2008年8月29日 星期五

港大論壇 Forum at HKU



Except the Shu Yan University forum(http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3615&prev=3612&next=3473), I'd participated a forum held by the Community TV and HKU, CUHK Student Union last week.

My performance was better than the last time, but I'm not satisfied. I should get more such experience to be presentable. Again, I treasure this learning process.

The candidates of DAB and LIberal Party attended the forum this time. I criticised their pro-government position that they ignore the poblic view. Such as in the Leung Chin Man scandal, the DAB swiched its position to support my party's suggestion to form a committee to investigate the issue, simply because of the election factor.


2008年8月28日 星期四

深灣道枯竹倒下問題 Potential Danger by Bamboo on the Shum Wan Road Slope

我一直跟進深灣道枯竹的個案,因為擔心枯竹掉下會傷及途人,見(http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/searchblog_art?p=%E6%9E%AF%E7%AB%B9&my=1 及http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3284 )


The bamboo lying on the slope besides of Shum Wan Road has potential danger to residents, I've been following up this issue long time ago,  my previous follow ups, pls refer to http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/searchblog_art?p=%E6%9E%AF%E7%AB%B9&my=1 and http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3284

Because of the accident of a girl, Chong Chung Yin, killed by a collapsed tree in Stanley, I too the following picture after I'd distributed leaflet at Boardview Court yesterday morning and urged the Lands Dep't to clear the collapsed bamboo on the slope, in order to prevent danger cause by the bamboo.

香港仔隧道口齊揮手 請投3號民主黨 Call for Support Near the Aberdeen Tunnel


After having the home visit at Shek Pai Wan Estate yesterday night, Kam Nai Wai and I went to the bus stop near the Aberdeen tunnel to call for support this morning. We'd tried this way to urge for the South Island Line(MTR) before, pls refer to http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=695


黃竹坑邨清拆工程(2) Demolition Work of Wong Chuk Hang Estate(2)


It is the leaflet I distribute these days, pls refer to my previous blog to know the demolition work in details: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3096

2008年8月27日 星期三

973P改由深灣開出 Route 973P: Bus to Tsim Sha Tsui East


The terminus of Route 973P bus, which a route from Southern to Tsim Sha Tsui East, had been moved to Boardview Court this Monday. It means that WCH resident now has bus service to go to TST East directly, though the service is limited to e frequencies in the morning.(pls refer to: http://www.nwstbus.com.hk/routes/routeinfo.aspx?intLangID=1&searchtype=1&daytime=3&route=973P&routetype=M&company=5 )

Last year, I suggested the Transport Dep't to move the above Rt 973P bus terminus to Shum Wan to serve more people and the suggestion was accepted and put into service at Sham Wan from this Monday.

The service on Saturday of this route is cut without notice, I'm following this case to make it serve on Saturday as before.

洗樓 Home Visit




Except distributing leaflets on the streets, participating different forums, home visit is another important part of election engineering. It's a pity that there's no public house in WCH, so I have no chance to do home visit to ask for support in my own district constituency.

I've been going to Shek Pai Wan Estate to visit residents and ask ofr support these days. It's a tough job, because we need to visit almost all family from 40 floor to the 1 floor. We must do it quickly, because we are afraid  we will annoy resident by our visit if we do it too late, and there is time limit set by the housing dep't for us to do our job.

The process is worth mentioning. Through such experience, we learn how to treasure the fair and open election, and we listen to different voice and be humble to respect the citizen, whom we should serve.

樹仁大學論壇 Forum held by Shu Yan University



As a candidate of the LegCo election, I have chance to participate some forums. This is a forum held by Shu Yan University, the topic was about the associate degree policy.

I was a little bit nervous that night, maybe this is the first time I attend such forum as a candidate.
But I treasure this learning process.

It's a policy that the candidates of DAB and LIberal Party didn't attend this forum.


