2008年9月12日 星期五

南區地鐵最新進展 Latest Progress of the MTR South Island Line


因為高架方案使深灣沒有出入口,又可能引致逸港居等地的噪音和景觀問題,我在會上表達不滿 ,但港鐵指如果改為以地下隧道形式興建,南區地鐵將延犀39個月通車(即3年多),因為上次諮詢會上議會內有個決議,即如果其他如地下隧道方案不能拖延南區地鐵通車時間議會才會支持,因而今天會上絕大多數議員都不再表能堅持以地下隧道形式興建。


The MTR Corp. launches its 2nd round consultation today in Southern District Council. The Corp. refused to adapt the underground railway proposal because it will delay the progress of construction to over 3 years(39 months).

No member of the Council rejects the original proposal because we agreed in previous meeting that any new proposal should not delay the progress of construction.

Though the MTR arranges to have a cover walkway the link the WCH station to WCH bus terminal, I expressed my disappointment in the meeting since the proposal means that there is no MTR exit at Shum Wan area, though the amended proposal slightly moved the exit of the WCH station to Shum Wan a little bit.

Like the first round consultation, there will be consultations meeting in local community. I'll keep following up this issue.



