2008年9月30日 星期二

新加坡有Rap歌 Rap for Singapore: government’s propaganda






It's a rap song to promote Singapore, and it's rapped by the top government officials! Take a look:


At least it's a good trial, right?

Singapore is a so-called twin-city with Hong Kong. I wonder if Chief Executive Donald Tsang Yam Kuen or anyone in his governing team get the guts to rap for us.

2008年9月29日 星期一

義務法律諮詢 Free Legal Consultation Service


我這個辦事處位置稍偏僻,怕不方便市民,所以一直沒有安排。不過凡事試過後才會知道效果如何,我們現在試驗安排每月一次在我辦公室裡舉辦義務法律諮詢,有法律疑難的朋友可以致電2553 2115預約。


Democratic Party has been providing free legal consultation service long ago. Our Southern District team provide this service each week, it is usually arranged at each office from 730pm to 930. Citizen can consult our volunteer lawyer for their legal advice. The service is free and our office will NOT introduce any lawyer to anyone, in order to avoid interest conflict.

My office is going to arrange the first free legal consultation service on this coming Friday night. If you have any legal questions, please call us to reserve the time section.





3 Oct. (Fri)

徐遠華 議員辦事處

G/F, Jumbo Court, 3 Welfare Road, Wong Chuk Hang, H.K



9 Oct. (Thur)

甘乃威 柴文瀚 議員聯合辦事處

Rm. 119, Wah Tai House, Wah Fu Estate, H.K.



17 Oct. (Fri)

馮煒光 議員辦事處

Shop 101, East Shopping Mall, South Horizon



24 Oct. (Fri)

馮煒光 議員辦事處 

Shop 101, East Shopping Mall, South Horizon



2008年9月24日 星期三

Farewell Speech to graduates by Harvard U President

I share with you this farewell speech to 2008 graduates by Harvard University President, I've highligted the parts I consider important in red and blue. You could read the entire speech at: http://www.president.harvard.edu/speeches/faust/080603_bacc.html


I think you are worried because you want your lives not just to be conventionally successful, but to be meaningful, and you are not sure how those two goals fit together. You are not sure if a generous starting salary at a prestigious brand name organization together with the promise of future wealth will feed your soul.

Why are you worried? Partly it is our fault. We have told you from the moment you arrived here that you will be the leaders responsible for the future, that you are the best and the brightest on whom we will all depend, that you will change the world. We have burdened you with no small expectations.


But many of you are now wondering how these commitments fit with a career choice. Is it necessary to decide between remunerative work and meaningful work? If it were to be either/or, which would you choose? Is there a way to have both?

You are asking me and yourselves fundamental questions about values, about trying to reconcile potentially competing goods, about recognizing that it may not be possible to have it all. You are at a moment of transition that requires making choices. And selecting one option — a job, a career, a graduate program — means not selecting others. Every decision means loss as well as gain — possibilities foregone as well as possibilities embraced. Your question to me is partly about that — about loss of roads not taken.

Finance, Wall Street, “recruiting” have become the symbol of this dilemma, representing a set of issues that is much broader and deeper than just one career path. These are issues that in one way or another will at some point face you all — as you graduate from medical school and choose a specialty — family practice or dermatology, as you decide whether to use your law degree to work for a corporate firm or as a public defender, as you decide whether to stay in teaching after your two years with TFA. You are worried because you want to have both a meaningful life and a successful one; you know you were educated to make a difference not just for yourself, for your own comfort and satisfaction, but for the world around you. And now you have to figure out the way to make that possible.

I think there is a second reason you are worried — related to but not entirely distinct from the first. You want to be happy. You have flocked to courses like “Positive Psychology” — Psych 1504 — and “The Science of Happiness” in search of tips. But how do we find happiness? I can offer one encouraging answer: get older. Turns out that survey data show older people — that is, my age — report themselves happier than do younger ones. But perhaps you don’t want to wait.

As I have listened to you talk about the choices ahead of you, I have heard you articulate your worries about the relationship of success and happiness — perhaps, more accurately, how to define success so that it yields and encompasses real happiness, not just money and prestige. The most remunerative choice, you fear, may not be the most meaningful and the most satisfying. But you wonder how you would ever survive as an artist or an actor or a public servant or a high school teacher? How would you ever figure out a path by which to make your way in journalism? Would you ever find a job as an English professor after you finished who knows how many years of graduate school and dissertation writing?

The answer is: you won’t know till you try. But if you don’t try to do what you love — whether it is painting or biology or finance; if you don’t pursue what you think will be most meaningful, you will regret it. Life is long. There is always time for Plan B. But don’t begin with it.


