2008年3月31日 星期一


黃竹坑巴士總站的迴旋處改建後,一直存在安全問題,居民和巴士司機都向我反映,希望改善。我曾向運輸署正式寫信及開會跟進,但苦無進展,署方竟然並不認為有潛在危險,指居民不應橫過馬路,( 詳見我筅前的跟進:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/article?mid=1727)。







2008年3月28日 星期五

將軍一去,大樹飄零?Old Soldier Never Die, They Just Fade Away

馬丁李柱銘宣佈不再參選立法會,加上早前的楊森也宣傳將排在第二位,很可能兩位資深議員同時告別議會生涯,民主黨似有將軍一去,大樹飄零之感!我們身在港島,尤能感到這份震撼(我好早前曾寫過馬丁一篇blog: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/article?mid=489 )。



Veteran Legislator Martin Lee decided not to run for another term in Legco. Together with Dr. Yueng Sum, who decided to set himself on the second place in the ballot ticket, our Southern team will probably lose 2 key members. It's a huge change and  we feel the shock.

But it's certain that Democratic Party will keep on fighting for democracy in HK, we will keep on safeguarding rule of law and the freedoms we enjoy. 

And it's certain too, that other party members, like Mr Kam Nai Wai and Mr Andrew Fung, and other young members, will replace the "old soldiers". As the well known saying by Douglas MacArthur: old Soldier never die, they just fade away.(see: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/macarthur/filmmore/reference/primary/macspeech05.html)

Martin and Dr.Yeung just fade away; we will carry on their noble mission to keep fighting for our dream of democracy.



2008年3月27日 星期四

民建聯新秀赴美取經 DAB's Study Tour to US




It's a report about the DAB's young members grouped as a tour to go to US to observe and study the election and the political culture there. My friend mocked at me that my party has no money to send us to US to upgrade ourselves, he stressed that if it keeps on, comparably, our quality as young politcian probably will not be as well as theirs. And even if DP has the money to make it happen, the tour organized by us surely will be criticized servely by the pro-Beijing media and politician as a betrayal deed. 

Listening to these comments, I sighed and had bitter smile, keeped silent.

It's just one dimension of political culture in HK. Maybe it's one of the reason that people think that politics is dirty.








2008年3月25日 星期二

接受亞視時事追擊訪問 Interview with ATV

今早我接受了亞視《時事追擊》的訪問(節目將在4月12日 (星期六) 晚上7時播出) ,主題是近期的熱門話題醫療融資,而我則作為準備購買醫療保險的市民接受訪問。



2008年3月24日 星期一

黃竹坑起大商場? Shopping Mall in Wong Chuk Hang?

The chairwoman of Southern District Concil, Ms Ma Yuet Ha, proposes to build a shopping mall at ex-Wong Chuk Hang estate. I support her proposal, but I have a more comprehensive idea that I think we should take this re-building opportunity to fihgt for more public facilities, not only for local WCH residents, but also for all Southern District people. My party and I had proposed this idea to the concerned housing and planning departments before. You may refer to my previous blog articles at: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/index?l=f&id=16&page=2

The Re-building progress is not yet begun, we still dont' know the design of this new residential area. But I guess it will be like the Hollywood Plaza at MTR Diamond Hill station.

For the benefit of its own, the MTR Corp. will surely use every foot of the place to make profit, so it will be a tough task for me and for my party to fight for the public facilities. But we will do our best to keep following up this issue.


南區區議會主席馬月霞女士上星期接受Take Me Home訪問,倡議於黃竹坑建大商場。馬主席的確道出了市民一部分的心聲,但我認為僅僅起大商場並不足夠,而忽視其他如街市、文娛中心或社區中心等公用設施,這個不僅可供黃竹坑當區居民使用,文娛中心則可供整個南區的市民使用。後者是我長期向政府倡議的主張,並曾與房委會及規劃署開會正式提出我們的建議。(我先前寫過多篇blog文講及這個問題,各位可參考:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/index?l=f&id=16&page=2)






2008年3月19日 星期三

辦事處裝修(2) Interior Decoration of WCH Office(2)

這兩天我們陸續將物資搬入新office, 都怪我自己平日沒有收拾好自己的文件等物品,現在搬到新辦事處,又要再收拾一次,花了好多時間。因為這樣,這兩天連跟進case的時間都沒有,幸好有同事幫忙。

We are moving in the WCH office. A lot of things need to be packed up and put in order in this new office. I am a messy person that my table is always not tidy, it makes me need to spend more time to settle down . And because of this, I don't have time to follow up cases. But thanks to my colleagues, they are always being helpful to do that for me.




2008年3月18日 星期二

台灣大選散論 Notes on General Election in Taiwan

Sorry I don't have time to translate my notes on Taiwan into English.


大學時我曾花了很多時間去了解、研究台灣政治,更曾寫過兩篇關於台灣民主化的論文(grading 還很不錯,哈哈,驕傲一下);但工作後,雖然從政,但花在台灣的時間卻少了好多。坦白說,就如這次的大選,我也不過是偶爾看看電視和網上新聞報導,都沒有詳細去了解雙方的政綱和主張。



而且,我深信這跟我追求的民主自由的政治理想相矛盾,因為統一後的兩岸,很可能會令台灣步香港後塵,其自由民主會受到中央壓制。這在我心裡形成一種張力:統一是我所欲,自由民主政治亦是我所欲,但兩者不可兼得,我應如何取捨?可以為了中國的統一大業而犠牲台灣的自由和民主嗎? 這種看法的前提,是對中央政府的不信任,但香港回歸十年的政治發展,已更令台灣人相信一國兩制其實已深受中央掌控。









2008年3月17日 星期一

辦事處裝修(1) Interior Decoration of WCH Office(1)

 Office  裝修進度比預期中遲!



