2008年4月25日 星期五

流浪狗肆虐深灣 Street Dogs Problem at Shum Wan Area





我的女兒昨日(22-3-2008)晚上12:00坐N72巴士回家,在『陳白沙中學』的站下車,步行回『雅濤閣』, 當行經﹝百佳至深灣遊艇會﹞對面的行人路時, 突然有兩隻野狗從『南朗醫院』的後門邊位走出,撲向咬我女兒的大脾,她拚命爭扎跑過對面馬路,幸好有一個途人經過,把狗區走。


徐生, 你是我們本區的區議員, 現知會您一聲, 亦希望您能跟進一下,把那些野狗捉去, 免滋擾咬人及擾人清夢等。

I've been following up the issue of street dogs problem at Shum Wan Area since 2006, and the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department sends its people to this area to catch street dogs regularly. However, the result is not good enough to solve the problem.

This problem is getting worse lately. Unfortunately, a Broadview Court resident was hurt by a street dog at Shum Wan Road while she was going home at night. (Pls refer to the message board of this blog(Chinese only: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/guestbook)

I've urged the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department to have a special action to tackle this problem. The Dept agreed finally and will send a team to catch street dogs at Shum Wan Area next Monday.

I'll keep following up this issue to keep street dogs away from our neighbourhood.
