2007年12月23日 星期日

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

今晚就是平安夜了。在此,謹與各位說聲:Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

我雖然從教會學校畢業,卻並不是教徒;但我很喜歡 唐 君毅先生這樣一句話:我雖然沒有宗教信仰,但我有宗教情懷。




PS: 我明天起會放假一星期,明年與各位再續網緣」。

The Christmas and New Year are coming; I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I'm not a Christian, nor a catholic, but I share the belief that we should always be grateful to people around us and things happened. 

I thank you all for your love, encouragement and support! And I wish you a fruitful year 2008.

2007年12月22日 星期六

我在《城市論壇》的發言 My Views in the "City Forum"


1. 政府及港鐵應在黃竹坑提供文娛、社區設施。

2. 希望港鐵的黃竹坑站為居民提供更方便的出入口。

3. 希望港鐵使黃竹坑站同時方便香港仔居民使用地鐵。





I attended the "City Forum" today (http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=1654&new=1) and I expressed the following views in the forum:

1. The Gov't and the MTR should provide community centre and other facilities. 

2.  The MTR should build WCH station exit which convenient to local residents

3.  The MTR should try their best to make the WCH station convenient to people living in Aberdeen .

But the representative of the MTR didn't responded to my views, maybe because many views were expressed. I'll keep working hard to follow this case.

You can re-view this programme at http://www.rthk.org.hk/rthk/tv/city_forum/

2007年12月21日 星期五

《城市論壇》於鴨脷洲討論南鐵 "City Forum"(RTHK) Held in Ap Lei Chau

The RTHK programme "City Forum" will be held in Ap Lei Chau on the coming Sunday. The topic of this forum will be focus on the project of South Island Line and the development of Southern District as a whole.

Details are as followed, I invite you to join with me to attend this forum to show our concerns.

PS:  The fourm will be conducted in Chinese only.



Details of "City Forum":

日期 Date:23-12-2007 (星期日 Sunday)
時間 Time:1200
地點 Place:鴨利洲海濱長廊(鴨利洲市政大廈對出)
                      Ap Lei Chau Promanade
                      (outside the Ap Lei Chau Municipal Building)
題目 Topic:港鐵支線再伸延,南區發展新一頁
                      Railway line extents,
                       a new face for Southern District

語言 Language:廣東話 Cantonese

討論大綱 (只供參考,並非限定範圍)

 (1)   一直以來,政府都是以批出沿線物業發展權的方式資助鐵路建設,由於鐵路公司已由過去屬政府全資擁有變成上市公司,今次政府預留黃竹坑邨公屋地皮,以及海洋公園站予港鐵發展物業,這個安排會否予人產生以公帑資助上市公司的印象?有測量師估計,黃竹坑邨地皮價值高達200250億元,物業發展收益可觀,有評論認為,這是過度補貼,你是否同意?

(2)   現時南港島線雖已落實,但對是否在跑馬地馬場設立車站,則仍未有定案;對此你有何看法?

(3)   現時雖然已拍板興建,但亦要待至2011年方可動工,2015年才正式啟用,即是說還要等待78年,時間是否過長?如何可以加快工程進度,令居民早日受惠?有沒有評估過施工期間對居民造成的滋擾?



   1. 鄭家富

Andrew CHENG, Kar-foo 立法會交通事務委員會主席
Chairman, Panel on Transport, The Legislative Council

2. 朱慶虹
CHU, Ching-hong 南區區議會副主席
Vice Chairman,Southern District Council

3. 蘇雯潔
Maggie SO, Man-kit 港鐵公司對外及議會事務經理
External Affairs & Government Relation Manager,
MTR Corporation

主 持  : 謝志峰
出席團體︰ 匯知中學


2007年12月19日 星期三

地鐵終拍板 南區有望大變身 The MTR SIL Project Boosts Re-development of WCH

The MTR South Island Line was confirmed in the Exco yesterday, this project will surely help to boost the re-develop of WCH, Aberdeen and the Southern District as a whole. Pls refer to my previous blog articles at : http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/article?mid=1554&prev=1561&next=1524 and http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/article?mid=1629

Today's editorial of Tai Kong Pao shares my view.

