2008年8月6日 星期三

3號 3號 3號 No.3 No.3 No.3





PS:當晚趁機會去了附近的Mega Box。我好out,這次是第一次去,順道還買了一件白底有淺粉紅直條的裇衫。我平時很少穿類似的款式,今日回辦事處,同事讚說很適合我,年輕又有活力云云,哈哈。你覺得呢?

I went to Kowloon Bay to monitor the procedure of picking the candidate number. We got number 3 that night. I joked with my colleagues that maybe it related to the Iron Man Triathlon we had that day. See:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3422

Mentioning the number 3, do you remember that I'm the third type in the Enneagram test? (See: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=397) I still wonder this result doesn't match my personality.

I went to the Mega Box too. It's my first time to go there, quite out-fashioned, right. And I bought a new shirt. It suits me well, my colleague said. What do you think?