But what is ultimately most important here is that you are asking the question — not just of me but of yourselves. You are choosing roads and at the same time challenging your own choices. You have a notion of what you want your life to be and you are not sure the road you are taking is going to get you there. This is the best news. And it is also, I hope, to some degree, our fault. Noticing your life, reflecting upon it, considering how you can live it well, wondering how you can do good: These are perhaps the most valuable things that a liberal arts education has equipped you to do. A liberal education demands that you live self-consciously. It prepares you to seek and define the meaning inherent in all you do. It has made you an analyst and critic of yourself, a person in this way supremely equipped to take charge of your life and how it unfolds. It is in this sense that the liberal arts are liberal — as in liberare — to free. They empower you with the possibility of exercising agency, of discovering meaning, of making choices. The surest way to have a meaningful, happy life is to commit yourself to striving for it. Don’t settle. Be prepared to change routes. Remember the impossible expectations we have of you, and even as you recognize they are impossible, remember how important they are as a lodestar guiding you toward something that matters to you and to the world. The meaning of your life is for you to make.

弱不禁風的工程 Weak Repair Or the Typhoon is Too Strong?




As I worried(http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3939&prev=3913&next=3907) some of the bamboo on the Shum Wan Road slope were blew and fell down to Shum Wan Road. Even though the cement were set on the slope, some mud fell down too.

I question that if typhoon was too strong or the repair work done by the Highways Dept is too weak?

I've again demanded the dept to clear the bamboo and prevent the accident.

2008年9月23日 星期二

幾項地區個案的進展 Community Work(3)

Here are the progress of some community cases we've been following(Pls refer to: (http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3916&prev=3907&next=3912http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3916&fid=-1&action=nexthttp://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3764)):



The firemen checked the fire hydrant this afternoon and confirmed the fire system is not effected by this fire hydrant(Good News!). But they were puzzled too because one of the tap is missing. I was told that the Highways Dep't is responsible for repairing the tap later.



Some of the bamboo on the Shum Wan Road slope were cut last week and sement was set on the slope. I wonder if it is enough to secure the bamboo and it may cause serious dangers, so I wrote to the dept again to stress my concerns.


I've been following other cases as well. The typhoon is coming, I hope it won't cause big problems or damages....




2008年9月21日 星期日










張志新:「東北人獨有的真朗,聚焦在一隻晶亮的瞳眸裡,緊抿的雙唇鎖結著倔強。…… 一股冰雪的清襲人而來,幻綻成心田裡的一片碧海。」

呂秀蓮及劉慧卿,說她們「都各有秋瑾之志…… 就是少了一點點水色空濛的神采,也許是因為鑑湖澄明水,畢竟不合污於維多利亞港和台北城谷的毒霧塵埃。」


上面是陶傑《滿香園的一朵朵笑靨》對周璇、張愛玲、楊絳、林徽因、Coco Chanel、昂山素姬、陳方安生乃至麥當娜等傳奇女子的造像。








陸遊 卜算子‧詠梅




2008年9月18日 星期四

「細眉細眼」的事(2) Community Work(2)



Here we have another community case to follow today. I met two residents this morning while I was going to my office and they told me that the fire hydrant was broken:

2008年9月17日 星期三

「細眉細眼」的事 Community Work

Michael Tien told reporter that voter should consider what a candidate had done for HK as a whole rather than focusing on the small piece community case after he was defeated in the Legco election.

Tien gets a point, but it also reflects that candidate or politician like him pays little attention to community work. What in their mind must be big issues. People criticise them that it is the reason that they failed in the election.

District councillor like me often deal with small piece community cases, I think this blog already proofs a lot. The followings are two cases we'd followed:

one is asked a resident that he found a dead tree inside the ex-WCH Estate and he thinks the concerned dept should cut the dead tree asap;

the second one is proposed by another resident that there should be noticeboard of other things to prevent people step into the "tree hole", which was made after the tree broken down by typoon.





舊演講詞 Election Speech

I share my out-dated election speech with you today. I'm sorry I don't have an English version.





「永不放棄」 :向著標杆直跑

今天,我宣布參選。因為我清楚見到市民的期望: 市民希望政壇需要新血,立法會需要新面孔。我相信,年青人應該把握機會,在實際的競選及政治工作中,磨練及裝備自己豐富閱歷提升能力及擴闊視野,以準備將來更艱巨的任務。





2008年9月16日 星期二

陳克勤的英文和政綱 Chan Hak kan' English



陳克勤上星期把「try our best」誤發音為「try our breast」而慘被公眾嘲諷,甚或引申至人身攻擊;政治人物最易招人批評(參考:從政:與魔鬼鬥爭的事業 Politics as Vocation: Struggling with Evils ),此事是政治新聞娛樂化的典型例子。