2008年8月26日 星期二

從政:與魔鬼鬥爭的事業 Politics as Vocation: Struggling with Evils

下面是我早前回覆一位朋友的留言,我把內容公開在這裡,和各位分享。(可參考我早前類似看法:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=1856, and http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/searchblog_art?p=%E9%9F%8B%E4%BC%AF&my=1)








It's an extract of  my reply to a friend's message on this blog. I post it at here to share with you.

The main theme of my reply is that I believe, as Aristotle claimed, that "prudence" is the most important quality of a politician(a king or ruler in ancient time); but there's another evil side of the nature of power. It's why I believe Max Weber that politics is a vocation meant to be struggling with evils.

There are two folds by saying "evils", one is the political enemy, and the other is the evil inside ourselves: what we desire for power and fame is deeply rooted in our human nature, and such desires are evils if we chase after them only, but not aim at public interests and justice.

You could know more about my view at :http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=1856, and http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/searchblog_art?p=%E9%9F%8B%E4%BC%AF&my=1

黃竹坑酒店發展 Hotel Projects in Wong Chuk Hang


The following pages are the Southern District Council pager concerning the details of hotel projects in Wong Chuk Hang newly planned commercial and hotel area.

Some residents ask me about this because I've following the development here.  So I post these paper up to here for your reference.

I'm sorry that the paper are in Chinese only.


2008年8月25日 星期一

摩囉街偶遇哈維爾 Encounter Havel at Upper Lascar Row

哈維爾(V. Havel,生平見:http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%93%A6%E8%8C%A8%E6%8B%89%E5%A4%AB%C2%B7%E5%93%88%E7%BB%B4%E5%B0%94)是劇作家,捷克民主運動領袖,後來成為捷克總統。以前我只零丁讀過他幾篇演說和文章,今天我在摩囉街偶遇他的一本選集,買下來,有空時看。

I encountered Havel's book at Upper Lascar Row this afternoon. I read some of his essays and speeches before. So I took this chance to buy this second hand book to read more about his works.

(Havel is a Czech dramatist and a civil movement leader and became the president of Czech in 1992, to know more about him, pls see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V%C3%A1clav_Havel)

民主黨團隊宣傳短片 Campaign Video

The following file is our campaign video, take a look! We did it by learning for the campaign of the general election in Taiwan.





2008年8月20日 星期三

拾級而上:一步一腳印 Political Censorship by Star Ferry

The Star Ferry rejected our political ad on its stairs(see the following picture), so we have to put our ad at Central. The main reason for the rejection may be the content including the June Fourth Incident and the July First March 2003, such political censorship is unacceptable, since it narrows down our freedom of speech and expression!

You could see more about it at Kam Nai Wai's blog and website: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/ah-kam/article?mid=721 and http://www.ahkam.hk/photos/activities/20080819_StarFerry/20080819_StarFerry.htm, Chinese only)。






How about this picture? Just for fun


樓梯級的文字內容(The following is the content, the tract record of my party from 1982 to 2008, I'm sorry that I don't have time to stranslate them into English):

2008 甘乃威、楊森、徐遠華參選立法會。
2007 徐遠華當選區議員,繼續爭取南區地鐵。該線預計於2014年通車。
2003 民主黨堅決反對23條倉促立法,政府於數十萬市民參與「七一遊行」後收回草案
2001 甘乃威在前市政局策劃興建中央圖書館,圖書館於2001年5月落成啟用。
1998 民主黨長期要求改善港島巴士服務,中巴專營權被終止,巴士服務因引入競爭獲改善。
1998 楊森、李柱銘憑直選重返立法會,繼續在體制內為民主民生打拼。
1997 香港回歸。楊森、李柱銘因反對「臨時立法會」而在回歸前落車。
1995 甘乃威於首次市政局普選贏得議席,積極推動歷史文物保育及承傳。
1994 楊森、李柱銘、甘乃威等創立民主黨,為現時香港最多政策研究的政黨。
1991 港人以選票支持民主理念,楊森、李柱銘於首次立法局直選中贏得議席。
1989 六四民運,民主黨與港人19年來未曾忘記。
1986 楊森及多位民主派人士發起「高山大會」,爭取「八八直選」。
1982 中英談判開始,楊森首倡「民主回歸」,踏出民主第一步。

2008年8月19日 星期二

讓惠福道樹木"抖抖氣"  Let the Tree Breathe Freely





A resident of Jumbo Court told me that the trees along the Wefare Road have been growing up with him since 20 years ago. He said he treated the trees as members of family.

