2010年2月19日 星期五

跟進CSL「無限上網」突限用量 Mobile broadband services





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「無限上網」突嚴限用量 用戶轟CSL 擅改合約電管局調查


無限上網實非無限?本地主要流動寬頻供應商CSLone2fre e,本月突以「公平使用」為名, 對新舊客戶齊實施嚴厲下載量限制。其中最廉宜的無限上網計劃( 3.6Mbps),用家若一個月下載量超過4GB, 有關月份的上網速度即會大減99%至僅餘16kbps。 有受害用戶訴苦,現時連查看電郵都有困難,批評CSL  單方面更改合約條款,並不公平。

電訊管理局關注事件,並證實過去兩個月收到26 宗類似投訴,正調查寬頻商有否誤導客戶或違例, 包括對下載量的新限制是否與當初聲稱的「無限用量」有牴觸。 明報記者陳志偉


CSL 回應時承認, 一直有執行公平使用政策以限制用戶下載流量, 但強調目的是確保所有客戶都可享用穩定良好的網絡質素, 以及減少因個別用戶下載量過大(如使用P2P 分享檔案),導致服務受影響或導致網絡擠塞。CSL 會向投訴人 跟進事件,但呼籲客戶因應個人需要,選用合適的服務計劃。

本港流動無限寬頻計劃漸普及,但用戶日多之下,網絡負擔亦日重。 其中,CSL one2free 去年7 月已實行公平使用政策,把最廉宜的「3.6Mbps( 3600kbps)無限上網計劃」的每月總流量上限定為3GB, 上網超額者,速度會大減至128Kbps,令無限上網變成「 有限」。

每月用逾4GB 減速度16kbps 慢過撥號

至本月,one2free 在網上公布進一步收緊公平使用政策,規定「3.6Mbps 無限上網計劃」新舊客戶,若某月份上網總流量超過4GB, 該月上網速度會大減逾99%至僅餘16kbps, 這速度比起多年前的老式電話撥號上網速度(56kbps) 還要慢。至於較貴的7.2Mbps 及21Mbps 上網計劃亦有總流量限制,但較為寬鬆,分別為10GB 及50GB。

因4GB 限制只等如下載6 張VCD 電影光碟,或看2000 分鐘youTube 影片,新限制隨即引起不少已簽約網友投訴屬太嚴厲及不公平。Y 先生是其中一人,他去年7 月,以月費188 元簽下長達兩年的one2free 「3.6Mbps 無限上網計劃」,他指當時已表明需要以IP camera 監察家中及寵物情况, 早知數據傳輸量大,one2free 職員保證此計劃可無限上網,他於是才簽約。

但至本月22 日,他發現上網速度突大減,僅餘16kbps, 看一個網頁或查看電郵也要2、3 分鐘,令他很苦惱。他查問下才得悉,原來CSL  以他的上網流量超過了於剛實施的「4GB 公平使用量限制」,故大幅調低了他的上網速度。

Y 先生質疑CSL 無理單方面更改合約, 因當初簽約時合約條款只說他「受公平使用政策約束」, 但條文並無列明4GB 的流量限制。他訴苦說,由於有約在身,無法轉台, 已向消委會及電管局投訴

電訊管理局表示關注,表示自12 月起已收到26 宗類似投訴,若證實供應商曾誤導消費者,即屬違反《電訊條例》 7M 條,局方可以罰款,而受害人可向該局投訴

D09  |   通通識-英文  |   Editorial

Mobile broadband services

明報英語網「雙語社評」english.mingpao. com/critic.htm

COMPLAINTS about telecommunicationservices have come in an endless stream.The newest are about speed restrictions onsome mobile broadband customers. CSL is suspectedto have unilaterally revised its contracts with its users.That is very unfair to them. Some telecommunicationoperators' services have fallen short of specifications.The problem emerged last year. The ConsumerCouncil and the Office of the TelecommunicationsAuthority (OFTA) have received several times morecomplaints about mobile broadband services.However, OFTA has done little to have serviceproviders remedy the situation. OFTA must do whatmay cure maladies of the industry. If it fails to do so,the government should shake it up.

CSL has used "unlimited download" to sell itsmobile broadband services. Unlimited download is amajor factor that has decided many to subscribe to itsservices. True, its contract with such a customerstipulates "fair use". However, the meaning of "fair" isnot explained. That is in fact a trap - an unequalcondition. Furthermore, it is extremely unfair to its oldcustomers for a service provider to impose speedrestrictions on them so that it can serve new customers.