The MTR SIL Project boosts Re-development

南區地鐵勢將引致黃竹坑、香港仔大變,請參考我早前的blog:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/article?mid=1554&prev=1561&next=1524 and http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/article?mid=1629






2007年12月18日 星期二

行會終通過南區地鐵 South Island Line Confirmed in Exco

I am sorry that I cannot provide an English leaflet, due to the resource reason. It is a leaflet about my follow up of the MTR South Island Line issue.

Finally, this project has been confirmed in Exco. So the next stage of my follow up will be fighting for an exit of the Wong Chuk Hang MTR station, which should be located near to Shum Wan, and it should be convenient for Ocean Court and residents in Aberdeen to use the station.

There are also many transport issues I will keep following up in the new district council, such as the frequency of Rt. 72A and 78 buses were cut by the bus company, and the rejection of mid-night mini-bus.

And I keep looking for my own office, but a lot of work has to be done. Because it's hard to find a shop which is suitable and we can afford







司馬昭之心:委任區議員 The Appointed District Councillor

There are four appointed district councillors in the Southern District Council. No surprise at all, the Gov't appointed the pro-Beijing figures into the council, in order to "balance" the increasing party-influence: though my party only has three councillors, DAB and the Liberal Party has one.

So, doesn't it clear enough to tell us why the Gov't appointed the member of DAB and the Liberal Party into this Council?

My view on the constitutional reform, pls see: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/article?mid=1600&prev=1622&next=1599





2007年12月17日 星期一

反對新/城巴漠視加減機制 大幅加價5.8%



民主黨多位港島區現任及候任區議員認為,城巴及新巴 (後稱『兩巴』) 申請加價5.8%,是違反現行票價調整機制。在12月12日向兩間巴士公司的總部請願。



2007年12月13日 星期四

孩子,這是你的命!The Leader Who Fears to Lead














You can hardly expect Donald Tsang to be a leader, a statesman, because the bureaucratic style of seeking and obeying order is deeply rooted in his mind.

The chief executive's report to Beijing on the way Hong Kong people view democratic reform again vividly shows this character.

Donald Tsang is the most powerful leader in this city who should lead and make the toughest decision, but he just has no guts to lead. He simply leave the tough decision to Beijing, to please his real boss, and then he will surely “get the job done” by his .bureaucratic style of highly effective implementation skills.

And I fear he will sacrifice the high degree of autonomy by his work style too.

If it is the fate of Hong Kong, I DO NOT accept it, and I will challenge it!


環保觸覺:促減惠福道地皮地積比率 Wall Effect Concerned




可參看我早前的blog: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/article?mid=1554;


The Planning Department rejected the application submitted by the Green Sense, which proposed to prevent the wall effect at Welfare Road in Wong Chuk Hang area. According to the Ming Pao Daily, the Planning Dep't does not consider the wall effect theory is not scientific, thus not convincing. (see the Chinese report:http://www.mingpaonews.com/20071212/gsk2.htm),

You could check my previous blog: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/article?mid=1554, and ref to an official reply to a familiar problem to the Legco in June 2007, pls check it out at: http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/200706/13/P200706130207.htm


2007年12月11日 星期二

書聲出骨氣 國是寄心魂 Years in China Study Society, CUHK

My friend Shek wrote some lines on the years we spent in the China Study Society when we studied at CUHK. I was so lucky that I was once the Chairman of this society, and I knew many friends there.

Sorry that I don't have time to translate them into English this time.






2007年12月9日 星期日

雜誌報導:U Magazine 07年12月7日 I was on the U-Magazine! 7 Dec. 07

I was on the U-Magazine! One of the theme in  this issue is the new generation of politician. It's my first time to be interviewed by a magazine.

Young, well-educated and serve community on a full time basis, these are the main factors that the U-magazine interprets as a new trend of political development in HK.

To be sure, we still have a very long way to go. But a decade or more years later, I believe people could make a prudent judgment that whether we, as new faces in politics, have started a new generation from now on.


