2008年4月28日 星期一

積金嘉年華 MPF Carnival(2)

上星期六我們的積金嘉年華 MPF Carnival(http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?new=1&mid=2465)順利完成。同事拍下了好些照片,和大家分享:

I share the photo of MPF Carnival which we held on last Saturday with you :

立法會議員單仲偕先生 Legislative Councillor Mr Sin Chung Kai

中西區區議員甘乃威先生 Central and Western District Councillor Mr Kam Nai Wai

南區區議員馮煒光先生 Souther District Councillor  Mr Fung Wai Kwong

南區區議員柴文瀚先生 Souther District Councillor  Mr Chai Man Hon



AND.....魔術師.....可惜他要趕下一場, 當天表演時間很短。

A magician show, but the time of the show is too short becuase he's rushing for another show...