He feels uncomfortable whenever he sees the roots are pressed down heavily by the bricks, so he asked my help to follow up this concern in order to move away the bricks and let the tree breathe.

Though it's just a small case, I feel glad it has been done!


2008年8月18日 星期一

黃竹坑邨清拆工程 Demolition Work of Wong Chuk Hang Estate



又,和一些親朋談起我是黃竹坑的現任區議員時,他們大多會奇怪地問:黃竹坑邨不是拆了麼?豈不是沒人住了? 我必須耐心的解釋:黃竹坑除了黃竹坑邨以外,尚有雅濤閣、南濤閣、金寶花園等等;而且,因為黃竹坑邨的搬遷,黃竹坑的選區也"大變身",現在連遠在香港仔那邊的逸港居和俗稱"十五間"的私樓區也屬於黃竹坑選區了......

According to the Housing Dept, the demolition work of Wong Chuk Hang Estate should have started today. The work will be completed in October 2009.

Because there's no consultation at all(I know the above date of demolition work by sending email to the Housing Dept and ask them about it), local residents are concerned about the impact of the work, especially the traffic and the pollution during the demolition work.

So I'm writing to the District Council to raise our concerns by proposing a discussion item in the coming meeting, to monitor the process of the work and avoid the nuisance.

To know more about his issue, pls refer to http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=1134

2008年8月16日 星期六

China: Humiliation & the Olympics (Extract)

It's an extract from an article published in the New York Review of Books last week. (See http://www.nybooks.com/articles/21715 )It's a good article for those who lacks of sense of modern Chinese histroy to understand China. You could refer it to my previous blog articles to see my familiar viewshttp://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3439&prev=3468&next=3448)


......But as the director, China-born Chen Shi-Zheng, explained to me recently, he does see the film's protagonist as expressing, in extreme form, "the complexity of the modern-day relationship of Chinese to the outside world." Liu Xing

is a paradox. He feels superior, because of the length and depth of the Chinese civilization from which he comes. However, at the same time, despite all of its extraordinary development and change, because China still lags behind America, he personalizes this reality and feels insecure.


The question the filmmakers seek to explore in Dark Matter is not simply the personal one but the larger question of China's sensitivity to foreign dominance and criticism. Here the film is masterful in illuminating how any suggestion of foreign superiority, or even condescension, toward Chinese may intersect with their own sense of historical victimization and insecurity to create a volatile chemistry.

"We Chinese carry the burden of our history with us and the question of Western humiliation is always unconsciously inside us," Chen told me.

Thus, we feel sensitive to any kind of slight and often have a very sharp reaction to perceived unfair treatment or injustices. On an emotional level we cannot help but associate treatment in the present with past injuries, defeats, invasions, and occupations by foreigners. There is something almost in our DNA that triggers autonomic, and sometimes extreme, responses to foreign criticism or put-downs.

"Throughout the ages Chinese have had only one way of looking at foreigners," lamented China's most famous essayist and social critic, Lu Xun, almost seventy-five years ago. "We either look up to them as gods or down on them as wild animals." By acting it out in an interpersonal setting, as it is in Dark Matter, Chen seems to hope that viewers will be able to see more clearly that this complicated dynamic is also subtly at work in the larger "relationship."

As Peter Hays Gries has written in his thoughtful book China's New Nationalism: Pride, Politics, and Diplomacy, like it or not, "The West is central to the construction of China's identity today; it has become China's alter ego."


As a result of the insulting terms of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919, by which the West cravenly gave Germany's concessions in China to Japan, an expression, wuwang guochi, "Never forget our national humiliation," became a common slogan in China. Indeed, to ignore China's national failure came to be seen as unpatriotic. Since then, Chinese historians and ideological overseers have never ceased to mine China's putative past sufferings "to serve the political, ideological, rhetorical, and/or emotional needs of the present," as the historian Paul Cohen has put it.