我和兩位同事(柴文瀚和羅建熙,詳見南區團隊:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/article?mid=1430)前個星期接受了U Magazine 的訪問,上星期五終於出版了!(這是我第一次接受雜誌採訪)








2007年12月7日 星期五

灣仔睇Notebook / 買書 Looking for a Notebook/ Books in Wan Chai


我並不熟悉電腦行情,故事前先問了朋友意見,得知有幾隻牌子"必不可買",粗看後,暫時對下面HP 520 和 Fujitsu LifeBook A3130 兩款機頗有興趣(尤其是後者):

I went to Wan Chai to look for a notebook a few days ago. I don't require a latest model, as I told my colleague: it's like buying a car, we really don't need a Farrari in HK.

I'm interested in the following two models, esp. the last one:

1. HP 520  (http://h10010.www1.hp.com/wwpc/tw/zh/sm/WF06b/1090709-1124051-1124051-1124051-12434656-80330282-80330286.html)

  其中一間店開價 $5,800,另一間則指可低至$5,200!

   The price is between $5,200 to $5,800.

2.Fujitsu LifeBook A3130   (http://store.shopfujitsu.com/fpc/Ecommerce/buildseriesbean.do?series=A3130)

   只有一間店有這個牌子,不二價$6,998. 可免費將RAM upgrate 到 1G.

   The price for this one is $6,998, and the RAM can be upgrated to 1G for free.

3. 可惜當晚找不到Sony的機。


   I'm still looking for a Sony Model....



I bought four books after I'd checked the notebook, there is a book sale:

1. 中央與地方關係,這是我一直關心的課題:中央和香港的關係。當年我讀政政系(GPA)時,修讀王紹光教授的一門中央與地方關係的課,獲益良多!我記得當年寫的論文個案是印度,可惜論文沒存底。


I'm interested in the interl-governmental relations. $5 only!

2. 這本黑格爾哲學的英文入門書,厚達300多頁,只卻只賣30元;我一直想多了解一點黑格爾的政治哲學,希望這本書能領引我入門。

And, I'm inerested in political philosphy too. Hope this intorductory book worth reading. $30only.

3. 因受董橋影響,近年我好讀筆記。以下是雅堂先生連橫的筆記,定有助我了解台灣歷史人文。書只5元!

This is an collection of essaies by Lian Heng, a historian in Taiwan, and the grand-father of Lian Zhan, the former chairman of KMT. Again, $5 only.


The topic of this book is rather rare, it's about the relation of bandit and civilian in 12th-18th Centry South-east China. I bought it for a good friend. I hope this book could be useful for him to edit his M.Phil. thesis. $10 only.

2007年12月6日 星期四

春江水暖鴨先知:香港仔(黃竹坑)勢將巨變 The Re-development of Wong Chuk Hang





"政府新規劃 香港仔變天



  此外,惠福道地皮之可發展地積比率「彈性高」,一名資深地產業人士對本刊透露:「該地皮之地積比率可以用到盡的空間很大。」正因為此,惹來環保團體向城規會申請降低惠福道地皮發展密度。呂志和帶點無奈說:「有好多社會自由聲音,我們聽不得太多,總之會跟隨政府政策及方針去做。」 "

黃竹坑區可謂百業待興,正如我在競選報上所指(見:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/article?mid=1237 競選報第7、第8頁):長遠而言(約10年以後),本區很可能取代香港仔中心,將成為新的南區中心地帶。


The Re-development of Wong Chuk Hang

There are several factors that will help to develop Wong Chuk Hang district, hopefully, become a new centre of Southern District, the main factors are:

a. the South Island Line of MTR (SIL) is going to be completed in 2014(Ref.: http://www.mtr.com.hk/eng/projects/future_wil_sil_sil_east.html);

b. the re-development of WCH Estate, the Estate may be developed as private residential building by the MTR corporate;

c. the industrial area in WCH will had rezoned as hotel and commercial area, there will be over 13 hotels in WCH;

d. the re-development of the Ocean Park .

These are the factors that the land developers invest big money to buy the land in Welfare road, they certainly know there are huge opportunities in WCH and Aberdeen as whole.

As the district councilor of WCH constituency for the next four years, I’m responsible for the re-development in our community. And I’ll work hard to make our home a better place for us and the next generation.


2007年12月4日 星期二

黃竹坑區選及立法會補選得票比較 Results of the Two Elections in WCH


The counting result of the two polling stations in Wong Chuk Hang as follow:

Polling Station Code


Name of Polling Station 



Number of votes received





Aberdeen Tennis and Squash Centre





Block E, TWGHs Jockey Club Rehabilitation Complex 



















Comparing the results of WCH district council election on 18 Nov, the total votes received are 3,651; and the total votes received in the LegCo by-election is 4,431, 780  votes more than the former.

