島站」五個車站。「黃竹坑站」及 「海洋公園站」均屬高架站,前者位於香葉道明渠之上 ,港鐵建議以架空天橋行人網絡,連接車站與周邊的物業發展 ,並利用巴士廠舊址土地興建泊車轉乘設施,方便駕車人士轉乘港鐵。


南區區議員徐遠華不滿「黃竹坑站」近酒店區多於民居,鄧伯洪回應指 ,港鐵正研究車站與其他物業之連接系統,不排該站日後會有更多接口 。

港鐵擬於兩星期後就新鐵路工程展開土地勘測工作,並於三月至四月期 間,進行巡迴展覽及公眾諮詢大會。港鐵期望,本年內可完成地區諮詢 工作,以趕及於明年啟動刊憲程序,預計工程於二年開展詳細設計及招標,二一一年施工,三年後落成啟用。

2008年2月28日 星期四

南區地鐵出入口初稿 Draft Design of MTR Station(1)





MTR Corporation reported to the Southern District Council this afternoon on the latest progress of the MTR Southern Line Project.

I'm disappointed that the draft design of the exits of the WCH station is too far away from our residents. We already know that the station will be located near the block 10 of WCH estate; we hope there will be at least one exit of the station that is near Shum Wan Road.

The MTR Corporation fails us! I questioned it that the MTR station should be located at a place that convenient to local residents, but the MTR Corporation replied that it foresee the re-development of the industrial area and the station will serve them.

We'll discuss this issue in details on 5 March. And My colleagues and I will distribute leaflets tomorrow morning to let residents know the latest progress.







2008年2月27日 星期三

財政預算案 Financial Budget


I joined my party's petition activity outside the LegCo building before the Financial Secretary announced his first Financial Budget.

We urge the Gov't to spend the over-100 billions-surplus in a way that the middle class and grassroot class could share the economic prosperity.

My party suggests increasing the Higher Old Age Allowance, cutting the salaries tax and setting up a higher old age fund to ensure a decent live if our senior citizen.

2008年2月25日 星期一

南區地鐵居民展覽及諮詢會 Public Consultation Meeting of SIL





I attended the SDC meeting this afternoon and I follow up issues like the noise nuisence(See:  http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/article?mid=1930&prev=1949&next=1932 ) and the arrangment of public consultation assembly of SIL.

It's a pity that the Chan Pak Shan Secondary School rejected to lend its hall or playground for us to make the consultation assembly of SIL happen in WCH area.

I'm trying to ask the Kai Fong Welfare Association to lend a place for us to have the meeting. If we are rejected again, we can't have such assembly in WCH area, simply because of lacking community facilities.

It's one of the reasons that i'm fighting for facilities like community hall in WCH.


2008年2月21日 星期四

徐遠華議員辦事處即將投入服務! Kevin Tsui's Office : 3 Welfare Rd.





PS: 今早再到深灣,本想在南濤閣派發單張,宣傳107巴士站移前,誰知天公又不作美,才派了約20分鐘就下雨了。我今天傍晚會再落區,以免浪費已印好的單張。

After more than 2 months of waiting, I finally sign the contract with the owner to have my office at 3 Welfare Road, Wong Chuk Hang! It'll be open in around 2 weeks, after the decoration work is completed.

The office certainly will help me to follow up issues like the SIL project of MTR, the re-zoning of WCH industrial area, the re-development of WCH estate, and the local transportation. I'll keep working hard to improve our community!

I welcome you all to come to my office to voice out your opinion and share your ideas with me!



It takes you about 2 minutes from here to Jumbo Court.


I can't distribute leaflet this morning because of raining.


A small case need to be followed: the hydrant is leaking.

南區新聞:107號巴士移前 A Report on the Rt. 107 Bus Stop Moving Forward

補上一份地區報紙南區新聞的報導,先前的跟進,請見:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/article?mid=1929 ,http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/searchblog_art?p=107&my=1


PS: 明天我有重大消息公布,哪位有興趣猜一猜?

It's a newspaper clipping from from a local newspaper, it reports the implementation of the Rt. 107 bus stop moving forward to the bus stop besides the Chan Pak Sha Secondary School.(See my previous follow up: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/article?mid=1929 ,and http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/searchblog_art?p=107&my=1)

My proposal will be implemented on 24 Feb.,  but the sign of the bus stop has been moved to the new bus stop.

PS: I'll announce an important piece of news tomorrow, guess what it is?


2008年2月20日 星期三

關注海洋公園工程噪音(2) Noise Nuisance Caused by Ocean Park Construction(2)?




I called the Ocean Park to follow up the noise nuisance problem (see : http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/article?mid=1932 ). The Park admitted contractor has been doing the construction work from 7pm to 5am, it's probably the noise nuisance come from. The Park promptly called me back that it ordered the contractor to add soundproof to avoid the nuisance.

And I got a similar complaint that the construction outside the Grandview Garden causes noise nuisance too.

