2008年3月19日 星期三

辦事處裝修(2) Interior Decoration of WCH Office(2)

這兩天我們陸續將物資搬入新office, 都怪我自己平日沒有收拾好自己的文件等物品,現在搬到新辦事處,又要再收拾一次,花了好多時間。因為這樣,這兩天連跟進case的時間都沒有,幸好有同事幫忙。

We are moving in the WCH office. A lot of things need to be packed up and put in order in this new office. I am a messy person that my table is always not tidy, it makes me need to spend more time to settle down . And because of this, I don't have time to follow up cases. But thanks to my colleagues, they are always being helpful to do that for me.



