2008年8月16日 星期六

梁展文:一片冰心在玉壺? Core Value: the Clean Gov't and Society(2)



我認為民主黨應該當仁不讓claim credit,事件一曝光,民主黨就嚴厲監察,除了第一時間要求在新一屆的立法會開設調查委員會徹查,還表明將以司法覆核以檢討整個高官退休制度,杜絕再有類似事件發生。(參考我早前的網誌:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3468&prev=3491&next=3439)






Former housing chief Leung Chin-man quitted his new job with a New World Development subsidiary, after the chief executive ordered a review into this scandal.

My party has done a good job in this issue because we have monitored such case and keep the power to account. (pls ref to http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3468&prev=3491&next=3439)

It's the responsibility of a political party and it's one of the reasons that I joined my party: we have guts to speak out for the people and balance the executive power! Other parties like DAB? Come on, it's out of question to mention the name when we are talking about speaking the truth and keeping power in check and balanced.