I'll keep following up these complaints. Please let me know if you are troubled by such noise.


2008年2月19日 星期二

關注海洋公園工程噪音 Noise Nuisance Caused by the Ocean Park Construction?



Two noise nuisance complaints were made by Broadview Court residents and they urged me to follow up. They complained about the construction work of the Ocean Park re-development project caused the nuisance.

I've followed this problem with the SDC secretariat, and it promised me to ask the Ocean Park for more information to further following up.


The latest document informs us that the explosion of the Ocean Park construction is scheduled from 19 Feb. to 1 March between 0620am to 0750am.

2008年2月18日 星期一

外勤被迫取消及Take Me Home 報導107號移前 Fieldwork Delayed


下面是Take Me Home 2月15日關於107號移前的一小段報導。

It's drizzling this morning that my fieldwork at South Wave Court has to be delayed.

The following newspaper clipping is about the implementation of moving forward the Rt 107 bus.



2008年2月17日 星期日

新的一年,一樣的笑容 New year, Same Smile and Passion





PS:  今早派發的是過年前的因天冷未派出的107號巴士站移前的單張(詳見:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/searchblog_art?p=%EF%BC%91%EF%BC%90%EF%BC%97&b=0&my=1&s=t)。



It long queue of Rt. 75 bus appears again. I'll keep up monitor the quality of the bus service.


My colleagues and I just went back from distributing leaflet at Broadview Court. I will do it again at South Wave Court tomorrow.

Because of the cold weather, residents and I have not met for almost a month. We met this morning, the first morning after the Lunar New Year, my passion is the same. So does the smile of residents. We just met as old friends.

The happiest thing was that a little boy, who waiting for his kindergarten bus approached me, said he knew who I am because his parents once chatted with me. But he said he don't know my name. Haha, it must be the innocence and straightforwardness make such a lovely boy!

PS: the leaflet we distributed today is the one about the implementation of the relocation of the Rt. 107 bus (Pls see: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/searchblog_art?p=%EF%BC%91%EF%BC%90%EF%BC%97&b=0&my=1&s=t).


2008年2月14日 星期四

以寫blog為志業 Blogging as Vocation











PS:有心人當會知道"以寫blog作為志業"這個標題取自Max Weber的著名演講論文。

I borrow the topic from Max Weber's speech "Politics as Vocation", to express my determination of keep on writing this blog .

I was questioned by friends and colleagues and myself too, that whether it is worth keep writing the blog. Especially there are so many candidates give up updating their blog after my election.

There are 3 reasons are mentioned:

a.  it's quite time consuming, coz I basically write every working day, and I write bilingually;

b.  my potential opponent can update their information of WCH, so they know almost every issues conveniently.  Politically, it's certainly not good to my work.

c. Not many people(around 30-40 each day) browse my blog.

But I decide keep on writing, because it's apparent that the internet will be more and more important communication platform. And there are also 3 other reasons too:

a.  it's a way to train my willpower and patience, and I believe the belief of "Not give up easily", and it helps my personal-growth as a whole; the bilingual information not only make non-Chinese residents know what's going on in our community, and also helps to improve my English writing skills.

b.  though my potential opponent know my community work conveniently, but the important thing is that the resident also can communicate with my easily. Because it enables my community work more transparent to residents.

c.  if the number of browser is a problem, it should be a problem of mine, because I can't make it attractive and I should improve it rather that giving up.

Hope you will appreciate my effort.



情人節快樂 Sweet Prapes of Love



It's not necessary to be sour grapes if you don't get something, such as a lover, on Valentine's Day. I wish you all who tasting the "sweet prapes" of love a very happy day with your lover.

Today, as usual, I'm in love with my work. Because of the prolonged cold weather, I've not been out to meet residents and promote my community work. It will be warmer next week, it's time for planning such work.

2008年2月12日 星期二

明報:南港島線噪音擾12屋苑3年 Noise Nuisance of the SIL Concerned

The MTR South Island Line may cause noise nuisance, according to the Enviromental Dept. It's a Mingpao Newspagpe's report on this issue. I'm sorry that i can't translate it into English. You could refer to my previous follow up at http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/index?l=f&id=12


南港島線噪音擾12屋苑3 港鐵研減黃竹坑利東架空路段行車噪音


【明報專訊】政府落實興建港鐵南港島線東段,令不少南區居民雀躍,但鐵路建成前的3 年建造期內,部分南區居民恐怕要先忍受噪音之苦。環保署報告指出,南區12 個屋苑或將受工程噪音影響,其中海怡半島將是重災區。而鐵路通車時,由南風道隧道至鴨.洲利東站路段將會是架空鐵路,沿線居民未來將受行車噪音影響。


南港島線東段的工程,初步決定20111 月動工,2014 8 月完工,環保署報告指出,其間海怡半島、鴨..、利東.12 個鐵路沿線屋苑,都可能受噪音影響(見圖),一些社區設施如利東.、鴨..、南朗山道的學校,以及黃竹坑道醫院等亦不能倖免。



