2008年9月10日 星期三

深灣道路面不平及枯竹問題 Potential Dangers at Shum Wan Rd



PS: 現場觀察時發現遊艇會的士站前也有類似問題,我也已要求路政署一併維修。

I got some complaints from residents on the voting day. The following Shum Wan Rd where near the exit of Shum Wan bus terminal is uneven, the resident fears that when the vehicle passing it jolts that cause potential danger, he is especially concerned about it because his wife is pregnant. We've written a letter to the concerned dept to repair the surface, because it also could cause danders to children and senior residents.



There's a resident told me to keep following up the bamboo case.(See my previous follow up: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/our_wch/article?mid=3764&prev=3772&next=3744), he said there is greater potential danger that the whole bamboo may fall because the bamboo is too heavy and he finds cracks between the roots of the bamboo and the mud.

I've demanded the Lands Dep's to inspect and prevent the dangers.