我是個悶人,對這類嘩然起哄式的笑談一向都一笑置之,沒有興趣再去添油加醋:大家固然有批評的權利,但我覺得與其笑別人英文不濟,不如反問自己的英文水平有多高。有此自省後方才懂得努力自強,蓋因為我自己的英文也不見得好。我平日以中英文寫網誌,經常會出現辭不達意乃至執筆忘英文生字的問題,至於oral English,更是我的弱項。

當初決定以中英文寫網誌,其中一個原因是練習英文writing,因為我相信只要長年堅持,一定會有功效(見:以寫blog為志業 Blogging as Vocation);Listening 還時常可以看和耹聽英文電視節目,但口語的練習就少之又少。不知陳克勤是否也有類似問題,方才有那樣的錯誤?前車可鑑,我必須努力練習我的oral才對。




Mr Chan Hak Kan's English pronunciation become a joke or personal attack indeed. The video has been circulating on the net recently and people seem "enjoy" watching it. It's a typical example of entertainmentized political news. I really don't think it is healthy that people concentrate on such joke but not the political platform of the newly elected legislator.

Mr Chan was asked which policy area he will focus on in the Legco, he answered that the housing problem of the youth will be his main task.

This is a real economic, social and political issue that I think the media should cover and people should seriously listen to. But there's few people pay attention to such serious, boring too, political statement.

2008年9月12日 星期五

送給你的中秋禮物 Mid-August Festival Present

I share these photos with you as my Mid-August Festival present to you.












南區地鐵最新進展 Latest Progress of the MTR South Island Line


因為高架方案使深灣沒有出入口,又可能引致逸港居等地的噪音和景觀問題,我在會上表達不滿 ,但港鐵指如果改為以地下隧道形式興建,南區地鐵將延犀39個月通車(即3年多),因為上次諮詢會上議會內有個決議,即如果其他如地下隧道方案不能拖延南區地鐵通車時間議會才會支持,因而今天會上絕大多數議員都不再表能堅持以地下隧道形式興建。


The MTR Corp. launches its 2nd round consultation today in Southern District Council. The Corp. refused to adapt the underground railway proposal because it will delay the progress of construction to over 3 years(39 months).

No member of the Council rejects the original proposal because we agreed in previous meeting that any new proposal should not delay the progress of construction.

Though the MTR arranges to have a cover walkway the link the WCH station to WCH bus terminal, I expressed my disappointment in the meeting since the proposal means that there is no MTR exit at Shum Wan area, though the amended proposal slightly moved the exit of the WCH station to Shum Wan a little bit.

Like the first round consultation, there will be consultations meeting in local community. I'll keep following up this issue.




以此肉身 抵擋流年 Against the Current of Time

以此肉身 抵擋流年。這是朋友MSN的簽名,因為是女性,所以更讓我覺得壯烈異常!(慘烈?!)





PS: 這是前些天寫的網誌,一時感觸,抱歉在臨近中秋時post這類感傷的網誌。

"Against the Current of Time" (I translate it from the Chinese)is the signature of a friend's MSN a/c. It has a special impact because my friend is a single female and because of its classical implications of growing old and the cruelty of life and time.

I've been very busy in my work. There's one time I missed the bus stop because I was too tired and fell into sleep on bus. It was late that night so I had to walk home that gave me a chance to think over my work and my life. It made me felt sad and lonely that night.

I talked about it with my colleague and she asked: what are you doing for working so busy?

For my dream? It only can make people joke about you if you talk about dream in HK.

"Against the Current of Time", what we are against is far more than time.

PS: I'm sorrry for posting this sad blog article while the Mid-August Festival is coming.

2008年9月11日 星期四

黃竹坑票站得票 Result of the Wong Chuk Hang Polling Stations

I got the most ballots in WCH polling stations! It's a victory makes me happy because we won only 4  in around 100 polling stations. You could see the table below for reference. I'm sorry that I can't provide English version of this article in detail.




2. 我區選主要對手民建聯的得票只有313票,低於我500多,甚至比葉劉淑儀的506儀還低,可見深灣區選民極不支持民建聯。如果以泛民對泛建制看的話,泛民取得1859票(未計勞永樂),建制派取得833票,足足超出1000票。

3. 我在同屬黃竹坑區的香港仔網球及壁球中心的得票只是在公民黨和葉劉淑儀後面排第三(得票246),情況與全港情況相似。雖然說我得票仍比在該處有支部辦事處的民建聯高(得票190票),但我的得票低於沒有地區工作的公民當和葉劉淑儀,證明我必須加強該小區的工作,如此才不會顧此失彼。

4. 整體而言,我在黃竹坑取得與04年相約的得票(04年是1102票;今年是1080票,大約是我區選時的半數),對比大多數票站,乃至在下列我們勝出的票中來看,我在黃竹坑的得票成績驕人!因為公民黨幾乎在每個中產票站得票都幾乎是民主黨的一至兩倍,甚至更多,這是我們民主黨必須深刻檢討的一點。

Polling Station
  1 自由黨2 何秀蘭3 甘乃威4 阿牛5 民建聯6 蕭敏華7 勞永樂8 公民黨9 葉劉10 黎志2004            民主黨得票
A1201上環上環郵政局Sheung Wan Post Office25 242 1126 88 693 21 174 695 617 7 1550
D0501利東二利東社區會堂Lei Tung Community Hall12 248 691 144 686 29 225 516 579 14 1383
D1001華富二東華三院鶴山學校TWGHs Hok Shan School7 250 865 102 840 12 243 626 562 11 1706
D1501黃竹坑香港仔網球及壁球中心Aberdeen Tennis and Squash Centre8 128 246 51 190 17 128 319 262 3 1102
D1502新會商會陳白沙紀念中學SWCS Chan Pak Sha School14 268 834 78 313 20 183 667 506 12


Inmedia訪問:中環填海 Interview by the Inmedia: Reclamation of the Harbour



我在片段中提及的跳海行動,可參考我早前的blog: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3422

I share with you this interview done during the election by Inmedia, the topic is about reclamation of the harbour. You could refer to my previous blog about it.(http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3422)

Chinese only. Sorry about it.


2008年9月10日 星期三

深灣道路面不平及枯竹問題 Potential Dangers at Shum Wan Rd



PS: 現場觀察時發現遊艇會的士站前也有類似問題,我也已要求路政署一併維修。

I got some complaints from residents on the voting day. The following Shum Wan Rd where near the exit of Shum Wan bus terminal is uneven, the resident fears that when the vehicle passing it jolts that cause potential danger, he is especially concerned about it because his wife is pregnant. We've written a letter to the concerned dept to repair the surface, because it also could cause danders to children and senior residents.



There's a resident told me to keep following up the bamboo case.(See my previous follow up: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3764&prev=3772&next=3744), he said there is greater potential danger that the whole bamboo may fall because the bamboo is too heavy and he finds cracks between the roots of the bamboo and the mud.

I've demanded the Lands Dep's to inspect and prevent the dangers.

2008年9月9日 星期二

多謝支持 甘乃威當選 港島泛民取得四席 Thank You for your Support!

Pls stroll down for the English version.










I thank for your support to vote for DP and pan-democrat candidates that made Mr Kam Nai Wai and Ms Cyd Ho elected in HK Island!

I'm unhappy that Dr Yeung Sum was not re-elected, but I respect him very much that he is the one who strongly supports the second tier party member to have more chance to take part in the election. Dr Yeung dedicates himself to this idea and he has been working so hard to help our team and the party as a whole. I'm honored that I was once his assistant and being his teammate to run for this election. It's no wonder Dr Young is the first one Mr Kam thanked when he was asked by the reporter after he was announced elected.

I'd like to share many with you about this election. The following are four points I like like raise:

a. the community work is far not so important in a Legco election like in the district council election;

b. party politics is far not mature in HK, people vote for the person he or she prefers rather than vote for a party;

c. the central gov't gets what it wants: disuniting the non-executive political power successfully by adapting the system of proportional representation, results in that the disunited Legco has little power to check the executive branch and it helps a executive-led gov't;

d. the election survey is for reference only, you can trust the general data but the result is far not accurate.

2008年9月5日 星期五

全投3號民主黨 Vote for No. 3





Today my team and Matin Lee we went to Central to call for support.

I'm calling for your vote on Sunday, becuase my party dare to say no and againt the injustice!

For more info of our team, pls visit: http://www.ahkam.hk


PS: 附上我發給黃竹坑居民的電郵  I post the email I sent WCH residents as following









Dear friends,


Monitoring the Administration is the key function of Legco. I believe citizens as you are want a legislator who dare to say no and has guts to against the injustice.


As a representative of the younger generation of my party, I have the responsibility to follow the model as Mr Martin Lee and Dr Yeung Sum, who have been brave enough to fight for justice for over 2 decades, to strive for democracy and a decent live for all of us, especially for the poor and those voice unheard.

We have a long road to achieve our aim, and I know there's still a long road for me to be mature enough to be a person who has greater responsibility. But my team, Dr Yeung Sum and Mr Kam Nai Wai are ready to serve you. We need your vote to help us to achieve our dream.


Please vote for us on the coming Sunday, vote for a team which has been fighting for freedom and justice for over 20 years. Thanks.

老人院枯樹及深灣道枯竹Potential Danger by Dead Tree and Bamboo


Today I found the dead tree in the St. Mary's Home for the aged was cut. The gov't acts quick this time.

But the bamboo on the Shum Wan Road slope is still there today. I've asked my colleague to urged the Lands Dept again to send people to clear them in order to prevent accident.

