2008年3月28日 星期五

將軍一去,大樹飄零?Old Soldier Never Die, They Just Fade Away

馬丁李柱銘宣佈不再參選立法會,加上早前的楊森也宣傳將排在第二位,很可能兩位資深議員同時告別議會生涯,民主黨似有將軍一去,大樹飄零之感!我們身在港島,尤能感到這份震撼(我好早前曾寫過馬丁一篇blog: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kevin-wch/article?mid=489 )。



Veteran Legislator Martin Lee decided not to run for another term in Legco. Together with Dr. Yueng Sum, who decided to set himself on the second place in the ballot ticket, our Southern team will probably lose 2 key members. It's a huge change and  we feel the shock.

But it's certain that Democratic Party will keep on fighting for democracy in HK, we will keep on safeguarding rule of law and the freedoms we enjoy. 

And it's certain too, that other party members, like Mr Kam Nai Wai and Mr Andrew Fung, and other young members, will replace the "old soldiers". As the well known saying by Douglas MacArthur: old Soldier never die, they just fade away.(see: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/macarthur/filmmore/reference/primary/macspeech05.html)

Martin and Dr.Yeung just fade away; we will carry on their noble mission to keep fighting for our dream of democracy.


