2008年3月24日 星期一

黃竹坑起大商場? Shopping Mall in Wong Chuk Hang?

The chairwoman of Southern District Concil, Ms Ma Yuet Ha, proposes to build a shopping mall at ex-Wong Chuk Hang estate. I support her proposal, but I have a more comprehensive idea that I think we should take this re-building opportunity to fihgt for more public facilities, not only for local WCH residents, but also for all Southern District people. My party and I had proposed this idea to the concerned housing and planning departments before. You may refer to my previous blog articles at: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/index?l=f&id=16&page=2

The Re-building progress is not yet begun, we still dont' know the design of this new residential area. But I guess it will be like the Hollywood Plaza at MTR Diamond Hill station.

For the benefit of its own, the MTR Corp. will surely use every foot of the place to make profit, so it will be a tough task for me and for my party to fight for the public facilities. But we will do our best to keep following up this issue.


南區區議會主席馬月霞女士上星期接受Take Me Home訪問,倡議於黃竹坑建大商場。馬主席的確道出了市民一部分的心聲,但我認為僅僅起大商場並不足夠,而忽視其他如街市、文娛中心或社區中心等公用設施,這個不僅可供黃竹坑當區居民使用,文娛中心則可供整個南區的市民使用。後者是我長期向政府倡議的主張,並曾與房委會及規劃署開會正式提出我們的建議。(我先前寫過多篇blog文講及這個問題,各位可參考:http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/index?l=f&id=16&page=2)





