2007年11月29日 星期四

重回中大母校 分享從政經驗 Sharing at GPA Dept, CUHK

今晚我有幸獲中大政治及公共行政高級導師蔡子強的邀請,回了中大與自己的師弟師妹分享做議員助理和從政的經驗(年中時我也曾回中大政政系,參加一個GPA課程focus group 的討論,見:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/article?mid=140)


離開中大時,和蔡生談起閱讀,我說回中大途中,重讀了韋伯的"以政治為志業"(Politics as Vocation),平時則仍愛讀甘陽、劉小楓、Leo Strauss、Carl Schmitt(http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/article?mid=1443)等人的作品,而這也是我打算進修讀政治哲學或歷史學的原因。蔡生聽後頗驚訝,說現在讀韋伯的議員助理和議員很罕有。但他建議我讀法律學位,認為更有助我的從政事業。我很贊同他的看法。


的確如此。興趣還是事業,這又是一個to be or not to be 的問題,我要在一月前決定報讀哪個課程。



Thanks to Mr Choy Chi Keong, I went back to CUHK to share my experience with students studying at GPA Dep't, which I'd been studying for 3 years.  Actaully I went back to CUHK to take part in a focus group to review the course structure of the dep't in June 2007. Pls see: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/article?mid=140 

Students were interested in my work as a assistant to councillors, a member of DPHK, and of course, a district councillor-elect too. I were glad to share experience with them, I'm the only one in 2004 GPA graduates, who take part in politics; I wonder are there one or two among these students will work in the same field like mine.

We talked about reading while Mr Choy and I leaving CUHK. He was quite surprised when I told him that I re-read Max Weber's "Politics as Vocation" while I was taking bus back to CUHK. Actually I read works by Gan Yan, Liu Xiaofeng, Leo Strauss, Carl Schmitt and Weber a lot, because political philosophy is what I’m interested in, and this is why I'm considering furthering my education in this field. And, I'm interested in intellectual history in ancient China as well. 

But I agree with Mr Choy: a law degree may be more helpful to my career (vocation).

One of student reminded me that I am again back to a situation of value judgment.

I'll be glad to have your advice on my further education.

