2010年12月15日 星期三



Ming Pao Daily News 
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【明報專訊】教育局昨宣布,批出何文田忠孝街的私大用地予公開大學,以及沙田小瀝源土地予恒生管理學院,讓兩間大學可合共提供3400 個大學學額,發展私立大學。恒生管理學院校長崔康常表示,計劃斥資7 億元擴建,期望新校舍趕及2012 年9 月啟用,紓緩新舊學制畢業生同時升讀大學造成的學位不足問題。


政府自去年底先後預留6 幅土地興建私大,今年3 月推出位於何文田、黃竹坑和沙田小瀝源的土地供院校競投,吸引4 間大學申請。經獨立遴選委員會評核後,教育局昨批出何文田和小瀝源用地,給公開大學和恒生管理學院。

恒生管理學院校長崔康常表示,獲批土地與學校現有校舍相連,擴建後學校建築面積將增加兩倍,校方計劃斥資7 億元興建室內泳池、體育館、圖書館等。新校舍最快可趕及2012 年9 月落成啟用,額外提供1000 個學額。他透露,學校已申請附近多幅土地,政府早前承諾若今次申請成功,會批出其餘土地給學校。校方初步計劃興建超過1000個宿位,以及模擬金融交易所和模擬銀行等設施。

成功申請何文田忠孝街土地的公開大學,校長梁智仁表示,計劃興建一所新學院,開辦文化創意、檢測認證、醫療服務等6 大產業相關的學位課程,額外提供2400 個學額,新校舍預計在明年中動工,期望在2013 年9 月落成啟用。

South China Morning Post 
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In Brief

Three hurt in fall from platform in new tunnel

Three workers were injured in a fall from a three-metre platform in a drainage tunnel under construction in Tai Hang Road, Happy Valley yesterday. The workers were dismantling a tunnel-boring machine at the time. One of them suffered a broken leg while the others were treated for minor injuries at Ruttonjee Hospital. The three men are employees of the Drainage Services Department's contractor.

Private university sites granted for expansion

The Open University and Hang Seng Management College have been granted two sites for expansion by the government. The sites - in Cheung Hau Street, Ho Man Tin, and at Siu Lek Yuen in Sha Tin - are among six earmarked for the development of private universities. The other four sites are in Fanling, Tseung Kwan O, Tai Wai and Wong Chuk Hang. Four institutions had applied for the two sites.