Specifically, the pan-democratic camp got 2,073 votes (57%)in the district council election, the pro-Beijing camp got 1,578 votes(43%).

Anson Chan, as a representative of the pan-democratic camp in The By-election, got 2,736 votes(62%), 663 votes more than I got in 18 Nov.

Regina Ip, as a representative of the pro-Beijing camp, got 1,695 votes(38%), 117 more than the votes received the Camp received on 18 Nov.

Once again, the finding proves it is correct, at least in WCH constituency, that the higher voting rate favors democrat.(Anson Chan got 85% in 663 votes.)

It is also an indication that my community work and election campaign was not good enough to get these potential supports out to vote for me on 18 Nov.

I really need to work hard to gain these support.  


Wong Chuk Hang


HUI Wan-mai



TSUI Yuen-wa



WONG Choi-lap



RESULT - Legislative Council HK Island Geographical Constituency By-election

1柳玉成 Lau Yuk Shing344
2李永健 Lee Wing Kin401
3蕭思江 Siu See Kong613
4葉劉淑儀 Ip Lau Suk Yee Regina137550
5蔣志偉 Tandon Lal Chaing (Stanley)3518
6凌尉雲 Ling Wai Wan (Cecilia)822
7陳方安生 Chan Fang Anson175874
8何來 Ho Loy1593

2007年12月3日 星期一

兩岸猿聲啼不住,輕舟已過萬重山。 We Are the Champion!





RESULT - Legislative Council HK Island Geographical Constituency By-election

1柳玉成 Lau Yuk Shing344
2李永健 Lee Wing Kin401
3蕭思江 Siu See Kong613
4葉劉淑儀 Ip Lau Suk Yee Regina137550
5蔣志偉 Tandon Lal Chaing (Stanley)3518
6凌尉雲 Ling Wai Wan (Cecilia)822
7陳方安生 Chan Fang Anson175874
8何來 Ho Loy1593

PS:  我稍後會補上我們黃竹坑兩個票站的得票數字。



We Are the Champion! We Won the By-election!  

RESULT - Legislative Council HK Island Geographical Constituency By-election

1柳玉成 Lau Yuk Shing344
2李永健 Lee Wing Kin401
3蕭思江 Siu See Kong613
4葉劉淑儀 Ip Lau Suk Yee Regina137550
5蔣志偉 Tandon Lal Chaing (Stanley)3518
6凌尉雲 Ling Wai Wan (Cecilia)822
7陳方安生 Chan Fang Anson175874
8何來 Ho Loy1593

(I'll post the result of two polling stations in Wong Chuk Hang alter)...

Notes: pls see http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=1524&new=1

I was a volunteer to help Anson Chan to run for The By-election yesterday, and I was in charge of all the works in Wong Chuk Hang district. Though lacking of resources, our spirit was high enough to gain support for Anson. I'd been working for over 16 hours, longer than my own election on 18 Nov.! I stood at the corner of Welfare Road to call for support for Anson, my legs were almost seized with cramps.

But all the hard work is worth: Anson Chan won The By-election! We are the champion!

Thanks for your support! And thanks all the volunteers who came to help, especially for those who live in Kowloon and the New Territories.

2007年11月30日 星期五

蔡子強﹕政客廢話寶鑑 Political Cliche







“Expert”——那些knows more and more about less and less的人。還有,當官員說「我們要先聽聽專家的意見」,又或者「more research needs to be done」,就是當政府感到一籌莫展,唔知點應付的時候,搬出來令人覺得政府做緊的擋箭牌。

“This is a hypothetical question”——即係話我唔想答,因為這是答會對我不利的問題。

“I am glad you asked me that”——傻仔,呢條問題其實我一早預,答案亦早已準備好,而家正好畀個機會我借題發揮。(順帶一提,如果你問唔問題,他就會說:「Yes, but the important thing to understand is....然後照把上述準備好的,照講一次。」)

“I hear what you are saying, but....”——除了「but」以後的說話之外,前面幾隻字全屬廢話。


Mr Choy Chi Keong of GPA Dept' of CUHK (http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/article?mid=1481)wrote a article on political cliche. You also see a related article on BBC at  http://news.bbc.co.uk/chinese/trad/hi/newsid_4480000/newsid_4482600/4482615.stm

Though being a district councillor-elect and a so-called politician now, I still feel uncomfortable to be named as a politician. It's quite a harsh word to me. But I do agree that anyone who take part in politics and those whose work concerns public interest, they should face harsh criticism. The public opinion should be an important role to monitor these people, including me now, and take a harsh approach to us, in order to make the society free, open and clean.