南港島線東段由利東站至南風道隧道入口的一段鐵路將為架空設計,2014 12 月鐵路將正式營運,行車噪音問題可能影響部分沿線屋苑,如壽山村道的住宅、漁安苑等;港鐵擬在海洋公園站北面和舊黃竹坑.興建的屋苑,預料亦難逃一劫,將受噪音之苦。港鐵就指出,將會挑選合適車輛,或以其他措施消減噪音,把噪音降至可接受水平。



















曾俊華:從專業人士到專業政治 From Professional to Professional Politics

It's an abstract from a speech delivered by John Tsang, while he was the  Financial Secretary. Mr Tsang encouraged young porfessionals to take part into politics and aspire to be a professional politician.

I'm sorry that I can't translate the speech into English.











2008年2月10日 星期日

開工大吉 First Red Packet, Lucky Start




Today's my big day.....not my wedding day of course. Today is my first time to give red packet to my colleagues. (Traditionally, only a married person or "boss" to give their red packet to single and colleagues on the first working day after the Lunar New Year.) So I do my duty, as a district councillor, to give red packet today. And it's a date should be remembered.

Of course, the amount of money is not important. It's just a traditional way to give our best wishes to families, friends and colleagues.

And my friend, I wish you all a very lucky start!

2008年2月5日 星期二

新年進步 恭喜發財! Kung Hei Fat Choi!


黃竹坑的居民昨天起會在區內發現我的新banner, 算是我為大家準備的一份小小的新年禮物107號巴士早上班次已增加至5-12分鐘一班,而且樹仁中學站也將在2月24日搬到陳白沙中學校側。(我以前的跟進,請見: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/searchblog_art?p=107&my=1)

Tonight is the eve of Lunar New Year; I wish all of you a fruitful Year of Rat! I have a present to resident of Wong Chuk Hang: the morning frequency of the Rt. 107 bus has been increased to 5-12 min.; the present Rt. 107 bus stop near the Shu Yan College will be moved forward to the bus stop besides the Chan Pak Sha Secondary School. It will save time for resident to walk home. (My previous follow up, pls see : http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/searchblog_art?p=107&my=1 )

I'd proposed such re-arrangement of the bus stop around one year ago, and the TD will implemented it on 24th Feb.




The new Rt. 107 bus will be moved to here. It centainly shorten the distance to walk home.


Letter from TD, after one year of fighting to implement my proposal.

2008年2月4日 星期一

商人怎能遠離政治? Political Apathy of the Younger Tycoon Generation

Yesterday, the editorial of Hong Kong Economic Journal commented on the political apathetic of the younger tycoon generation.(I'm sorry I can't translate the editorial here.) The Journal criticized the apolitical approach of the younger tycoon generation, whom has set up a fund and claims that it will keep distance with politics. But apparently, these younger tycoons eagerly want to increase their influence, political influence included of course.

They just keep their best wish to walk a shortcut to get their political influence. And clearly, they want to get it from the central government, not from the mandate of Hong Kong people.  

It reminds me the Self-Strengthening Movement in 19 century China (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-Strengthening_Movement), which failed due to the lack of vision in the political institutes and the culture of the western civilization. It also reminds me of Max Weber’s comment on the degree of political maturity of a regime. He once said the German people lacked a class of people who is mature in politics and able to take up the leadership to rule the whole world, so it failed in the WWII (because he thinks the British Empire is a mature people).

In an age of democracy, Weber claims that a nation or people only grow mature through the mass political movement. And all kind of freedom, the public debate and the election help to educate the people to become mature in politics.

So the point is, which I condom such a way of doing “invisible politics”, they treat it as a golden rule as they treat the "invisible hand " in economic, and they just cut the short way. And what I fear is, such political immature class someday probably will be the governing class of Hong Kong , by cutting the short way to gain the political power, from the central government.



相形之下讓我擔心,這些香港富商第二代的政治成熟度根本不足以擔當領袖階層,還記得韋伯(Max Weber)有句話大意是說:不要只把眼光盯著大眾,出問題的是精英階層!(他指的是沒有領袖才能的所謂政治精英,韋伯認為德國因為沒有這樣的政治成熟度,根本沒有能力統治全球,故敵不過英美。在內政方面,他認為當時的容克階級、中產階級及無產階級都不具備英美那種政治成熟度:這種政治成熟是要靠各種公開辯論、選舉才能培養出來的,因為每一次選舉對全民,尤其是領袖階層而言,都是一次重要的政治教育和磨練經過這種磨練,他們才會學懂如何駕馭現代的自由、平等的民眾;而民眾也在此過程中學習如何與其他公民等相處。這樣的民族才算得上是政治成熟的民族。)

二世祖們,我們普通市民早已ready 啦,你們快馬追上來吧,如果想在制度內繼續維持你們的利益的話。



年代不同 商人怎能遠離政治 信報08年2月4日





