2012年4月30日 星期一

立法會六題:港鐵公司物業發展 LCQ6: MTR property development


FYI:  the Legco question concerning the MTR SIL property development






















二○○八年   39.1億元

二○○九年   30.3億元

二○一○年   32.6億元

二○一一年   42.3億元











Press Release

LCQ6: MTR property development

LCQ6: MTR property development


Following is a question by the Hon Paul Chan Mo-po and a reply by the Secretary for Transport and Housing, Ms Eva Cheng, in the Legislative Council today (April 25):


In order to support the adoption of railways as the backbone of Hong Kong's transport system, the Government gives the MTR Corporation Limited (MTRCL) various items of support, including granting to MTRCL the property development rights on top of the stations along the railway. However, MTRCL's Fare Adjustment Mechanism does not take into account the series of MTRCL's benefits arising from property development rights. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:

(a) of the real estate projects the property development rights of which were obtained by the Mass Transit Railway Corporation (MTRC) before the rail merger; in respect of each of the projects, the land premium paid by MTRC; the amount of grant provided to MTRC by the Government based on estimates to bridge the funding gap when it granted the property development rights to MTRC; the actual revenue received by MTRC after completing the development; the difference between such revenue and the funding gap bridged by the government grant which was calculated based on estimates; the respective annual rentals and other revenues for the year ended December 31, 2011 and the 15 years before that year derived by MTRC from the properties in those real estate projects which were not sold but were partly or wholly kept by MTRC for rent or business operation purposes; the respective amounts of the fair value or valuation of these properties from the dates of completion to the end of each of the years; and set out the aforesaid information of each project in table form;

(b) when MTRC merged with the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation (KCRC) to form MTRCL in 2007, whether the Government had sold to MTRCL all property development rights on top of the stations along the Kowloon-Canton Railway; if not, how the property development rights not sold to MTRCL were dealt with in that year; if so, list the locations and the details and scales of development of such projects in table form; of the price (including the land premium per square foot of floor space and the total amount of land premium) paid by MTRCL for each project; the respective actual revenues (after deducting the aforesaid price paid to KCRC or the Government) derived by MTRCL from the completed projects; in each of the undeveloped projects, the difference between the current estimated land premium per square foot of floor space and that paid by MTRCL to KCRC or the Government at that time; set out in table form the aforesaid related information in respect of the developed and undeveloped parts of those projects which are under development but are not fully completed; and

(c) of the details (including whether the funding gaps for the projects were subsidised with the returns from property development (e.g. the South Island Line) or the projects were constructed with government funding (e.g. the West Island Line)) of the funding arrangement for each railway project confirmed for construction after the rail merger; of the respective amounts of land premium received or to be received from MTRCL and the funding gap subsidised or to be subsidised in respect of the projects the property development rights of which were granted by the Government, with a breakdown in table form by project?



Railway development projects involve substantial capital investment. Despite their benefits conducive to the development of our society, these projects are usually non-viable financially or with low financial viability. Overseas experience shows that most projects require government direct funding or other supports to take forward. Hong Kong is no exception.

The Rail-plus-Property development model (R+P model) is one of the approaches adopted by the Government to provide financial support to new railway development projects. In the past decades, this approach has been used to implement a number of railway projects with success. It enables speedy implementation of the projects to meet the transport demand of the public. This arrangement optimises the use of public resources in the absence of competition with other public works projects for resource allocation. It also smoothens the interface between stations, depots and topside developments to ensure timely completion of the railway works while avoiding the need to carry out property development works within the railway areas in future which may affect railway operation.

My reply to the three parts of the question is as follows:

(a) Before the public listing of the then Mass Transit Railway Corporation (MTRC) (currently named as the MTR Corporation Limited (MTRCL)) in 2000, the Government was the sole shareholder and wholly owned the company. When developing the Kwun Tong Line, Tsuen Wan Line, Island Line, Airport Railway and Tseung Kwan O Extension, the Government granted property development rights to the company to finance the corresponding railways under the R+P model. Not only to satisfy the transport demand, the Government has other crucial consideration in adopting such an arrangement. With the R+P model, the railway development spearheads the growth of local communities along the rail lines. The model also empowers the company to raise funds from the market for the railway and property developments. Since its listing, the MTRCL has not implemented any railway project under the R+P model in the decade ending 2010. Those financed under this model in 2011 are elaborated in part (c) of my reply.

The sales proceeds, rental income and property value generated by the property development projects between 1970s and 2000, when the company went public, were considered, settled, and reflected in the market value and share price of the company at that time. The information was published in detail in the Initial Public Offer (IPO) prospectus of the MTRCL in 2000. Most of the information requested by Hon Chan has also been included in the IPO prospectus. We also attached the relevant pages of the prospectus at Annex 1 for reference.

Under the R+P model, the Government and the railway company share the risks and benefits. In spite of the government funding via the grant of property development rights, the MTRCL has to arrange on its own the necessary funding beforehand to settle the construction costs of the railways, the operation expense and fixed asset replacement costs during the operation period, and later to pay the expenses on property development and land premium. As property developments above stations or depots cannot start until the completion of the railway projects, it is estimated that such developments can only be completed for sale about ten odd years after the commencement of railway construction. As a result, the MTRCL has to bear long-term risks in financing the railway projects, fluctuations in the property market as well as the operation responsibilities of the railways while the Government is spared.