I still remember a saying from Anson Chan; she borrowed it from Kennedy ( Lincoln ?): It's a privilege of a person in high office to read reports and criticism in the morning post.

I'm not in the high office, but I totally agree that such privilege should be maintained, becuase it's one of the special characteristic of a free and open society.

So, if you find anything wrong in my work and conduct, please point them out directly. I welcome criticism, no matter in a gentle or harsh way. 


拒絕葉劉 - 投7號陳方安生 Vote for Anson Chan, Say NO to Regina Ip

本來想在今天再寫一篇blog(再前的那篇,詳見:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/article?mid=1464&prev=1466&next=1443),呼籲市民投票給陳方陳方安生,但同事羅健熙已快我一步。我也樂得可以偷懶一下,希望大家到他的blog裡看看(http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/dp_lokinhei/article?mid=609),支持陳太,向葉劉淑儀say NO.

I planned to wrtie another blog article on the LegCo by-election, and ask people to support Anson Chan again.(My last related article, pls see:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/article?mid=1464&prev=1466&next=1443).

But I found my colleague Lo Kin Hei wrote it already, so I just need to ask you go browse his blog at http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/dp_lokinhei/article?mid=609 to support Anson Chan, and say NO to Regina Ip.

2007年11月29日 星期四

重回中大母校 分享從政經驗 Sharing at GPA Dept, CUHK

今晚我有幸獲中大政治及公共行政高級導師蔡子強的邀請,回了中大與自己的師弟師妹分享做議員助理和從政的經驗(年中時我也曾回中大政政系,參加一個GPA課程focus group 的討論,見:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/article?mid=140)


離開中大時,和蔡生談起閱讀,我說回中大途中,重讀了韋伯的"以政治為志業"(Politics as Vocation),平時則仍愛讀甘陽、劉小楓、Leo Strauss、Carl Schmitt(http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/article?mid=1443)等人的作品,而這也是我打算進修讀政治哲學或歷史學的原因。蔡生聽後頗驚訝,說現在讀韋伯的議員助理和議員很罕有。但他建議我讀法律學位,認為更有助我的從政事業。我很贊同他的看法。


的確如此。興趣還是事業,這又是一個to be or not to be 的問題,我要在一月前決定報讀哪個課程。



Thanks to Mr Choy Chi Keong, I went back to CUHK to share my experience with students studying at GPA Dep't, which I'd been studying for 3 years.  Actaully I went back to CUHK to take part in a focus group to review the course structure of the dep't in June 2007. Pls see: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/article?mid=140 

Students were interested in my work as a assistant to councillors, a member of DPHK, and of course, a district councillor-elect too. I were glad to share experience with them, I'm the only one in 2004 GPA graduates, who take part in politics; I wonder are there one or two among these students will work in the same field like mine.

We talked about reading while Mr Choy and I leaving CUHK. He was quite surprised when I told him that I re-read Max Weber's "Politics as Vocation" while I was taking bus back to CUHK. Actually I read works by Gan Yan, Liu Xiaofeng, Leo Strauss, Carl Schmitt and Weber a lot, because political philosophy is what I’m interested in, and this is why I'm considering furthering my education in this field. And, I'm interested in intellectual history in ancient China as well. 

But I agree with Mr Choy: a law degree may be more helpful to my career (vocation).

One of student reminded me that I am again back to a situation of value judgment.

I'll be glad to have your advice on my further education.