Download speed is an essential feature of anoperator's service package. If a customer is subjectedto speed restrictions, he will have "limited download"rather than "unlimited download". The change may beregarded as a unilateral contract amendment. If theservice provider informs a customer there will be achange and he accepts it, he consents to thecontractual amendment, and no problem will arise.However, if he does not accept it, he ought to beallowed to have his contract cancelled. Atelecommunication service contract usually runs for 18months to 24 months. If he may not terminate hiscontract, he must long endure services that fall short ofspecifications. Not only would he lose money, but hewould also suffer mental torment.

If service providers do not increase theirhardware, they will be unable to cope when they havemore customers. That is why some of them have usedthe "fair use" clause to impose speed restrictions ontheir old customers. OFTA has a duty to ensureoperators' services are up to standard. It may introducea licensing condition that says the hardware such acompany controls must be a function of the amount ofthe services it provides. That would prevent what isakin to a situation where "there are seven jars but onlythree lids". Unless an operator has adequatehardware, it will eventually be unable to cope, and itsservices will suffer.

Last year complaints about mobile broadbandservices surged. Most complainants said operators'advertisements contained misrepresentations anddownload speed was lower than they claimed. OFTAwas aware long ago that some operators' mobilebroadband services had fallen short of specifications.However, it has yet to take any vigorous measures torequire them to make improvements. That is why theproblem has kept worsening.

There are problems with telecommunicationservices often because OFTA is unaware of what ishappening or turns a blind eye to what has happened.It was reported last month that some operators fleecedconsumers almost fraudulently by flooding them withchargeable mobile content services. At first OFTA (alicensing agency) said there was noting it could do.There was a public outcry. No sooner had Secretaryfor Commerce and Economic Development Rita Lauinstructed that it do something than OFTA did anabout-turn, saying there were things it could do. It canthus be seen how passive and incompetent OFTA is.The government must shake OFTA up before it canreturn the telecommunication industry to the right track.Only if OFTA works better will citizens be troubled byfewer problems of telecommunication services.



服務須與硬件掛鈎 迫使網絡商增投資

消費者投訴電訊服務層出不窮, 最新一例是流動寬頻客戶被嚴厲限速。就此事,電訊網絡商CSL 有單方面改變合約之嫌,對客戶不公平。 此事說明網絡商所提供服務貨不對辦,有關問題去年已經浮現, 消委會和電訊管理局收到對流動寬頻服務的投訴以倍數增加, 電管局卻未確切要求網絡商改善。 電管局必須以實際行動端正業內流弊,不然的話, 政府應該整頓電管局,務求減少電訊服務對市民的困擾。

當初CSL 以無限上網作招徠,是消費者選用其寬頻服務的主要考慮, 合約雖然寫有「公平使用」,但是何謂「公平」,並無闡釋, 實際上是「合約陷阱」,屬於不平等條款;另外, 若網絡商為了吸引新客戶,對舊客戶限速,但限速的嚴厲程度, 對舊客戶極不公平。

流動寬頻下載速度乃網絡商提供服務的要件,限速之後, 「無限上網」變為「有限上網」,這個改變, 可視為單方面更改合約。若網絡商有知會客戶,客戶接受限速安排, 那是你情我願,無問題;若網絡商改變合約,客戶不予接受, 網絡商應該讓客戶有解除合約的權利。這類電訊服務合約, 一般長達18 至24 個月,客戶若不獲終止合約,要長時間忍受服務貨不對辦, 不但損失金錢,也是一種精神折磨。

客戶增加了,硬件設施未相應增加,最終必然出現僧多粥少, 網絡商以「公平使用」概念限制舊客戶下載速度, 其實是這個情况的反映。電管局有責任監督網絡商確保服務質素, 電管局應該從發牌着手,規定網絡商提供的服務要與硬件設施掛鈎, 以杜絕3 個蓋應付7 個盅的情况,否則最終必然出現捉襟見肘,張羅不過來, 影響服務質素。

關於流動寬頻的投訴,去年大增。投訴內容, 大多指摘網絡商的廣告失實,聲稱的上網速度與實際不符。因此, 部分網絡商的流動寬頻服務,有貨不對辦之嫌,電管局早已知悉, 只是未採取有力措施,要求網絡商改善,致使事態日益惡化。

證諸電訊服務出現的問題, 許多時候都與電管局後知後覺或視而不見有關。 例如去月中揭發電訊商涉及近乎欺詐的收費短訊事件,宰割消費者, 負責發牌的電管局最初說「冇得管」,不過在市民群情洶湧、 經由商務及經濟發展局局長劉吳惠蘭責成下,電管局180 度轉變,改認為「有得管」。電管局的被動和顢頇無能,可見一斑。 因此,政府要把電訊業納入正軌,要先整頓電管局,加強領導, 困擾市民的電訊服務問題才有改善之日。