Sun Yat-sen, for example, described China in 1924 as being "a heap of loose sand" that had "experienced several decades of economic oppression by the foreign powers" and "as a consequence is being transformed everywhere into a colony...." In his 1947 book, China's Destiny, Chiang Kai-shek wrote:

During the past hundred years, the citizens of the entire country, suffering under the yoke of the unequal treaties which gave foreigners special "concessions" and extra-territorial status in China, were unanimous in their demand that the national humiliation be avenged, and the state be made strong.

And when the People's Republic of China was founded in 1949, Mao Zedong famously declared, "Ours will no longer be a nation subject to insult and humiliation. We...have stood up."

In 1997, when Hong Kong reverted from British colonial status to Chinese sovereignty, the Communist Party returned to the theme of China as victim to help encourage greater nationalism. General Secretary Jiang Zemin pointedly reminded the world that "the occupation of Hong Kong was the epitome of the humiliation that China suffered in modern history." Since then, much of the talk about victimization has concentrated on Japan, China's brutal and still incompletely repentant World War II occupier.

China's restless search for a more self-confident, less-aggrieved persona has paradoxically been made more complicated by other wounds not directly related to foreign attacks: for much of the past hundred years Chinese themselves have also been engaged in a series of assaults on their own culture and history. These frequently uncompromising self-critiques first started in the early part of the twentieth century when Chinese reformers began denouncing traditional Confucian culture, above all because it seemed to have left them so weak before the technological superiority of the West.


As the scholar William A. Callahan has recently noted, despite fifty years of Maoist revolution—when "anti-Communism" was often perceived as being "anti-Chinese"—and then as even China began to surprise the world with its recent economic success,

the national-humiliation narrative is [still] painstakingly reproduced in textbooks, museums, popular history books, virtual exhibits, feature films, dictionaries, journals, atlases, pictorials and commemorative stamps.


What was surprising was that many of the most indignant counterdemonstrators were young Chinese, born during the post-Mao era. Better educated and more worldly than older Chinese, one might have expected them to have been exempt from the China-as-victim syndrome. But, perhaps because they, too, were products of the Party's propaganda, many of them have turned out every bit as nationalistic, perhaps even more so, than their elders.[*] But what made these demonstrations against the torch such an affront to so many Chinese was the way in which they intruded just when they had allowed themselves to imagine that their national identity might actually metamorphose from victim to victor, thanks to the alchemy of the Olympic Games.


After a century and a half of famine, war, weakness, foreign occupation, and revolutionary extremism, a growing number of Chinese—overseas as well as inside China—had come to look to the Olympic Games as the long-heralded symbolic moment when their country might at last escape old stereotypes of being the hapless "poor man of Asia"; a preyed-upon "defenseless giant"; victim of a misguided Cultural Revolution; the benighted land where in 1989 the People's Liberation Army fired on "the people." In one grand, symbolic stroke, the Olympic aura promised to help cleanse China's messy historical slate, overthrow its legacy of victimization and humiliation, and allow the country to spring forth on the world stage reborn —"rebranded" in contemporary parlance—as the great nation it once had been, and has yearned for so long to once more become.


When I asked Chen Shi-Zheng if in making his film he intended to draw any parallels to the present and the Games, he replied:

I'm not involved with the Olympics, but I have, of course, thought a lot about them. After years of a modern history that because of colonization and Western domination have caused a certain sense of shame, the games presented themselves as an opportunity for China to show the world its strengths and greatness.

The protagonist in my movie is the embodiment of certain Chinese characteristics, a person who is ambitious and up-and-coming, but filled with self-doubt. When he does not pass his Ph.D. orals, it creates an unbearable pain.


It was into this atmosphere of hopeful expectation that the Tibetan protests intruded. "Chinese felt: This is our time!" Chen Shi-Zheng told me.