(b) The financial terms negotiated between the MTRCL and the Government for the rail merger include, inter alia, the property package for acquisition of property and other commercial interests. The property package covers the purchase from the MTRCL the property development rights in respect of six property sites held by the then Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation (KCRC), plus two property sites along Kowloon Southern Link held by Government at that time. According to the financial terms of the rail merger, the MTRCL paid the KCRC $4.91 billion for the development rights over these eight sites. The professional property valuation consultant commissioned by the Government at that time had confirmed that the pricing of the development rights over these eight property development sites was fair and reasonable.

The information of these eight sites including their location, current development scope, content, land premia paid by MTRCL to the Government as well as land premium per square foot are set out in Annex 2. Out of the eight property sites, flat sales of three developments comprising Ho Tung Lau (i.e. The Palazzo), Wu Kai Sha Station (i.e. Lake Silver) and Tai Wai Maintenance Centre (i.e. Festival City) are almost completed with some flats remain unsold. Construction works are being carried out by respective developers on another three sites comprising Che Kung Temple Station (i.e. The Riverpark), and Site C and Site D of Kowloon Southern Link's Austin Station. Land grant applications for the remaining two sites, i.e. Tai Wai Station and Tin Shui Wai Light Rail Tin Wing Stop, are underway.

In addition, under the above-mentioned property package, the MTRCL has replaced the KCRC as the agent of the Government after the merger for developing the property sites along the West Rail Line. In other words, the property development rights for the sites concerned have not been sold to the MTRCL. Under the relevant arrangements, the MTRCL only acts as the agent of West Rail property development projects and receives an agent's fee equivalent to 0.75% of the gross return on sales from these projects.

The post-merger property development profits of the MTRCL are presented in its annual reports. Relevant information is detailed in Annex 3 and briefly set out as follows:

Year 2008

$3.91 billion

Year 2009

$3.03 billion

Year 2010

$3.26 billion

Year 2011

$4.23 billion

(c) Since the merger, we have implemented five new railway projects under the Operating Agreement signed with the MTRCL in 2007. They are the West Island Line (WIL); Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link (Hong Kong Section) (XRL); South Island Line (East) (SIL(E)) and Kwun Tong Line Extension (KTE) which are under construction; and the Shatin to Central Link (SCL) of which the construction is scheduled to commence in mid-2012.

Among these projects, the WIL is funded by a capital grant. The Legislative Council (LegCo) has approved a provision of $12.7 billion for the MTRCL to bridge the funding gap. Financial support by means of granting property development rights is not involved.

Both the XRL and the SCL are implemented under the concession approach. The Government seeks funding for the construction of both projects directly from the LegCo under the appropriate public works programmes. Thus, the grant of property development rights to the MTRCL is not involved in these projects either.

The SIL(E) and the KTE are implemented under the R+P model. After a detailed assessment conducted by an independent consultant commissioned by the Government, it confirmed that the capital cost of the SIL(E) is $12.4 billion while that of the KTE is $5.3 billion. The independent consultant considered that both projects were financially non-viable, and that funding support from the Government was required to bridge the funding gaps of $9.9 billion and $3.3 billion respectively. In May 2011, the Executive Council approved granting to the MTRCL the property development rights for the ex-Wong Chuk Hang Estate site and ex-Valley Road Estate Phase 1 site as the funding support for developing the two railway projects.

We have commissioned an independent consultant to assess the development costs of the two property developments, and engaged another two independent surveying companies to help assess their property values. Based on their assessments, the funding assistance to be offered by the property developments may barely bridge the estimated funding gap in the light of the increases in development costs and implementation of the latest planning parameters.

The topside property developments of the two sites will not be able to commence until the stations and depot concerned have completed in 2015. The Lands Department (LD) will assess the land premium payable by the MTRCL according to established procedures only after it has received the company's application for land grant. After granting the land to the MTRCL, the LD will publish the relevant information, including the land premium payable by the company, on its website.

Thank you.

Ends/Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Issued at HKT 15:09

2012年4月26日 星期四


又發現一家黃竹坑工廈內的私房菜館,而且還有cooking class:

B112-115  |   hotpot  |   常餐以外



香港的名廚鍾意開私房菜,可自由發揮,如徐蒝、Jacky Yu及Ricky Cheung,梁偉灝(Eddy)亦步他們的後塵,在黃竹坑開設Chef Studio。他曾在君悅、半島、麗嘉等多間五星級酒店工作,亦是The Mira的Yamm前總廚,屬香港國際廚師團隊員、廚藝比賽評審委員及考評官等等,作為第一代私房菜Poison Ivy始創人,今次算是重操故業。Eddy稱:「以前做行政總廚,根本沒機會煮,怎似現在由我一手一腳落場,自行做採購,鍾意煮咩都得,客人真的吃到我的手勢?我不會稱這裡為私房菜館,反而更像一個俾朋友聚會的地方,主打做cooking party,下午教學生煮菜,晚上學生再親自煮俾朋友食。這裡又可以教開蠔或做配酒晚宴,最緊要可以同客人有互動,咁先至好玩。工業大廈地方大,玩法多變,私房菜兼做cooking class,這些在一般餐廳根本做不到。」

