2010年11月24日 星期三

New Banner



Thanks to my party mate, he designed a new banner for us. I'v chosen the second one, you will probably see the banner on street next week. 

It also reminds me of an old question that is image the most important in politics? See http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3392

more about my party mates, pls refer to http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=10033

2 則留言:

青蛙仔 提到...

[版主回覆12/09/2010 19:52:00](Empty)

Pandora 香傭講法文 提到...

左邊第2 (3)個戴黑超....!
[版主回覆12/14/2010 18:15:00]因為他戴的是漸變式眼鏡。