2008年8月11日 星期一

養和醫院擬遷來黃竹坑 Sanatorium and Hospital Plan to Move in WCH







The Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital failed to proceed its present site expansion program because the proposal was rejected the Town Planning Board. The private hospital aims to double its capacity to 1,000 beds, and submitted the high-rise plan last year. It's seeking appeal and planing to move in WCH if the proposal is rejected again.

The hospital eyes on  a new location at Nam Fung Road, it claims that WCH is a good location because the South Island Line of MTR will be put into service around 2015 and there are beaches and golf playground are nearby. its near the new hospital will help to boost the medical tourism

Though it's just a initial plan of the hospital, I'll keep eyes on its development.

I'll be appreciated if you could share you views on this issues with me.