2007年11月28日 星期三

告別黃竹坑 有緣再聚嘉年華 盆菜午宴 Reunion of WCH Estate Residents





PS: 多謝網友先我一步把這篇報導打了出來。使我節省了不少時間呢。

There will be a reunion of WCH estate resident on 9 Dec(Sunday)! According to a local newspaper, the reunion will be held by an association of former WCH estate, and people can join together to have the traditional NT village food(盆菜) to say goodbye to the Estate. And there will be games, picture exhibition and films for people to call back their memory of life in WCH estate.

Date: 9 Dec(Sunday)

Time: 11am-5pm

Venue: the carpark of WCH estate

Fee: $60

Participants need to buy ticket at the ground floor of Pik Long House, Shek Pai Wan estate. You could call 2555 6902 for details.

2007年11月27日 星期二

報章報導:影子區議員? 07年11月23日 (The Shadow District Councillor?)

上星期五的Take Me Home 又報導了我們民主黨南區團隊(詳見:http://www.takemehome.com.hk/view_epaper.php?p=filedata/epaper/papers/0F/20071123/HKET_20071123_0F_003-01.jpg&f_date=2007-11-23&f_area=0F&f_pageno=003),以我們幾乎全取五席(可惜最後華貴以及利東二兩區以不足百票而飲恨落敗,詳見:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/article?mid=1435&fid=-1&action=next),分析指"南區政味漸濃",詳情可瀏覽該報報導。



The free local newspaper Take-Me-Home reported my team last week. It concluded that political party will play a bigger role in Southern, because 3 of my team members were elected, and a DAB candidate won in Wah Kwai. pls see: http://www.takemehome.com.hk/view_epaper.php?p=filedata/epaper/papers/0F/20071123/HKET_20071123_0F_003-01.jpg&f_date=2007-11-23&f_area=0F&f_pageno=003 and ://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/article?mid=1438&fid=-1&action=next

But the Council will sitll be dominated by the so-called traditional individual community activists.

And, there's a shorter report on my opponent, who was reported that he has been planning the next election. Pls see: http://www.takemehome.com.hk/view_epaper.php?p=filedata/epaper/papers/0F/20071123/HKET_20071123_0F_004-01.jpg&f_date=2007-11-23&f_area=0F&f_pageno=004

The DAB has a plenty of recourses to support my opponent to be a "shadow district councillor". I welcome this challenge if it is true. And I think such competition benefits our residents most.

2007年11月25日 星期日

風鈴繫不住,一片落花聲:阿碩的選舉感想 A Friend's Article in Xanga





選舉是team work,雖然朋友們只在投票日當天來幫忙幾個小時,但他們是我這個team不可或缺的一份子。選舉已畢,或許可以稍作"詩情畫意"的想象:朋友們的幫忙就如落花伴著風鈴,聲聲入耳,我永記於心。



Shek wrote an article on me. He is a good friend of mine and he came to help me as a volunteer on the voting day, Shek is a very few friend who encouraged me to do my best as an assistant to district and legislative councilors. He fully supported me to run for the elected office.

Shek writes classical poems, and he is good at it. It’s a pity that I can’t translate his work in English properly. These are the best lines I still remember:

Not the wind bells can stop

Sounds of flower falling

There were around 30 friends came to be volunteers on the voting day. I thank for them a lot. Political campaign is a team work. Even they just came to help for a few hours, they actually were members of my team, and helped to win this election. Most of my friends live in Kowloon, some of them in NT, but they came without hesitation, because of me. And I know there were two among them, worked overnight before the voting day, but they still came to help.

I am thankful to have such friends. Allow me to re-write the lines of Shek’s to express my gratitude:

Not the sounds of wind bells and the flower falling can stop

My gratitude to you, my dearest friends

真心良心 陳方安生 Anson Chan: Vote From Your heart

前政務司司長陳方安生參加立法會港島區補選(她的競選blog:: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/yourchoiceyourvoice ; 網站:http://www.yourchoiceyourvoice.org/ ),南區的拉票工作自然少不了我的份。其實早在我的競選期,我已兩次任義工,替陳太助選拉票。原因無他,她這次代表香港的核心價值參選,並毅然爭取普選。






12月2日,請您支持陳太,用選票向這樣污穢不堪的政治手法say no.