And then, along come the Tibetan demonstrations, which made them feel as if they were again being thwarted, as if what they finally rightfully deserved was going to be denied.


What may be confusing to outsiders trying to make sense of all this is that despite China's stunning accomplishments, few Chinese of my acquaintance, at least, have yet allowed themselves to be psychologically convinced by China's success, to embrace a new national belief in China's establishment as a leading nation. To do this, I suppose, they would have to fully believe that they already are, in fact, successful and powerful; that the world has already begun to look on their country with a growing sense of wonder, even envy; and that the past is, in fact, the past.

As Xu Guoqi suggests in Olympic Dreams, Olympic medals may not be the answer to what ails. "China," he writes,

has been obsessed with winning gold metals in major international competitions to demonstrate China's new status as an economic and political powerhouse....

Although China's pursuit of Olympic gold medals clearly coincides with the nation's journey toward internationalization and achieving new status in the world, the state-driven championship mentality still reflects a combination of Chinese can-do confidence and the country's lingering inferiority complex. A nation that obsesses over gold medals is not a self-assured nation.

Xu goes on to caution that

Beijing has used its so-called gold medal strategy to demonstrate China's rise in power and wealth, but the political system that the Communist Party has tried to legitimize through sports and other means cannot produce a healthy and strong nation when its citizens have been forced to give up their independence and even personal dignity.


Extract from: http://www.nybooks.com/articles/21715

選舉論壇:港台錄影 TVB2230播出 Forum at RTHK





Today it's my forum at RTHK, it'll be broadcasted at 2230 tonight at TVB.

You can view the programme at :


梁展文:一片冰心在玉壺? Core Value: the Clean Gov't and Society(2)



我認為民主黨應該當仁不讓claim credit,事件一曝光,民主黨就嚴厲監察,除了第一時間要求在新一屆的立法會開設調查委員會徹查,還表明將以司法覆核以檢討整個高官退休制度,杜絕再有類似事件發生。(參考我早前的網誌:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3468&prev=3491&next=3439)






Former housing chief Leung Chin-man quitted his new job with a New World Development subsidiary, after the chief executive ordered a review into this scandal.

My party has done a good job in this issue because we have monitored such case and keep the power to account. (pls ref to http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3468&prev=3491&next=3439)

It's the responsibility of a political party and it's one of the reasons that I joined my party: we have guts to speak out for the people and balance the executive power! Other parties like DAB? Come on, it's out of question to mention the name when we are talking about speaking the truth and keeping power in check and balanced.

2008年8月14日 星期四

李柱銘助選:爭取楊森連任 Martin Lee: Help Dr. Yeung Sum Re-elected



1. 我們在做活動時,恰好有一泳客喊"救命"!救生員迅速趕到並救起該泳客,全程大約只有40-50秒!目睹這樣高效的救生過程,我們即場為救生員們鼓掌

2. 話說我下海游泳,誰知"戲無益",竟不小心把眼鏡丟了,真得好"淤皮"。我潛水找了二十分鐘也無果,剛好有救生員經過,問後他卻說"好難搵架喎"。我放棄再找後,卻有另一救生員過來說已有幾個救生員在找,大約十分鐘後就找了回來。看來,救生員比我們還有『永不放棄』的精神!救生員不僅儘責救人,而且在我這些小事上也儘忠職守,儘顯樂於助人的精神,所謂"細節裡見真工夫",再向你們鼓掌!


Martin Lee and my team had a gimmick to call for support of voters to help to get Dr Yeung Sum re-elected. We went to Stanley beach to simplify Martin's getting into this election.

We witnessed a rescue today that rescuers act so quick that the swimmer be saved less than 50 seconds. Applauses to these professional rescuers!

I've to mention another that the rescuers helped to get my glasses back because it was dropped into waters while I was swimming. I gave it up after looking for my glasses for 20 minutes, but the rescuers helped to look for it after knowing that. Thanks to the rescuers again!

I’ll write a thank-you letter to them. They deserve it.


I'm not Pealps of course, it's Kevin-style. haha.



These are our heros! See the pictures below to see how they rescue people: