2008年4月28日 星期一

城規會否決長實黃竹坑申建住宅 Developer's rezoning Application Rejected



Land developer's aspiration of rezoning the hotel project into a residential was rejected by the Town Planning Board. Pls refer to http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=1760,and http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=1713)  to see my previous follow up. You could know the reasons why residents of WCH and the Southern District Council rejected the application.

Yesterday, the Planning Dept explained to the Council that the developer tried to apply to extend the construction period of the site but failed. It meant that not only the rezoning application had failed, but also the hotel programme was became invalid.

The developer needs to apply again if it wanted to build a hotel or residential building. I expressed our rejection that we don't want to have a residential project there again.


積金嘉年華 MPF Carnival(2)

上星期六我們的積金嘉年華 MPF Carnival(http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?new=1&mid=2465)順利完成。同事拍下了好些照片,和大家分享:

I share the photo of MPF Carnival which we held on last Saturday with you :

立法會議員單仲偕先生 Legislative Councillor Mr Sin Chung Kai

中西區區議員甘乃威先生 Central and Western District Councillor Mr Kam Nai Wai

南區區議員馮煒光先生 Souther District Councillor  Mr Fung Wai Kwong

南區區議員柴文瀚先生 Souther District Councillor  Mr Chai Man Hon



AND.....魔術師.....可惜他要趕下一場, 當天表演時間很短。

A magician show, but the time of the show is too short becuase he's rushing for another show...

2008年4月25日 星期五

送給"阿媽" 生日快樂 Happy Birthday to My "Mam"


This article is specially written for a blog friend who suppurts me very much and often visit this blog: she claims that she could be my mam.

Today is her birthday, I wish her all the best. I now borrow Van Gogh's letter to express my gratitude to her, as she had given me a Van Gogh pen a gift to me.


No woman is old(That does not mean that there are no old woman, but that a woman is not old as long as she loves and is loved.) ...

That a woman is quite a different being than a man, and a being that we do not yet know, at least only quite superficially, as you said, yes, I am sure of it. And that man and wife can be one, that is to say one whole and not two halves, yes, I believe that too.

....Vincent Van Gogh, From a letter to his brother, 31 July, 1874

Dear "Mam",

You are not getting older becasue of this birthday, because you love and are loved by so many people around you.

Wish you all the best. Most importantly, try to find a "father" for a son like me. Haha.


流浪狗肆虐深灣 Street Dogs Problem at Shum Wan Area





我的女兒昨日(22-3-2008)晚上12:00坐N72巴士回家,在『陳白沙中學』的站下車,步行回『雅濤閣』, 當行經﹝百佳至深灣遊艇會﹞對面的行人路時, 突然有兩隻野狗從『南朗醫院』的後門邊位走出,撲向咬我女兒的大脾,她拚命爭扎跑過對面馬路,幸好有一個途人經過,把狗區走。


徐生, 你是我們本區的區議員, 現知會您一聲, 亦希望您能跟進一下,把那些野狗捉去, 免滋擾咬人及擾人清夢等。

I've been following up the issue of street dogs problem at Shum Wan Area since 2006, and the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department sends its people to this area to catch street dogs regularly. However, the result is not good enough to solve the problem.

This problem is getting worse lately. Unfortunately, a Broadview Court resident was hurt by a street dog at Shum Wan Road while she was going home at night. (Pls refer to the message board of this blog(Chinese only: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/guestbook)

I've urged the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department to have a special action to tackle this problem. The Dept agreed finally and will send a team to catch street dogs at Shum Wan Area next Monday.

I'll keep following up this issue to keep street dogs away from our neighbourhood.

2008年4月23日 星期三

積金嘉年華 MPF Carnival(1)

After the public consultation meeting of MTR WCH station and the opening ceremony, we've been busying in organizing the MPF Carnival on the coming Saturday (26 April). I appreciate the hard work of my colleagues very much.

We welcome you to be a volunteer to help us that day.




2008年4月22日 星期二

天公作美 開幕禮順利完成

上星期六的天氣差點把我嚇壞,擔心星期天的開幕會受影響,甚至被迫取消(http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=2446&fid=-1&action=next)。但老天對我太眷顧了,天氣放晴,太陽伯伯中午時先出來跟我say hi,祝我開幕成功。一位老街坊說這是自助人助天自助!











2008年4月18日 星期五

徐遠華議員辦事處開幕禮 Opening Ceremony of My Office

雖然我們已在新辦事處工作了一段時間,但正式的開幕禮要等到這個星期日(20號)才舉行。 詳情見下:

時間 : 4月20日下午2時(1時30分恭候)
地點: 黃竹坑惠福道3號珍寶閣地下
聯絡電話: 2553 2115










PS: 星期日很可能下雨,而且是大雨,有點擔心。


The opening ceremony of my office will be held at 2pm on 20 Aripl 2008. I welcome you all to join this ceremony and share the happiness. Details as following:

Date: 20 April 2008

Time: 2pm

Venue: G/F, Jumbo Court, 3 Welfare Road, Wong Chuk Hang, HK

I'm honoured to have invited the following guests:

Ms Ma Yuet Ha, Chairwoman of Southern District Council

Mr Alex Wong , District Officer of Southern District

Mr Martin Lee, Dr Yeung Sum and Mr Sin Chung Kai, Legislative Councillors

Mr Kam Nai Wai, Central & Western District Councillor

Mr Lai Chi Keong, Eastern District Councillor

Mr Fung Wai Kwong and Chai Man Hon, Southern District Councillors

Dr Lee Kin Yin, Chairman of Island Branch of Democratic Party


PS: Too bad, it probably will be raining on the coming Sunday.

2008年4月15日 星期二

徐遠華呼籲:出席地鐵諮詢會 Public Consultation Meeting on the WCH MTR Station





I've been doing a surve about the WCH MTR Station these days, and all these hard works are prepared for the coming public consultation meeting on Thursday. I urge you all to attend this meeting to voice out our suggestions and demand.

Details of this meeting:

Date: 17 April 2008

Time: 8-930pm

Venue: Kai Fong community welfare Centre (G floor of Southwave Court)



黃竹坑地鐵站問卷調查 Survey on the Wong Chuk Hang MTR Station



到目前為止,加上傳真回來的問卷,我們共收回216份問卷。其中表示不滿現時的地鐵站及出入口位置的受訪者有151份,佔總數的70% ;表示滿意的有65份,佔總數的30%。





I'm sorry for not providing the English version of this questionnaire and this article.



2008年4月13日 星期日

徐遠華網誌瀏覽人次突破一萬!Over 10,000 People Has visited My Blog!




Over10,000 People has visited this blog since last April! There are around 40 people visit my blog everyday; I think this frequency is not bad to a somewhat boring blog which focus on community work of a small district.

My friends, I thank you all for browsing this blog, especially those who often come to visit: there are Joe Joe, mabel, 一盒子的希望 and many more. It's such a sense of recognition and stafisfaction comes from your visit, and it really drives me to keep on updating.


2008年4月11日 星期五

時事追擊今晚七點....ATV 7pm Tonight


I'll be shown on ATV's program tonight at 7pm. It's my first time on such program and I'm wondering what I will be like on TV.(see: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=2190&prev=2069&next=2182   )

2008年4月10日 星期四

深灣花圃施工 Beautifing Shum Wan Road




After proposing for almost one year, the construction work of the small scale improvement project at the Shum Wan Road finally in progress. The construction work will probably be completed in April.(Pls see: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/searchblog_art?p=%E8%8A%B1%E5%9C%83&my=1)

It doesn’t surprise me that the Home Affair Dept(HAD) agrees only to be responsible for part of the my original proposal, which all the irrigation ditches besides the Shum Wan Road should be covered ; HAD claimed that the Lands Dep’t should be responsible for the other parts of the irrigation ditches.

A lot of work still need to be done.


2008年4月9日 星期三



雖然說辦事處離主要的民居如南濤閣和雅濤閣只有約十分鐘路程,但畢竟有點偏僻,我和同事都擔心長者們會因此不來辦厘小巴優惠證,但開始兩天後,已有20多位長者親自來office 辦理手續,消除了我們的憂慮

為了更方便居民,我們將在21/4 和22/4黃昏在陳白沙中學側及雅濤閣巴士總站展開戶外登記站,希望使更多長者受惠小巴優惠。


2008年4月8日 星期二

辦事處投入服務!My New Office is Open!




I can't wait any longer to see my office empty and in a mess, so I decided to work in this office just after the signboard construction was completed.

The official opening ceremony will be held on 20 April at 2pm. I invite you all, if you have time then, to be my guest that day; and to share my happiness.

My first task in this new office will be launching a questionnaire and signature campaign to fight for a nearer MTR station or exits convenient to WCH local residents;  I'll analyze the result of the questionnaire and present the result at the MTR public consultation meeting on 17 April night. (Pls see: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=2003)


2008年4月7日 星期一

母親節一日遊 Trip on Mother's Day


今年我們例行舉辦一日遊(行程可見下圖) ,重頭戲依然是中午到鯉魚門吃海鮮。



The Mother's Day is coming! As usual, we are planning a trip on Mother's Day(11 May) to enjoy seafood at Lei Yue Mun.

Many residents've joined this trip, we've ordered an additional bus to serve WCH area. You really need to contact us if you want to reserv seats, or all the seat will be sold out soon.