2008年2月25日 星期一

南區地鐵居民展覽及諮詢會 Public Consultation Meeting of SIL





I attended the SDC meeting this afternoon and I follow up issues like the noise nuisence(See:  http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/article?mid=1930&prev=1949&next=1932 ) and the arrangment of public consultation assembly of SIL.

It's a pity that the Chan Pak Shan Secondary School rejected to lend its hall or playground for us to make the consultation assembly of SIL happen in WCH area.

I'm trying to ask the Kai Fong Welfare Association to lend a place for us to have the meeting. If we are rejected again, we can't have such assembly in WCH area, simply because of lacking community facilities.

It's one of the reasons that i'm fighting for facilities like community hall in WCH.