After my own campaign was completed, I've started to help Anson Chan, the former Chief Secretary, to run for her by-election of LegCo HK island constituency. (See her platform at : http://www.yourchoiceyourvoice.org/en/index.html)

Legislative Councillor, Dr. Yeung Sum, whom I assist to, went to Aberdeen Centre with me to distribute leaflets and called for support last Friday and this morning. We support Mrs. Chan becasue she represents the core value of HK, and she promises to fight for universal suffrage in 2012.

I attended a forum in Central, which held by 8 media agencies, for the 8 candidates to debate the policy and present their political platform.

As usual, the pro-Beijing camp organized a lot of people to come to support their candidate, Mrs Regina Ip. But our spirit was high, because we all went there with our heart I think.

Please vote for Anson Chan, vote from your heart and vote for the core value of HK, and her determination in fighting for democracy.

2007年11月23日 星期五



只有在個人主義而導致解體的社會裡,審美創造的主體才能把精神中心轉移到自己身上,只有在市民階級的世界裡,個人才會變得在精神領域孤獨無助,使個人成為自己的參照點,讓自己承擔全部重負,而在過去,重負是按等級分配給社會秩序中職能不同的人。在這個社會裡,個人得成為自己的教士。不僅如此,由於虔敬(Religiosen)的核心意義和持久性,個人還得做自己的詩人、自己的哲學家、自己的君王、自己的人格大教堂的首席建築師。浪漫派和浪漫現象的終極根源,在於私人教士制之中(im privaten Priestertum)。如果我們從這些方面來考慮,就不應只盯著心地善良的牧歌派。相反,我們必須看看浪漫運動背後的絕望----不管這絕望是在一個灑滿月光的甜蜜夜晚為了上帝和世界而變成抒情的狂喜,還是因塵世的疲憊和世紀病而歎息,悲觀地撕裂自我,抑或瘋狂地鑽進本能和生命的深淵。我們必須看看以其怪異的面孔刺穿色彩斑斕的幕布的三個人:拜倫、波德萊爾和尼采。他們是這種私人教士制中的三位大祭司,也是其三個犧牲品。



2007年11月22日 星期四

尋找辦事處的故事 Office Wanted








I had been to our communiyt to thank voters for their support these days. I failed again to take one or two days to have a good rest. Of course, it was certainly a happy thing to go into peoples as a winner to thank for support.

I've been looking for my own office these days too. Even it will be a tiny one, an office located in my constituency is important for resident to reach me, and it certainly shows that I do care our community and I'm here to serve.

A tiny office is like my tiny success in this election. I'll work hard to manage it well enough to gain a bigger one, boht the office and the success in the future.

PS: I've been looking for a location of my office, suggestions are always welcome. 

My Team Had Done a Great Job in Southern

There's an overwhelming view that we democrat lost badly in this district election. As a whole, I won't deny that it's a cruel fact that we must accept.

But the situation in Southern is quite different. My team had done a great job.

My party has most candidates (5 in total) took part in this election in Southern, a district long time dominated by so-called "traditional individual community activist". Because of our community work, we won in 3 constituencies; there are Andrew Fung Wai Kwong in South Horizons (West), Henry Chai Man Hon in Wah Fu (2), and my constituency Wong Chuk Hang.


South Horizons West


FUNG Wai-kwong



LAW Kam-hung



Wah Fu II


CHAI Man-hon



TSANG Tze-kwan, Marina



Wong Chuk Hang


HUI Wan-mai



TSUI Yuen-wa



WONG Choi-lap


Actually, we DO have chance to win in 5 constituencies.

The other 2 democrats, who lost in  a tiny margin, 87 in Wah Kwai and only 27 in Lee Tung (2). And I have to remind you that even though there's no July 1 effect in this election, we gained more votes than before; and in Lee Tung(2), my team member, LO Kin-hei, is just a 23 year old young man, but fighting a incumbent who in office for more than a decade! He gained 1478 votes, only lost for 27 votes. He had done a brilliant job!


Lei Tung II


LO Kin-hei



WONG Che-ngai



Wah Kwai


HUNG Tenny



YEUNG Siu-pik


(http://www.elections.gov.hk/dc2007/eng/results_southern.html )

Theres a public opinion that we democrats just focuses on our work in fighting for democracy, but have not done it well in community work. My team in Southern proves it is not true. We have been doing quite a lot of community works, and they were reflected in the result of this election.

We will keep working hard in Southern, both in political issues and livelihood issues.