湊夠八人便可上cooking party的堂,由Eddy親自示範,學員可以走入廚房試煮,Eddy教授不少煮食貼士,實用又有趣。這裡的廚具及設備足以媲美酒店,全都是Eddy的新「玩具」,如慢煮機、抽真空機、煙熏槍及雪糕機等,投資超過二百萬,令菜式更富新意。以往Eddy愛做fine dining菜式,這裡則返璞歸真,味道賣相亦較簡單直接,不賣弄花巧。食材同樣是靚貨,原隻36個月西班牙風乾火腿、北海道刺身級帶子,更有自家種的有機蔬菜,毫不吝嗇。怕工業大廈水源不乾淨,細心地用上紫外光濾水器消毒殺菌。冇咁多人包場玩cooking party,可以與其他人一起參加open cooking class,但很快爆滿。簡單一點可試tasting menu,$550起五道菜,以Eddy這級數的名廚,實在唔算貴。不設walk-in,訂位、查詢要經facebook進行,概念夠晒新穎。

Chef Studio

地址:香港仔黃竹坑道40號貴寶工業大廈5樓B室電話:3104 4664電郵:chefstudiohk@gmail.comFacebook:http://www.facebook.com/chefstudiohk消費:包場cooking party $15,000,已包五道菜餐單材料,最多容納22人。Tasting Menu預訂至少 6位以上,每位$550起,要一星期前預訂。泊車:業興街$12/小時

U magazine 


第一代西餐私房菜搞手兼廚師 Eddy,11 年前創辦 Poison Ivy,獲譽無數,後被羅致於中環麗嘉、MIRA、港島東 The East、帝京等酒店任大廚,還是情有獨鍾搞自己的 workshop 加私房菜館,剛剛落戶黃竹坑工廈。

工作室是開放式廚房,有 1,800 呎,可容納 22 人,吧枱位可坐 8 人;除了基本爐具有齊,連脫水機、麵包機、慢煮水爐、雪糕機等亦備用。現在 Eddy 會在星期二及六日間開班,其他日子接客人 order 做私房菜。Eddy 選用的都是信心食材,包括北海道的帶子、西班牙伊比利亞火腿、法國 Rougié 鴨肝、挪威三文魚、美加澳牛扒、澳洲羊肉及和牛、本地鮮海蝦等。他拿手的菜式,多以真空低溫烹調法 ,最愛煮牛面頰和小肋排、三文魚、溫泉蛋等,充分表現不同溫度煮理食材後的心血結晶如何細膩;其他的菜式如煎鴨肝、帶子、海蝦及羊扒、自家配方鮮焗意大利麵包等,也見證了廚師的功架。

Eddy 在外間闖了一個圈,最後還是回到可以跟客人互動的私房菜教學工作室。


煎法國鴨肝配肉汁蒜香炒鮮菌在煎之前一小時切好解凍,加簡單調味,再上一層粟米粉 polenta 煎焗即成。

油封三文魚配忌廉煮大蒜荷蘭汁煮熱鵝油至接近攝氏 100 度再放暖至 53 度,放入三文魚浸 20 分鐘,魚肉嫩得,幾乎不用咀嚼。

西洋菜 Cappuccino 分別以蝦頭膏及殼熬的湯和香味蔬菜湯合成,煮好西洋菜、加入忌廉後打好,再額外加奶泡做成泡沫咖啡般的菜湯。

01 1,800 呎加樓底高,加上座位布置不侷促,包場開 party 一流。

02 室外小陽台種了不少供烹調用的香草,也有一些菜蔬,油油綠意漫滲。

Chef Studio•地址:香港黃竹坑道 40 號貴寶工業大廈 5B•電話:3104 4664•營業時間:只做晚市,星期一至六 7pm-11pm,日間及星期日隨客人活動需要開放•收費:$550╱位,5 道菜,設加一,2 位起•Facebook: www.facebook.com/chefstudiohk•交通:經黃竹坑區 70、71、72 巴士•平均消費:$600 起•備註:1. Cooking party $15,000 起;2. 客人自㩗酒類,不收開瓶費。私房菜須於 7 - 10 日前訂位,最好以 Facebook 聯絡。

text︱梁愛茵 photo︱Joey Chan edit︱Winnie art︱kenji

2012年4月10日 星期二



A10  |   港聞






至於在大廟灣的石刻,顧問指是唯一仍可閱讀的石刻,最有機會遭到損毀,但受環境限制,並不能延長現有路徑或建造另一條新路,認為應在遺址前建造一些欄杆,作為人工障礙物,以防止破壞行為。顧問認為,滘西洲的石刻亦不應發展為旅遊景點,並因應專家小組的意見,建議只在遺址設置一些資訊板。記者 歐志軍

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觀古石刻 倡拆玻璃建走道



港大設計 周四討論

