2008年3月5日 星期三

Public Forum: Greening the Community 綠化社區論壇(2)

以下是昨晚 (http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?new=1&mid=2032 ) 我參加的綠化計劃論壇拍下的照片,內有綠化總網的初步方案。因為我同枱有一位海洋公園的花園管理總監,在小組討論過程中,使我從中學到很多綠化和園藝知識,最後由我簡介黃竹坑區的綠化意見,詳見照片下的簡介。

The following are the photo I took at the public forum about the green plan of the community (see http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?new=1&mid=2032 ). I learned a lot from a groupmate, who is a garden management director of Ocean Park, about the the knowledge of green plan. 


There are some themes suggested by the consultant company to plant the theme tree at different area, such as planting yellow bamboo at WCH to symbolize this area. (Wong Chuk Hang in Chinese means "yellow bamboo canal"). But my group mate and I don't support this suggestion, because it doesn’t help to beautify the area by planting too many bamboos. We really don't think the tree in other area has any relation with the area, and can't help to reflect the local characteristic.


The following are the simulate photo of the environment after the greening plan.


The pofflow is the park outside the Ocean Court, I don't think there should be too many trees here because the senior citizen almost use this open space to do excise every morning.(eg. Tai Chi)