The progress of the interior decoration of my office is slow than I expect!

The first photo was taken before we sign contract, you can see a lot of stuffs inside, and the 2nd one was taken a few days ago, there will be glass front door and window to be fixed. They have been fixed up today. And we will take our computers, chairs and other things to this new office tomorrow morning. Hopefully, the air-con and the sign board will be fixed within this week. Then we could work in this new office.

The official ceremony will probably be held on 6 April(Sunday), but it's not yet confirmed. I'll let you know once we've decided the date and time!



2008年3月13日 星期四

紐倫港 Nylonkong

時代雜誌(TIME)早前創造了一個新詞:Nylonkong(紐倫港)—Ny是紐約(New York),lon是倫敦(London),而kong則是我們香港。時代雜誌以類似史論的筆觸寫道:Understand this network of cities — Nylonkong, we call it — and you understand our time. (我草譯:明乎紐倫港之構建,則知天下大勢矣;或者更簡潔些,可譯作:知紐倫港,知天下)時代雜誌的全文,請見:



網上也有頗好的參考資料,如:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!5iHhuOaLERS6EPrlztOBKw--/article?mid=11038 裡面有三個城市的各種數據比較

再如:http://www.cns.hk:89/tw/gjgc/news/2008/02-05/1158051.shtml 可看看台灣人的觀感




Time Magazine made a new word: Nylonkong (New York,London,Hong Kong), and it writes:

Understand this network of cities — Nylonkong, we call it — and you understand our time.

Pls visit for the entire article: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1704398,00.html

2008年3月12日 星期三

徐遠華:倡議黃竹坑大明渠旁建通道 Bypass Besides the Wong Chuk Hang Canal

I ambitiously propose to setup a bypass besides the WCH canal since we know the MTR station may locate in front of the block 10 of WCH Estate. I hope this bypass could link up WCH area and Aberdeen area. It helps to boost our tourism; and for Aberdeen  residents, it's convenient for them to go the WCH to take MTR train, and it's also convenient for WCH residents to go to Aberdeen for shopping.

Frankly, it’s just an initial idea now and we don't know the feasibility yet. But I'm more and more confident that I can make it work, especially after the site visit a few days ago. Let's take a look!





It's where I propose the bypass, near the Tempel


讓我帶大家走一趟吧 seems the road stops at here, but I will guide you through...



We could made good use of this natural bypass to make it safer and more convenient for residents and tourist.

正在進行的電纜舖設工程 A contruction work is going on...


this location is near the Ap Lei Chau bridge and the Ocean Court.


Under the Bridge.


This is the bypass which residetns using now. Actually, not many people walk this way because it's circuitous.






2008年3月11日 星期二

設計咭片 Namecard Designing




I'm not good at designing. Because of the address of my office is not confirmed untill two weeks ago, I've not prepared my new namecard. I spent the whole afternoon to design the following namecard and the noticeboard of my office. I'll order to print my new namecard in two days. Your comments are welcome.


Front pape of my new namecard.新咭片正面。

The spelling of "councillor" was corrected! 議員的英文串法已改正!

Back page. 背面。

I'll highline my name on the right hand side to green colour.我會把我右邊的名字改為綠色。


My old namecard. 舊咭片。

2008年3月10日 星期一

南區地鐵展板諮詢 Draft Design of MTR Station



The public exhibition of the SIL project of MTR has started at the South Horizons this morning. I went there to know what the exhibition look like. Our WCH exhibition will be held during 7 April to 20 April at the WCH swimming pool and the Aberdeen squash centre respectively, and the assembly will be held on 17 April. (pls see for details http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/article?mid=1985&prev=1992&next=1937)


2008年3月7日 星期五

報章報導:南區地鐵車站爭議(A Report about SIL project of MTR)


It's a report of the Singtao local newspaper about the South Island Line project of the MTR. I expressed residents' disappointment of the initial design of the WCH station exits; it's too far away from local residents. And I hope there will be a road or other facility to link up the WCH area and Aberdeen area to become a large zone for tourist to enjoy themselves in Southern District.





2008年3月5日 星期三

Public Forum: Greening the Community 綠化社區論壇(2)

以下是昨晚 (http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?new=1&mid=2032 ) 我參加的綠化計劃論壇拍下的照片,內有綠化總網的初步方案。因為我同枱有一位海洋公園的花園管理總監,在小組討論過程中,使我從中學到很多綠化和園藝知識,最後由我簡介黃竹坑區的綠化意見,詳見照片下的簡介。

The following are the photo I took at the public forum about the green plan of the community (see http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?new=1&mid=2032 ). I learned a lot from a groupmate, who is a garden management director of Ocean Park, about the the knowledge of green plan. 


There are some themes suggested by the consultant company to plant the theme tree at different area, such as planting yellow bamboo at WCH to symbolize this area. (Wong Chuk Hang in Chinese means "yellow bamboo canal"). But my group mate and I don't support this suggestion, because it doesn’t help to beautify the area by planting too many bamboos. We really don't think the tree in other area has any relation with the area, and can't help to reflect the local characteristic.


The following are the simulate photo of the environment after the greening plan.


The pofflow is the park outside the Ocean Court, I don't think there should be too many trees here because the senior citizen almost use this open space to do excise every morning.(eg. Tai Chi)